17-4-0800 Non-accessory parking.
      17-4-0801-A Central Area Parking District.
         1.   Approval Procedure. Non-accessory parking is allowed within the Central Area Parking District only if reviewed and approved in accordance with the planned development procedures of Sec. 17-13-0600.
         2.   Boundaries. The boundaries of the Central Area Parking District are as follows: to the north, the south line of East and West Kinzie Street and the south line of East North Water Street; to the east, the east line of North and South Lake Shore Drive; to the south, the south line of East and West Harrison Street; and to the west, the east line of North and South Canal Street.
Figure 17-4-0801-A
      17-4-0801-B Outside Central Area Parking District. Non-accessory parking in a "D" district located outside the Central Area Parking District described in 17-4-0801-A, requires review and approval as follows:
         1.   Non-accessory parking lots containing fewer than 250 parking spaces may be allowed only if reviewed and approved in accordance with the special use procedures of Sec. 17-13-0900.
         2.   Non-accessory parking lots containing 250 parking spaces or more may be allowed only if reviewed and approved in accordance with the planned development procedures of Sec. 17-13-0600.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 7-24-13, p. 58315, §§ 1, 2; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-13, p. 71143)