(a)   No owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of any lot or land located within the municipality shall establish, construct, maintain or permit to remain in the municipality a privy, cesspool or other receptacle for sewage or excreta, for connection to a private sewer ditch or other outlet, if such lot or land is within 300 feet of a public sewer constructed and used for the purpose of conveying sewage. When such public sewer is available or is hereafter made available, a connection to such public sewer shall be established and used within 60 days after such public sewer is so available by such owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant, who shall, for such purpose obtain a connection permit from the Division of Water and Sewer. The Sewer Inspector shall inspect and approve each connection for which a permit is issued hereunder and shall maintain a record thereof.
   (b)   “Port-A-Jons” and/or other similarly structured toilets shall not be located and/or used within the municipality except on construction sites while construction is in progress or as authorized for temporary conditional use by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the City Planning Commission in the Site Plan Review process set forth in City Code § 1260.32 or at fairs, festivals, activities approved by the Park Recreation and Cemetery Board which are thereby deemed to require the use of the same and other such special events, and upon the conclusion of such events the same shall be forthwith removed from the municipality by the event sponsor or the construction site owner.
(Ord. 98-O-1696, passed 9-15-1998; Ord. 02-O-1971, passed 10-1-2002; Ord. 04-O-2173, passed 12-21-2004; Ord. 16-O-2860, passed 4-5-2016)