(a)   User classification. The municipality shall classify all users of its facilities as residential, commercial or industrial users.
   (b)   Determination of the volume of waste discharged. In order to determine the volume and concentration of waste discharged by any person, for the purpose of determining the applicable sewer service rate, the municipality may use as the figure representing the number of gallons of sewage discharged into the sewer system the amount of water supplied to the premises, the number of gallons of sewage discharged into the sewerage system, as determined by meter measurements taken at a control manhole installed by the owner at the owner’s expense, or a figure determined by any combination of the foregoing.
   (c)   Analysis for industrial or high-strength discharges.
      (1)   Any user classified as an industrial user shall submit an analysis of the discharge from such industry showing a determination of the concentration of wastes contained in such discharge. The municipality retains the right to sample and test, at the expense of the municipality, the discharge from any user suspected of discharging a high-strength waste. If tests confirm the presence of a high-strength discharge, the user shall be required to make future samples and tests, at intervals determined by the municipality, at the user’s expense.
      (2)   After the initial classification of a user by the municipality, the municipality may from time to time request a repeat analysis of any user in order to ensure the accuracy of sewer service charges.
   (d)   Validation of analysis by municipality. The municipality shall have the right to make its own analysis of a user’s discharge in order to validate the analysis submitted by such user.
   (e)   Special charges for high-strength wastes (surcharges). The municipality may impose special charges over and above the user charges set out in § 1044.14 if a particular waste causes additional expense to the municipality in its handling and treatment of such waste. To determine the acceptability of any such waste and the charge for treatment thereof, the municipality shall require persons wishing to discharge such wastes to submit a written analysis of the characteristics of such wastes. Such analysis may be validated by the municipality as provided for in division (d) hereof.
   (f)   Method of analysis. The handling, storage and analysis of all samples for the determination of the characteristics of the waste shall be performed by laboratory determinations.
   (g)   Industrial Cost Recovery System. The Industrial Cost Recovery System (ICRS) Regulations, as published by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, are hereby adopted by the municipality in their entirety. An ICRS shall be implemented, when necessary, by the municipality, pursuant to the applicable agency regulations.
(Ord. 80-O-477, passed 1-15-1980)