§ 209.01 Nuisance Plants, Refuse, and Surface Water
   (a)   The following conditions provide harborage and breeding grounds for pests or are otherwise conducive to the creation of human health problems, and are therefore declared to be nuisances which shall be removed or abated from any property on which they are found:
      (1)   Grass over eight (8) inches in height;
      (2)   Noxious weeds including Russian, Canadian, common, or musk thistle; shatter cane; Johnsongrass; wild lettuce; wild mustard; wild parsley; wild parsnip; wild carrot; giant hogweed; ragweed; wild plants that can cause skin reaction upon contact or produce or aggravate hay fever, asthma, allergic respiratory reaction, or similar conditions; and all other noxious weeds, including those listed as prohibited noxious weeds in OAC 901:5-37-01, as it may be amended;
      (3)   Refuse including trash, junk, garbage and food waste, offal, animal wastes, tires, and all other waste materials;
      (4)   Stagnant surface water.
   (b)   The owner, operator, or person in possession or control of the property shall remove or otherwise abate any nuisance described in this section.
   (c)   The Director of Public Health or Commissioner of Environment may post a seventy-two (72) hour notice to abate any nuisance under this section. If the nuisance is not abated within seventy-two (72) hours, the Director of Public Health or Commissioner of Environment may request that the Department of Public Works immediately abate the nuisance without further notice, and bill the owner for the costs of any abatement.
   (d)   If the nuisance for which the Director of Public Health or Commissioner of Environment has posted a notice to abate is for the nuisance of high grass, noxious weeds, or related overgrowth or brush, or if notice has been posted for the same under Section 3103.09(b)(3), the Director of Public Health or Commissioner of Environment may cause such nuisance to be abated or removed during the remainder of the growing season without further posting of notice. Such notice may be appealed during the remainder of the growing season under Section 209.06.
   (e)   Noxious weeds shall be abated by removal, by turning under the soil, by destruction through the use of herbicides, or by any other means approved by the Commissioner of Environment.
(Ord. No. 1039-2023. Passed 2-5-24, eff. 2-6-24)