305.01   Street Suffixes
305.02   Classification of Thoroughfares
305.03   Building Numbering
305.04   Display of Numbering
305.05   Failure to Display Building Numbering
305.06   Names of Streets and Highways
305.07   Street Maps
305.08   Defacing or Failing to Display Proper Numbers
305.09   Reserved
305.99   Penalty
   Note: The legislative history of this chapter, except where specifically noted at the end of a section, is as follows: Ordinance No. 63410-A, passed September 22, 1924.
Charter reference:
   Street vacation or change of name, Charter § 176
Statutory reference:
   Power to regulate building numbering, RC 715.26
§ 305.01 Street Suffixes
   All thoroughfares in the section bounded by Lake Erie, easterly City limits, Euclid Avenue and Ontario Street, except numbered streets shall have the suffix N.E., meaning northeast, added to the name of the thoroughfare. All thoroughfares in the section bounded by Euclid Avenue, the easterly City limits, southerly City limits to the River, the River to Canal Street extended, Canal Street to Huron Street and Ontario Street except numbered streets shall have the suffix S.E., meaning southeast, added to the name of the thoroughfare. All thoroughfares in the section bounded by Lake Erie, Ontario Street to Huron Street, Huron Street to the River, the River south to the Cincinnati Slip, from Cincinnati Slip west to Lorain Street, Lorain Street, to the City limits, the west City limits to Lake Erie, except numbered streets shall have the suffix N.W., meaning northwest, added to the name of the thoroughfare. All thoroughfares in the section bounded by Ontario Street by way of Vinegar Hill to Canal Street, Canal Street to the River, the River south to the southerly City limits, the southerly City limits and westerly City limits to Lorain Street, Lorain Street to the River at Cincinnati Slip and north along the River to Huron Street, except numbered streets, shall have the suffix S.W., meaning southwest, added to the name of the thoroughfare.
(Ord. No. 72366. Passed 2-8-26)
§ 305.02 Classification of Thoroughfares
   As used in this chapter, “thoroughfare” means all ways used or opened for public travel, whatever their present designation. All thoroughfares running in a general east and west direction shall be called avenues. All thoroughfares running in a general north and south direction shall be called streets. All diagonal thoroughfares shall be called roads. All short or disconnected thoroughfares running in a general north and south direction shall be called places. All short or disconnected thoroughfares running in a general east and west direction shall be called courts. All curved thoroughfares shall be called drives.