General Provisions
   112.01   Reserved
   112.02   Motor vehicles and consuming alcohol; adopted by reference
   112.03   Imposition and collection of municipal license tax on alcoholic beverages
   112.04   License required for sale of liquor
Alcoholic Beverages; Sales and Consumption
   112.20   Sale to intoxicated persons
   112.21   Drinking in public establishments; selling or serving other than in licensed establishments
   112.22   Selling or giving alcoholic beverages to minors; possession; minor defined
   112.23   Documentary evidence of age and identity
   112.24   Refusal to sell or serve alcoholic beverages to a person unable to produce identity card
   112.25   Demanding and seeing identity card before furnishing alcoholic beverages
   112.26   Presenting false evidence of age or identity
   112.27   Delivery of identity card to minor for use in obtaining alcoholic beverages
   112.28   Minors in licensed premises
   112.29   Employment of minors
Liquor Licenses for Establishments
   112.45   Definitions
   112.46   Dispensers; annual license tax
   112.47   Dispensers to pay extra when selling liquor at public celebrations
   112.48   Failure to pay fees
   112.49   Revocation or suspension of license
   112.50   Selling, serving, furnishing and permitting drinking in establishments between certain hours
   112.51   Sunday liquor sales prohibited
   112.52   Prohibited to sell liquors to habitual drunkards or persons unsound of mind
   112.53   Serving to persons under 21 unlawful
   112.54   Unlawful to knowingly sell to minor
   112.55   Immediate consumption on premises unlawful
   112.56   Public intoxication unlawful
   112.57   Unlawful to consume alcoholic beverages except in licensed establishments or to sell without a license
   112.99   Penalty
   Business registration fee, in lieu of license taxes, see Chapter 111