309.01   Platting Rules Adopted; Subdivision Defined
309.02   Plat Drawing Requirements
309.03   Terminals and Monuments
309.04   Surveyor’s Statement
309.05   Filing and Drawing Street Profiles
309.06   Certificate of Title to Dedicated Lands
309.07   Reserve Strips
309.08   Street Locations and Widths
309.09   Minimum Street Widths; Use of Alleys
309.10   Use of Intersecting Streets
309.11   Continuation of Existing Streets in New Allotments
309.12   Increased Street-Width Requirements
309.13   Use of Dead-End Streets
309.14   Street Extensions to Unallotted Property
309.15   Acquiring Property for Streets Outside Allotment
309.16   Grade Requirements; Monuments
309.17   Allotment Owner Responsible for Culverts, Bridges, Repaving, Etc.
309.18   Special Improvements for Streets
309.19   Water Connections in Sewerless Districts
309.20   Water and Sewerage Facilities Required for Plat Approval
309.21   Bond for Plat Approval
309.22   Disposition of Approved Plat
309.23   Acceptance of Streets
309.24   Territorial Jurisdiction
309.25   Reserved
309.26   Approval of Nonconforming Lots
309.28   Fee for Plan Review for Lot Splits and Lot Consolidations
Charter reference:
   Alteration of streets by Council, Charter § 174
   Effect of platting, Charter § 172
   Platting Commissioner’s powers and duties, Charter § 171
   Street dedication, CO Ch. 307
   Underground electrical wiring required in new subdivisions, CO 521.10
Statutory reference:
   Plat acknowledgement and recording, RC 711.06
   Violation of rules and regulations, RC 711.102
§ 309.01 Platting Rules Adopted; Subdivision Defined
   (a)   The following rules and regulations relative to the platting of land and the dedication of new streets to be shown on such plats heretofore approved by the Platting Commissioner and the Planning Commission are hereby adopted and promulgated.
   (b)   “Allotment” or “subdivision” are used in this chapter synonymously and refer to any subdivision of land into either streets and lots or into lots, and intended to be recorded as a plat.
(Ord. No. 72120. Passed 12-28-25)
§ 309.02 Plat Drawing Requirements
   The plat of a proposed subdivision shall be drawn in ink upon good quality tracing cloth. It shall ordinarily be drawn to either the scale of one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet, or one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of a foot. The plat shall be complete and consistent in itself as to all measurements. The streets shown on the plat shall be named as required by Chapter 305.
(Ord. No. 72120. Passed 12-28-25)