(A)   The information described in division (C) below, shall be submitted as part of the first town application requirement encountered by the applicant, including, without limitation, approval of a preliminary subdivision plat, a phased subdivision master plan, permit for land-disturbing activity, development plan approval or permit for a building, road or driveway for anything other than a single-family dwelling or two-family dwelling.
   (B)   Family subdivisions, two-lot subdivisions, and any other subdivision of land that may be exempt as defined in § 153.26(B)(1) through (4) are excused from submitting a soils report, a hydrological report and plan, and a geotechnical analysis and plan; provided, however, if the subdivision is excused from the requirements, the plat shall contain, in a prominent location and of a prominent size, the following note: "This subdivision is located in an area of steep slopes as determined by the town. Steep slopes are inherently unstable and may be subject to severe erosion or landslides. No soils, hydrological or geotechnical analyses or reports have been prepared for this subdivision to determine the suitability of the lots contained herein for development."
   (C)   Once a topographic survey, as defined in division (C)(1) below, is performed for a slope district, and the slope is found to be greater than 20%, but less than 30%, then the application requirements for that slope district shall comply with § 156.12(D)(2) below. If the slope for the given slope district is found to be at or above 30%, then all of the following information must be submitted for the slope district. This division (C) shall not prevent the submission of one analysis or report for multiple slope districts. (See § 156.25(N) below for more details concerning slope calculations and submissions).
      (1)   Topographic survey. A topographic survey of the project site shall be required for preliminary subdivision plat approval. Notes and details of existing terrain shall be included in the required topographic information. A topographic survey may be required by the Director for any other application for land-disturbing activity or building approval where reliable data on existing topography including town and/or county GIS maps or other topographic maps which may be available do not provide sufficient detail to administer the requirements of this chapter. The topographic survey, if required by this section or by the Director pursuant to this section, shall provide contour intervals of no more than two feet unless otherwise approved by the Director.
      (2)   Certification of maximum structure height. Plans submitted with an application for a building permit shall contain a certification that the maximum height of any proposed structure complies with the height restrictions contained in this chapter.
      (3)   Soils report. This report shall include conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of soil conditions on the proposed development. This report shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer, soil scientist, engineering geologist or other qualified professional approved by the Director. The report may use the soil survey prepared and published by the Natural Resources Conservation Service for the county, as its basis, although site specific soil tests may be required at the discretion of the Director.
      (4)   Hydrology report and plan. This report shall include a complete description of the hydrology of the site, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of hydrological conditions on the proposed development, and the capacity of the site to be developed. Hydrology reports shall be completed by a registered professional engineer experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of hydrology, or other qualified professional approved by the Director. A hydrological control plan, prepared by a professional engineer experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of hydrology, or other qualified professional approved by the Director, shall also be required. At a minimum the plan shall show and take into account the direction of flow within the local drainage basin; all natural drainage channels directed toward and away from the site within 50 feet of the perimeter of the site, and other natural drainage ways which may affect or be affected by the development proposal. Field verification of existing drainage channels shall be required as there has not been a comprehensive survey of streams in the United States and therefore many available maps underestimate the presence of headwater streams. Alterations of natural drainage ways shall be prohibited except for approved road crossings and drainage structures. Natural drainage shall be rip-rapped or otherwise stabilized below drainage and culvert discharge points for a distance sufficient to convey the discharge without channel erosion. Special notations shall be included which highlight details of the terrain, existing natural surface drainage and areas subject to seepage or spring flow.
      (5)   Geotechnical analysis and report. This analysis and report shall address the existing geology, topographic and hydrological conditions of the site, including an evaluation of the ability of the site to accommodate the proposed activity. The analysis and report shall contain a professional opinion regarding the slope stability, soil bearing capacity, the potential for landslide or other geological hazards and their potential impact on structures or surrounding properties, and any other pertinent information. The geotechnical report and analysis shall also contain a recommendation regarding foundation design, cut or fill slope design, soil bearing potential, and building restrictions or setbacks, such as are necessary to satisfy the intent of this chapter and to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Upon completion of all improvements shown on approved plans but prior to the issuance of any final approval of improvements by the town, the applicant shall submit a declaration by the geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist that all work was done in substantial accordance with the recommendations contained in the geotechnical analysis and report as approved and in accordance with approved plans.
      (6)   Assessment. Applications for preliminary and final plat approval for maj or and minor subdivisions (including multi-phased maj or subdivisions) shall be accompanied by a written assessment addressing the environmental, scenigraphic, and public safety impacts of the effect that the project will have on the environment of the mountain or hill after the project has been completed and is in operation.
(Ord. passed - -2008)