§ 335.01 Designation of Use Districts
   The City is hereby divided into the Public Land Protective District and into seventeen (17) use districts which shall be known, in order of restrictiveness, beginning with the most restrictive as:
   Limited One-Family Districts;
   One-Family Districts;
   Two-Family Districts;
   Townhouse (RA) Districts;
   Limited Multi-Family Districts;
   Multi-Family Districts;
   Downtown Residential (DR) Districts;
   Residence-Office Districts;
   Parking Districts;
   Local Retail Business Districts;
   Shopping Center Districts;
   University (College) Retail Districts;
   General Retail Business Districts;
   Residence-Industry Districts;
   Semi-Industry Districts;
   General Industry Districts;
   Unrestricted Industry Districts.
(Ord. No. 338-97. Passed 3-26-01, eff. 4-2-01)