No individual, partnership or corporation shall be permitted to conduct the business of moving picture exhibitions, until he or she has applied for and procured from the Commissioner of Building a certificate that the premises wherein the exhibitions are to be given and the apparatus used in connection therewith are in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and such other sections of the Codified Ordinances relating thereto.
(Ord. No. 191-70. Passed 6-1-70, eff. 6-4-70)
The Commissioner of Building shall have authority and shall revoke the certificate issued to any person, firm or corporation for conducting or maintaining picture machine exhibitions when he or she is satisfied that such person has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or such other sections of the Codified Ordinances relating thereto. However, before revoking such certificate, opportunity shall be given such person to correct such violations.
(Ord. No. 191-70. Passed 6-1-70, eff. 6-4-70)
(a) No person, firm or corporation shall open, operate or maintain, or cause to be opened, operated or maintained, any drive-in theater without first obtaining a license to do so as hereinafter provided.
(b) For the purposes of this chapter, “drive-in theater” means any enclosed premises in which motion pictures are projected upon a screen which are viewed by patrons seated in automobiles parked within such enclosure and for which privilege an admission charge is made.
(Ord. No. 1242-49. Passed 6-27-49)
Application for a drive-in theater license shall be made to the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses on forms to be prescribed by him or her, and shall set forth the name, residence and business address of the owner, the name and address of the applicant, if individuals, and if a firm or partnership, the name or names, residence and occupation of the manager and each member of the firm or partnership, and if a corporation, the names of its officers and manager, and such other information as the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses may require. The Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses shall transmit such application for inspection and investigation to the Commissioner of Building, Commissioner of Health, Chief of Fire and Chief of Police. The Commissioner of Building, Commissioner of Health, Chief of Fire and Chief of Police each shall, after such inspection and investigation as they may deem necessary, make a report with their recommendations for approval or disapproval of such application. If such application is approved, the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses shall issue a license on payment of the proper fee hereinafter provided. The application for license shall be rejected if the report submitted shows that any person named in that application is not of good moral character or that the drive-in theater sought to be licensed does not comply with the health and fire regulations applicable thereto.
(Ord. No. 1242-49. Passed 6-27-49)
Any person, firm, corporation or association to which a drive-in theater license is granted shall pay an annual fee therefor as follows:
Number of Cars
500 or less | $500.00 |
501 to 1,000 | $1,500.00 |
Over 1,000 | $2,500.00 |
All licenses granted under the provisions of this chapter shall expire on May 1. The license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the drive-in theater for which it is issued. No transfer of any license shall be permitted.
(Ord. No. 1242-49. Passed 6-27-49)