All picture machines within which combustible film is used shall be equipped with incombustible magazines for receiving and delivering the films during the operation of the machine. A shutter must be provided and placed in front of the condenser of the machine, so arranged that it can be instantly closed by the operator.
(Ord. No. 191-70. Passed 6-1-70, eff. 6-4-70)
Only holders of a Certificate of Qualification, for Picture Machine Operator, as described in Codified Ordinance Chapter 3107, shall be employed or permitted to operate any picture machine unless the picture machine is used by and incidental to the purposes of any charitable, religious, benevolent or public or private educational organization. At the Cleveland Convention Center, the Convention Center Work Rules and any applicable collective bargaining agreements shall govern the use of licensed picture machine operators, to the extent applicable.
(Ord. No. 377-03. Passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03)
No individual, partnership or corporation shall be permitted to conduct the business of moving picture exhibitions, until he or she has applied for and procured from the Commissioner of Building a certificate that the premises wherein the exhibitions are to be given and the apparatus used in connection therewith are in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and such other sections of the Codified Ordinances relating thereto.
(Ord. No. 191-70. Passed 6-1-70, eff. 6-4-70)