§ 156.05  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUILDING AND GRADING ENVELOPE (BGE).  The limits of disturbance affected by the establishment of a building and grounds. All buildings, walls, lawns, site amenities and associated disturbance from construction activity shall be confined within this zone. The BGE may be sited in one mass or apportioned into several smaller compounds connected by walks or drives. Driveways are not included in the overall BGE, but parking areas and garages are.
   DIRECTOR.  The Town Zoning Administrator or his or her designee.
   EXCAVATION.  A land-disturbing activity involving the mechanical removal of earth material.
   FILLING.  A land-disturbing activity involving the placement of fill material, including the temporary stockpiling of fill material.
   FILL MATERIAL.  A deposit of earth or other natural or man-made material placed by artificial means.
   GRADING.  Any scraping, excavating or filling of the Earth's surface or combination thereof.
   HAZARDOUS WASTE.  Any waste which has been defined as a hazardous waste in regulations promulgated by the administrator of the United States Environment Protection Agency,
   LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITY.  Any grading of land, any clearing of vegetation, and any construction or rebuilding of a building or structure. This term shall not include activities such as ordinary maintenance and landscaping operations, individual home gardens, the upkeep of yard and grounds, repairs and the cutting of firewood for personal use.
   LOT OF RECORD.  A lot included within a plat which has been recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Polk County or a lot described by metes and bounds, the description of which has been so recorded.
   MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING.  A structure that contains multiple dwelling units.
   NATURAL GROUND SURFACE.  The ground surface in its original state before any land-disturbing activity.
   PROTECTED MOUNTAIN RIDGES.  All mountain ridges whose elevation is at least 1,500 feet and whose elevation is 400 feet or more above the elevation of an adjacent valley floor.
   QUADRANGLE MAP.  The most recently published U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic map prepared at a scale of one:24,000.
   REFORESTATION PLAN.  A plan, prepared by a registered forester, for replacing harvested timber by replanting or by natural regenerative processes (such as coppicing, seed trees and the like), consistent with recommended best management practices for forestry in the state.
   SENSITIVE NATURAL AREA.  Any area, which is sensitive or vulnerable to physical or biological alteration, as identified now or hereafter by the State Natural Heritage Program and which contains one or more of the following:
      (1)   Habitat, including nesting sites, occupied by rare or endangered species;
      (2)   Rare or exemplary natural communities;
      (3)   Significant landforms, hydroforms or other geologic features; or
      (4)   Other areas so designated by the State Natural Heritage Program, which are sensitive or vulnerable to physical or biological alteration.
   SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING.  A dwelling structure that is designed for the use of one family. For purposes of this chapter only, the term includes manufactured homes.
   SLOPE.  An inclined earth surface, the inclination of which is expressed as the ratio of horizontal distance to vertical distance. In this chapter, slopes are generally expressed as a percentage ,-percentage of slope refers to a given rise in elevation over a given run distance. A 50% slope, for example, refers to a 100 foot rise in elevation over a distance of 200 feet. A 50% slope is expressed in engineering terms as a two:one slope.
   SLOPE DISTRICT.  An area of land within a tract that is proposed to be developed that is no greater than 20 acres in size, for which an average slope shall be computed in order to certify compliance with the provisions of this chapter. These districts shall be contiguous with one another and the boundaries of such shall coincide with proposed lot and open space boundaries.
   UNDISTURBED.  The natural ground surface remains in its natural state; no land-disturbing activity occurs; no vegetation is removed, except as exempted by this chapter; and no impervious surface is constructed thereon.
(Ord. passed - -2008)