17-4-0100 District descriptions.
17-4-0200 Allowed uses.
17-4-0300 General district standards.
17-4-0400 Bulk and density standards.
17-4-0500 Pedestrian streets.
17-4-0600 Mobility streets.
17-4-0700 Driveways and vehicle access.
17-4-0800 Non-accessory parking.
17-4-0900 Planned developments.
17-4-1000 Floor area bonuses.
17-4-1100 Roll-up overhead or sliding security gates or doors.
17-4-0101 Generally. "D" zoning districts are intended solely for application within the downtown area. No "D" zoning may be established outside the downtown area boundaries as described in Sec. 17-1-1500.
17-4-0102-D The DC district can be combined with the dash 12 or dash 16 bulk and density designations (see Sec. 17-4-0401).
17-4-0103-C The DX district can be combined with the dash 3, dash 5, dash 7, dash 10, dash 12 or dash 16 bulk and density designations (see Sec. 17-4-0401).
17-4-0104-B The DR district can be combined with the dash 3, dash 5, dash 7, or dash 10 bulk and density designations (see Sec. 17-4-0401).
17-4-0105-C The DS district can be combined with the dash 3 or dash 5 bulk and density designations (see Sec. 17-4-0401).
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44381; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24993, § 4)