17-4-0501 Purpose. The regulations of this section are intended to preserve and enhance the character of pedestrian streets that are widely recognized as Chicago's best examples of pedestrian-oriented shopping districts. The regulations are intended to ensure pedestrian safety and comfort, promote economic vitality and preserve the positive character of downtown's most pedestrian-oriented streets.
17-4-0503-B The "pedestrian street" designation may be established or removed only in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance Text and Zoning Map Amendment procedures of Sec. 17-13-0200 and Sec. 17-13-0300. Both a text and map amendment is required.
Street | Segment | |
From | To |
Street | Segment | |
From | To | |
North-South Streets | ||
Clinton | Washington | Jackson |
Halsted | Washington | Van Buren |
LaSalle | Washington | Jackson |
Michigan | Cermak | 24th Place |
Michigan | Oak | Roosevelt |
Rush | Division | Pearson |
State | Lake | Congress |
Wabash | Lake | Congress |
East-West Streets | ||
Chicago | State | Michigan |
Division | Dearborn | State |
Erie | Rush | St. Clair |
Fulton Market | Elizabeth | Halsted |
Fulton Street | Ogden | Elizabeth |
Grand | Wabash | St. Clair |
Huron | Wabash | St. Clair |
Madison | Throop | Halsted |
Oak | State | Michigan |
Ohio | Wabash | St. Clair |
Ontario | Dearborn | St. Clair |
Randolph | Ada | Halsted |
Superior | Wabash | St. Clair |
For a printer-friendly PDF version of Figure 17-4-0503, please click here.

1. The entire building façade that faces a designated pedestrian street must abut the sidewalk or be located within 5 feet of the sidewalk.
2. These building location standards do not apply to permitted arcades, public plazas or parks, entries to through-block connections, or recessed building entries.

1. A minimum of 60% of the street- facing building façade between 4 feet and 10 feet in height must be comprised of clear, non-reflective windows that allow views of indoor commercial space or product display areas. This standard applies to building façades that face pedestrian streets.
2. The bottom of any window or product display window used to satisfy this requirement may not be more than 4.5 feet above the adjacent sidewalk.
3. Product display windows used to satisfy these requirements must have a minimum height of 4 feet and be internally lighted.

1. On lots abutting pedestrian streets, buildings must have a primary entrance door facing the pedestrian street. Entrances at building corners facing a pedestrian street may be used to satisfy this requirement.
2. Building entrances may include doors to individual shops or businesses, lobby entrances, entrances to pedestrian-oriented plazas or courtyard entrances to a cluster of shops or businesses.

1. drive-through facilities;
2. vehicle sales and service uses involving any outdoor storage of vehicles or goods;
3. gas stations;
4. car washes;
5. residential storage warehouses; and
6. strip centers.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-06, p. 84870, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 9-8-11, p. 7559, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 12-15-21, p. 42684, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 3-15-23, p. 61265, § 1)
17-4-0601 Purpose. The regulations of this section are intended to preserve and enhance the function of certain streets that serve as primary pedestrian routes linking commuter rail stations with the downtown employment core. The regulations are intended to ensure pedestrian safety and comfort, support transit use and promote economic development by ensuring safe and efficient access to downtown's commercial and employment center.
17-4-0603-B The "mobility street" designation may be established or removed only in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance Text and Zoning Map Amendment procedures of Sec. 17-13-0200 and Sec. 17-13-0300. Both a text and map amendment is required.
Street | Segment | |
From | To |
Street | Segment | |
From | To | |
North-South Streets | ||
Wacker | Franklin | Van Buren |
Canal | Lake | Van Buren |
East-West Streets | ||
Wacker | Michigan | Franklin |
Lake | Michigan | Canal |
Randolph | Michigan | La Salle |
Randolph | Wells | Clinton |
Washington | Michigan | Clinton |
Madison | Michigan | Clinton |
Monroe | Michigan | Clinton |
Adams | Michigan | Clinton |
Jackson | Michigan | Clinton |
Van Buren | Michigan | Canal |
For a printer-friendly PDF version of Figure 17-4-0603, please click here.

17-4-0604 Standards. Minimum sidewalk widths of at least 14 feet are necessary to promote safe and efficient pedestrian flows along designated mobility streets. Whenever development occurs on lots abutting a mobility street and the width of the abutting sidewalk is less than 14 feet, the building must be set back to accommodate a sidewalk with a width of at least 14 feet.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-06, p. 84870, § 2*; Amend Coun. J. 7-29-09, p. 68784, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24993, § 7)
* Editor's note – The text of the 9-13-06 amendment to the 17-4-603-D table shows changed street names, but without indicating an intent to amend those names through stikethroughs and underlining. Accordingly, those street name changes are being treated as inadvertent and are not shown here.
17-4-0701 Purpose. The regulations of this section are intended to ensure safe and efficient (pedestrian and vehicular) traffic flows on downtown streets. The regulations are also intended to promote economic development by ensuring safe and efficient access to downtown's commercial and employment center.
17-4-0703-B The driveway and vehicle access standards of this section may be amended only in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance Text and Zoning Map Amendment procedures of Sec. 17-13-0200 and Sec. 17-13-0300. Both a text and map amendment is required.
Street | Segment | |
From | To |
Street | Segment | |
From | To | |
Class 1 North-South Streets | ||
Canal | Jackson | Randolph |
Orleans | Grand | Ontario |
La Salle | Jackson | Wacker |
State | Harrison | Wacker |
Fairbanks | Illinois | Ontario |
Michigan | Roosevelt | Oak |
Columbus | Roosevelt | McFetridge |
Class 2 North-South Streets | ||
Des Plaines | Wayman | Kinzie |
Clinton | Roosevelt | Lake |
Canal | Roosevelt | Lake |
Kingsbury | Illinois | Grand |
Wacker | Van Buren | Columbus |
Orleans | Kinzie | Grand |
Wells | Harrison | Wacker |
Field | Randolph | Wacker |
McClurg | N. Water | Huron |
Financial | Harrison | Jackson |
La Salle | 16th | Roosevelt |
La Salle | Harrison | Jackson |
La Salle | Wacker | Division |
Clark | 16th | Wacker |
Dearborn | Harrison | Wacker |
State | 25th | Harrison |
State | Wacker | Elm |
Wabash | 25th | Wacker |
Wabash | N. Water | Delaware |
Rush | N. Water | Delaware |
Michigan | 25th | Roosevelt |
Stetson | Randolph | Lake |
Stetson | S. Water | Wacker |
St. Clair | Illinois | Superior |
Columbus | Roosevelt | Illinois |
Fairbanks | Illinois | Chicago |
Class 1 East-West Streets | ||
Walton | Michigan | Mies Van Der Rohe |
Adams | Canal | La Salle |
Roosevelt | Michigan | Lakeshore |
Congress | Wells | Michigan |
Class 2 East-West Streets | ||
Division | LaSalle | Lakeshore |
Oak | State | Lakeshore |
Delaware | Rush | Lakeshore |
Chestnut | Wabash | Mies Van Der Rohe |
Pearson | Wabash | Mies Van Der Rohe |
Chicago | Larrabee | Lakeshore |
Superior | Rush | Fairbanks |
Huron | Rush | Fairbanks |
Erie | Rush | Fairbanks |
Ontario | Orleans | Lakeshore |
Ohio | Orleans | Lakeshore |
Grand | Kingsbury | Streeter |
Illinois | Kingsbury | Streeter |
Water | State | Cityfront Plaza |
Kinzie | Union | Larrabee |
Kinzie | Canal | Franklin |
Wacker | Van Buren | Columbus |
Lake | Clinton | Stetson |
Randolph | Kennedy Expy | Lakeshore |
Washington | Kennedy Expy | Michigan |
Madison | Kennedy Expy | Michigan |
Des Plaines | Wayman | Kinzie |
Monroe | Kennedy Expy | Lakeshore |
Adams | Kennedy Expy | Canal |
Quincy | Franklin | Wells |
Jackson | Kennedy Expy | Lakeshore |
Van Buren | Kennedy Expy | Michigan |
Harrison | Kennedy Expy | Michigan |
Balbo | Michigan | Lakeshore |
Roosevelt | Kennedy Expy | Columbus |
14th | Clark | State |
16th | Clark | State |
18th | State | Indiana |
Cermak | State | Prairie |
For a printer-friendly PDF version of Figure 17-4-0703, please click here.

17-4-0704-A Class 1 Streets. Alleys are intended to serve as the sole means of vehicle access to buildings and uses located along Class 1 streets. New curb cuts and driveway access are prohibited on Class 1 streets. The Zoning Board of Appeals may grant variations only as expressly allowed in Sec. 17-13-1100.
17-4-0704-B Class 2 Streets. Alleys are intended to serve as the primary means of vehicle access to buildings and uses located along Class 2 streets. New curb cuts and driveway access are permitted on Class 2 streets only when reviewed and approved as an administrative adjustment by the Zoning Administrator. (See Sec. 17-13-1003-S)
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-06, p. 84870, § 2)