335.01 Designation of Use Districts
335.02 Residence and Dwelling House Districts Defined
Area districts established, CO 355.01
Business Districts: prohibited and permitted uses, regulations, CO Ch. 343
Design review, CO Ch. 341
Height districts established, CO 353.01
Industrial Districts: permitted and prohibited uses, regulations, CO Ch. 345
Location of amusement parks, CO 687.05
Location of Karting parks, CO 691.13
Residential Districts; prohibited and permitted uses, regulations, CO Ch. 337
Residential parking districts, CO Ch. 339
Zoning definitions, CO Ch. 325
Area districts established, CO 355.01
Business Districts: prohibited and permitted uses, regulations, CO Ch. 343
Design review, CO Ch. 341
Height districts established, CO 353.01
Industrial Districts: permitted and prohibited uses, regulations, CO Ch. 345
Location of amusement parks, CO 687.05
Location of Karting parks, CO 691.13
Residential Districts; prohibited and permitted uses, regulations, CO Ch. 337
Residential parking districts, CO Ch. 339
Zoning definitions, CO Ch. 325
Statutory reference:
Division into districts, RC 713.06, 713.10
Division into districts, RC 713.06, 713.10
The City is hereby divided into the Public Land Protective District and into seventeen (17) use districts which shall be known, in order of restrictiveness, beginning with the most restrictive as:
Limited One-Family Districts;
One-Family Districts;
Two-Family Districts;
Townhouse (RA) Districts;
Limited Multi-Family Districts;
Multi-Family Districts;
Downtown Residential (DR) Districts;
Residence-Office Districts;
Parking Districts;
Local Retail Business Districts;
Shopping Center Districts;
University (College) Retail Districts;
General Retail Business Districts;
Residence-Industry Districts;
Semi-Industry Districts;
General Industry Districts;
Unrestricted Industry Districts.
(Ord. No. 338-97. Passed 3-26-01, eff. 4-2-01)
(a) As used in this Zoning Code, “Residence Districts” mean any one (1) or all of the first eight (8) use districts enumerated in Section 335.01.
(b) As used in this Zoning Code. “Dwelling House District” mean any or all Residence Districts other than Multi-Family Districts.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in this Zoning Code, no building or other structure or premises in a Dwelling House District shall hereafter be erected, altered, used, arranged or designed to be used, in whole or in part for other than a dwelling house.
(Ord. No. 338-97. Passed 3-26-01, eff. 4-2-01)