693.01 Picture Machine Defined
693.02 Scope of Provisions
693.03 Compliance
693.04 Use of Picture Machines
693.05 Films Within the Booth
693.06 Hot Carbons
693.07 Qualified Operators Required
693.08 License Examinations – Repealed
693.09 License Issuance; Fee; Renewal – Repealed
693.10 Premises Compliance Certificate Required
693.11 Certificate Revocation
693.12 Drive-In Theater Defined; License Required
693.13 License Application; Approval or Disapproval
693.14 License Fee; Expiration; Posting
693.15 Drive-In Theater Operation Restrictions
693.16 License Suspension or Revocation
693.17 Appeal
693.99 Penalty
Note: The legislative history of this chapter, except where specifically noted at the end of a section, is as follows: Ordinance No. 63410-A, passed September 22, 1924.
“Picture machine” as used in this chapter means any machine or device, either permanently located or portable in nature, operated by or with the aid of electricity or any other illuminant, and which is designed, intended or used to produce and/or reproduce images whether by film, video disc, or picked up by delivered signal with or without sound with equipment of all types and sizes, mechanical and/or electronic, including but not limited to, standard motion picture projectors automated or not, audio visual equipment, telecine projectors, video tape equipment, television projectors whether on closed or open circuit and whether for large or small screens or monitors, and components and apparatus pertaining thereto.
(Ord. No. 1252-92. Passed 5-17-93, eff. 5-24-93)
(Ord. No. 191-70. Passed 6-1-70, eff. 6-4-70)
No picture machine shall be installed, maintained or operated within the City except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter and such other provisions of the Codified Ordinances relating to the installation and construction of a booth for the enclosing of a picture machine, as well as such requirements relating to the location, construction and other safety regulations for theaters, exhibition or meeting halls, auditoriums or other places of amusement or any segment thereof.
(Ord. No. 191-70. Passed 6-1-70, eff. 6-4-70)
All picture machines within which combustible film is used shall be equipped with incombustible magazines for receiving and delivering the films during the operation of the machine. A shutter must be provided and placed in front of the condenser of the machine, so arranged that it can be instantly closed by the operator.
(Ord. No. 191-70. Passed 6-1-70, eff. 6-4-70)