(a) Except as provided in division (f) of this section, the maximum rates of fare for gasoline fueled or propane fueled taxicabs, including sales tax, shall be as follows:
(1) For the first one-eighth (1/8) mile or fraction thereof, two dollars and seventy-five cents ($2.75).
(2) For each additional one-eighth (1/8) mile or fraction thereof, twenty-eight cents ($0.28).
(b) Waiting Time or Traffic Delay Charge. The rate for waiting or traffic delay shall be eighteen dollars ($18.00) per hour except for coaches hired at the hourly rate.
(c) Charge for More than Four (4) Passengers. The rate for carrying more than four (4) passengers shall be an additional one dollar ($1.00) per person for each passenger over twelve (12) years of age.
(d) Hourly Rate. On request of passengers, public hacks may accept employment where the fare may be computed on an hourly rental. When a public hack is so employed, the fare to be charged shall be computed from the time of leaving the nearest station of the owner to the time of returning to the nearest station from the point of dismissal.
(e) Receipt to Be Given. On request of a passenger, the owner, driver, chauffeur or other person in charge or control of a public hack shall provide a receipt to the person paying for the hire of the same at the time of payment. The form of the receipt shall be prescribed and approved by the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses, and shall contain in legible type or writing, the name of the owner, the City license number, the driver's City license number and other items for which a charge is made, the total amount paid, and the date of payment.
(f) Rates of Fare from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. The following maximum rates of fare apply to gasoline fueled, compressed natural gas or propane fueled taxicabs which are transporting passengers from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport to another location. These rates of fare include metered rates, taxicab operating cost recovery, fuel surcharges and depreciation, sales tax, and applicable fees, and shall be as follows:
(1) Rates from the Airport are as follows:
A. 0 to 5 miles: $13.50
B. 6 to 10 miles: $24.50
C. 11 to 15 miles: $34.50
D. 16 to 20 miles: $45.50
E. 21 to 25 miles: $56.50
F. 26 to 30 miles: $67.50
G. 31 to 35 miles: $77.50
H. 36 to 40 miles: $88.50
I. 41 miles: $99.50, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 41 miles up to 55
J. 56 miles: $132.25, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 56 miles up to 70
K. 71 miles: $165.00, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 71 miles up to 85
L. 86 miles: $197.75, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 86 miles up to 100
M. 101 miles: $230.50, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 101 miles up to 115
N. 116 miles: $263.25, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 116 miles up to 130
O. 131 miles: $296.00, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 131 miles up to 145
P. 146 miles: $328.75, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 146 miles up to 160
Q. 161 miles: $361.50, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 161 miles up to 175
R. 176 miles: $394.25, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 176 miles up to 190
S. 191 miles: $427.00, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 191 miles up to 199
T. 200 miles and over: $4.00 per mile
(2) Effective April 1, 2016, the rates from the Airport are as follows:
A. 0 to 5 miles: $15.00
B. 6 to 10 miles: $26.00
C. 11 to 15 miles: $36.00
D. 16 to 20 miles: $47.00
E. 21 to 25 miles: $58.00
F. 26 to 30 miles: $69.00
G. 31 to 35 miles: $79.00
H. 36 to 40 miles: $90.00
I. 41 miles: $101.00, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 41 miles up to 55
J. 56 miles: $133.75, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 56 miles up to 70
K. 71 miles: $166.50, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 71 miles up to 85
L. 86 miles: $199.25, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 86 miles up to 100
M. 101 miles: $232.00, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 101 miles up to 115
N. 116 miles: $264.75, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 116 miles up to 130
O. 131 miles: $297.50, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 131 miles up to 145
P. 146 miles: $330.25, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 146 miles up to 160
Q. 161 miles: $363.00, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 161 miles up to 175
R. 176 miles: $395.75, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 176 miles up to 190
S. 191 miles: $428.50, plus an additional $2.00 for each mile over 191 miles up to 199
T. 200 miles and over: $4.00 per mile
(Ord. No. 1599-12. Passed 3-25-13, eff. 3-28-13)
The Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses shall review the average price per gallon for regular unleaded gasoline prices listed by the Automobile Association of America’s State-by-State Fuel Price Average for the Cleveland-Lorain-Elyria Metro Area on the first Monday of May and the first Monday of November of each calendar year and shall adjust the rates of fare as set forth in Section 443.26 of this chapter as follows:
(a) If the average price per gallon is equal to or greater than three dollars ($3.00) per gallon on both the date of review and one (1) month prior to the date of review, the Commissioner shall authorize an increase of one dollar ($1.00) to the rates of fare set forth in Section 443.26 of this chapter. Such increase shall be published in the City Record and take effect thirty (30) days thereafter. No further increases shall be authorized until all prior increases issued under this division have been repealed under division (b) of this section.
(b) If the average price per gallon is less than three dollars ($3.00) per gallon on both the date of review and one (1) month prior to the date of review, the Commissioner shall repeal any increase in effect and the rates of fare shall remain as set forth in Section 443.26 of this chapter until such rates may be subsequently increased under division (a) of this section. Any revocation issued under this division (b) shall be published in the City Record and become effective thirty (30) days thereafter.
(c) Each change in the fare amount shall be applied to the meter. A representative of the Bureau of Weights and Measures will remove the current security seal affixed to each meter prior to the fare being changed on the meter.
(Ord. No. 1796-08. Passed 3-23-09, eff. 3-25-09)
Note: Former Section 443.261, relating to drivers’ expenses being capped and reporting, expired on December 31, 2003 and is no longer in effect.
Every driver of a public hack shall have the right to demand payment of the legal fare in advance, and may refuse employment unless so prepaid, but no driver of a public hack shall, otherwise, refuse or neglect to convey any orderly person upon request, anywhere in the City, unless previously engaged. No driver of a licensed hack shall carry any person other than the passenger first employing a hack, without the express consent of such passenger.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)
All disputes as to the lawful rate of fare shall be determined by the police officer nearest to where the dispute takes place. Failure to comply with such determination shall subject the offending party to a charge of disorderly conduct.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)
It shall be the duty of every driver of an unengaged taxicab, upon request, to transport any orderly person between any two (2) points within the City. Should it be shown at any time to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that a driver has failed to comply with the requirements of this section, the Commissioner may, after hearing, revoke the license of such driver.
(Ord. No. 1828-77. Passed 6-8-78, eff. 6-12-78)
No public hack, while soliciting employment, shall stand on any public street or place other than at or upon a public hack stand, designated or established in accordance with this chapter; nor shall any driver of such hack seek employment by repeatedly and persistently driving his or her hack to and fro in a short space before, or by otherwise interfering with the proper and orderly access to or egress from any theater, hall, hotel, public resort, railway or boat landings, or other place of public gatherings. No person shall solicit passengers for public hacks, except the driver of a public hack, when sitting upon the driver’s seat of such vehicle, except that at special points designated by the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses not more than two (2) agents may be employed to solicit business on the street. No persons shall be permitted to ride in the front seat of a taxicab with the driver, unless the rear compartment is occupied, and any driver who shall permit this may be deprived of his or her license. All police officers and inspectors of licenses shall notify the Commissioner of any violation of this provision.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)