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Municipal Code of Chicago
Chicago Zoning Ordinance and Land Use Ordinance
17-17-0200 General terms.
   17-17-0201 Abandoned Sign Structure. A sign structure that has had no sign in place for a continuous period of 6 months or more.
   17-17-0201.1 Abutting Property Line. A border, boundary or property line with no intervening public way or other land.
   17-17-0202 Accessible Dwelling Unit. See "Type A unit," Section 17-17-02184.5.
   17-17-0203 Accessory Building. A building that is subordinate in area, extent and purpose to the principal use and building on the zoning lot and that is customarily used or occupied in conjunction with a permitted accessory use. (See Sec. 17-17-0311 for rules governing measurement of accessory building height).
   17-17-0204 Accessory Parking. Parking provided to comply with minimum off-street parking requirements and non-required parking that is provided exclusively to serve occupants of or visitors to a particular use, rather than the public at-large. See "non- accessory parking", Sec. 17-17-02101.
   17-17-0205 Accessory Structure. A structure that is subordinate in area, extent and purpose to the principal use and building on the zoning lot and that is customarily used in conjunction with a permitted accessory use.
   17-17-0206 Accessory Use. A use that is subordinate in area, extent and purpose to the principal use on the zoning lot and that is customarily found in conjunction with a permitted principal use.
   17-17-0207 Administrative Adjustment. Modification of an otherwise applicable standard, approved in accordance with Sec. 17-13-1000.
   17-17-0207.5 Inclusionary Application. An application for approval of a residential or mixed use planned development or Type 1 zoning map amendment, in an inclusionary housing area that is located within 2,640 feet of a CTA or METRA rail station entrance or exit or within 1,320 feet of a CTA bus line corridor roadway segment listed in Table 17-17-0400-B in which the application has: (i) all affordable dwelling units required by Section 2-44-085 located on-site, or (ii) 20% or more of the on-site dwelling units are subject to recorded covenant, lien, regulatory agreement, deed restriction, or similar instrument approved by the Department of Housing.
   17-17-0208 Agent. A person duly authorized to act on behalf of a property owner.
   17-17-0209 Air Rights. The ownership or control of all land property, and that area of space at and above a horizontal plane over the ground surface of land utilized for railroad or expressway purposes. The horizontal plane must be at a height above the city datum that is reasonably necessary or legally required for the full and free use of the ground surface.
   17-17-0210 Alley. A public right-of-way that affords a secondary means of access to abutting property.
   17-17-0211 Allowed Use. A permitted use or special use in the subject zoning district.
   17-17-0212 Artist Live/Work Space. A dwelling unit in which up to 50% of the floor area is used for the production, showing, and sale of art.
   17-17-0213 Attic. Unfinished floor space located immediately below a gabled roof or other form of sloped roof.
   17-17-0214 Automated Teller Machine. An electronically powered machine activated by means of a coded celluloid card or other similar device that permits banking transactions.
   17-17-0214.3 Automated Teller Machine Facility. A facility or store whose principal use is for the location and operation of one or more remote service units. A "remote service unit" means an automated teller machine, automated loan machine, and an automated device for receiving deposits, or an other such similar device.
   17-17-0214.5 Automotive Lift. Equipment designed to deposit motor vehicles in a parking space by moving motor vehicles vertically above floor level on pallets or platforms equipped with tracks, channels or similar devices to hold the vehicle's wheels, not the vehicle frame or designated support points in place while the vehicle is being moved vertically.
   17-17-0215 Awning. A roof-like structure of fabric or similar non-rigid material attached to a rigid frame that is supported completely or partially by either an exterior building wall or wall exterior to an individual tenant space.
   17-17-0216 Awning Sign. A sign incorporated into or attached to an awning.
   17-17-0217 Banner. A sign made of fabric or other similar non-rigid material with no enclosing framework or electrical components that is supported or anchored on two or more edges or at all four corners. Banners also include non-rigid signs anchored along one edge, or two corners, with weights installed that reduce the reaction of the sign to wind. See also "flag".
   17-17-0218 Base District. Any zoning district that is not an overlay district.
   17-17-0219 Base Floor Area Ratio. The maximum floor area ratio allowed under the subject zoning classification before any applicable bonus or premium floor area allowance is applied.
   17-17-0220 Block. A tract of land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, railroad right-of-way, bulkhead lines or shore lines of waterways, or corporate boundary lines of the City of Chicago.
   17-17-0221 Block Face. All lots abutting one side of a street between the two nearest intersecting streets.
   17-17-0222 Buffer Zone. Any natural or undeveloped area or existing open space that separates transfer stations, resource recovery facilities, incinerators, sanitary landfills and Class III recycling facilities from surrounding uses.
   17-17-0223 Building. Any structure that is permanently affixed to the land and built for the support, shelter, or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, or movable property of any kind.
   17-17-0224 Building, Completely Enclosed. See "completely enclosed building".
   17-17-0225 Building Coverage. The amount of a lot covered by buildings.
   17-17-0226 Building, Detached. See "detached building".
   17-17-0227 Building Height. The vertical distance from grade to a fixed point on the building. (See Sec. 17-17-0311 for rules governing measurement of building height)
   17-17-0228 Building Line. An imaginary line representing the actual location of an exterior building wall.
   17-17-0229 Building, Principal. See "principal building".
   17-17-0230 Building, Residential. See "residential building".
   17-17-0230.5 Business live/work unit. A space within a building (a) that combines a commercial use with a living space for the owner of the commercial establishment and that person's household, (b) where the resident owner of the commercial establishment is responsible for the commercial use on the premises; and (c) where the commercial use takes place subject to a valid business license, if applicable, associated with the premises and based on the commercial activity conducted therein.
   17-17-0231 Bulk. The general term used to refer to the size of a building or the building features allowed on a lot. It includes the following:
   17-17-0231-A lot area;
   17-17-0231-B setbacks;
   17-17-0231-C open space;
   17-17-0231-D floor area;
   17-17-0231-E floor area ratio;
   17-17-0231-F building coverage; and
   17-17-0231-G building height.
   17-17-0232 Business Park. A planned, unified, campus-like development consisting primarily of office, research and limited manufacturing uses.
   17-17-0233 Canopy. A roof like structure of a permanent nature that projects from the wall of a building and overhangs the public way.
   17-17-0234 Casino. A facility at which gambling is authorized as provided in the Illinois Gambling Act as in effect on May 4, 2022.
Editor's note – Coun. J. 4-30-14, p. 80832, § 6, repealed former § 17-17-0234, which defined changing-image signs.
   17-17-0234.5 City Digital Sign shall mean a sign that satisfies all of the following conditions:
      (a)   the city digital sign is installed at the city's express direction and is located on land or public way owned by the city, or controlled by the city pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement approved by the city council, that is located within 660 feet of any designated expressway or toll road;
      (b)   the sign is capable of receiving and transmitting both programmed and real-time digital images and messages and is operated as a dynamic image display sign;
      (c)   the sign is integrated into the city's emergency response network, and to other city digital signs in an integrated network, so as to enable the city to interrupt and override, on either a city-wide or localized basis, any regularly programmed messaging in order to communicate city emergency information (or emergency information from a federal, state, Cook County, local or other unit of government);
      (d)   the sign is integrated with other city digital signs in an integrated network so as to enable the city to communicate, on either a city-wide or a localized basis, both programmed and real-time city public service messages, information or content (or public service messages, information or content from a federal, state, Cook County, local or other unit of government);
      (e)   the city has a legal right to both (i) not less than ten percent (10%) of the regularly scheduled programmable time for such sign (for example, one rotation during each eight rotation loop) for the city's (or another governmental unit's) public service messages, information or content, (ii) other available programmable time (or a portion thereof) when the operator of the integrated network of city digital signs otherwise has no advertising commitments, and (iii) the emergency information override and broadcast rights described in subparagraph (c) above; and
      (f)   the operator of the integrated network of city digital signs has entered into a written agreement with the city setting forth the operational requirements for such city digital signs and network, including, without limitation, requirements regulating sign design, light intensity, mitigating light pollution, energy conservation, and similar environmental and public health and safety concerns, which agreement has been approved by the city council.
   17-17-0234.6 Coach House. An accessory building meeting the requirements of Section 17-9-0201-F and containing one dwelling unit.
   17-17-0235 Commercial Establishment. A business classified in the commercial use group, the ownership, management and physical location of which are separate and distinct from those of any other place of business located on the same zoning lot, as partly evidenced by maintaining separate and distinct doors and access points.
   17-17-0236 Commercial Message. Any sign, wording, or logo that directly advertises a specific business, proprietary product or service, or other commercial activity.
   17-17-0237 Common Open Space. An outdoor area designated and intended for the common use and enjoyment of residents or other members of the controlling association.
   17-17-0238 Common Parking Area. An off-street parking area containing parking spaces that serve two or more dwelling units or uses.
   17-17-0239 Completely Enclosed Building. A building separated on all sides from the adjacent open space, or from other buildings or other structures, by a permanent roof and by exterior walls or party walls, pierced only by windows and normal entrance or exit doors.
   17-17-0240 Composting. A controlled process that transforms organic waste and/or livestock waste into products useful as soil amendments. Composting shall include windrow composting, in-vessel aerobic composting and anaerobic digestion composting technologies.
   17-17-0240.3 Construction and demolition debris. Materials resulting from the construction, remodeling, repair and demolition of utilities, structures, buildings, and roads, including but not limited to the following: bricks, concrete, and other masonry materials; soil; rock; wood, including painted, treated, and coated wood and wood products; wall coverings; plaster; drywall; plumbing fixtures; non-asbestos insulation; roofing shingles and other roof coverings; reclaimed asphalt pavement; glass; plastics; electrical wiring; and piping or metals incidental to any of those materials.
   17-17-0240.5 Conversion, illegal or unlawful. Any change to a building that results in the creation of one or more dwelling units that are illegal under the Zoning Ordinance either because they exceed the number of dwelling units permitted in the zoning district where the building is located, do not comply with the bulk and density standards of the zoning district where the building is located, or were created without a required special use.
   17-17-0240.6 Conversion Unit. A dwelling unit that is: (i) either newly constructed or rehabilitated for reuse, and (ii) located within a principal residential building that has been in lawful existence for 20 or more years, and (iii) established in accordance with Sections 17-2-0303-C and 17-9-0131.
   17-17-0241 Corner Lot. A lot situated at the intersection of two streets, the interior angle of such intersection not exceeding 135 degrees.
   17-17-0242 Curb Level. The level of the established curb that is adjacent to the front property line of the subject lot, measured at the center of such front property line. When no curb elevation has been established, the mean elevation of the finished lot grade immediately adjacent to a building is considered the "curb level".
   17-17-0243 Dangerous Sign. A sign constituting a hazard to public safety because it no longer meets the lateral and/or vertical loads as specified in the Building Code, or no longer meets the wiring and installation standards of the Electrical Code.
   17-17-0244 Density. The general term used to refer to the number of dwelling units allowed per unit of land area. It is expressed in this Zoning Ordinance in terms of a minimum amount of lot area required per dwelling unit (minimum lot area per dwelling unit).
   17-17-0244.5 Designated Expressway or Toll Road. A designated expressway or toll road means any of the following and shall include any access ramp thereto:
      (A)   Bishop Ford Expressway;
      (B)   Chicago Skyway;
      (C)   Dan Ryan Expressway;
      (D)   Edens Expressway;
      (E)   Eisenhower Expressway;
      (F)   Interstate 57;
      (G)   Interstate 90;
      (H)   Interstate 190;
      (I)   Kennedy Expressway;
      (J)   Stevenson Expressway; or
      (K)   Tri-State Tollway.
   17-17-0245 Detached Building. A building surrounded by open space on the same lot.
   17-17-0246 Detached House. A dwelling unit that is located on its own lot and that is not attached to any other dwelling unit.
   17-17-0247 Development Application. Any application or petition for approval in accordance with the procedures of Chapter 17-13.
   17-17-0247.5 Drive-through Facility. Any service window, automated device or other facility that provides goods or services to individuals in a motor vehicle.
   17-17-0248 Dwelling Unit. One or more rooms arranged, designed or used as independent living quarters for a single household. Buildings with more than one kitchen or more than one set of cooking facilities are deemed to contain multiple dwelling units unless the additional cooking facilities are clearly accessory and not intended to serve additional households.
   17-17-0248.5 Dynamic image display sign. Any sign, or portion thereof, with characteristics that appear to have movement or that appear to change, caused by any method other than physically removing and replacing the sign or its components, whether the apparent movement or change is in the display, the sign structure itself, or any other component of the sign. This includes a display that incorporates a technology or method allowing the sign face to change the image without having to physically or mechanically replace the sign face or its components. This also includes any rotating, revolving, moving, blinking, or animated display and any display that incorporates rotating panels, LED lights manipulated through digital input, "digital ink" or any other method or technology that allows the sign face to present a series of images or displays.
   17-17-0249 Efficiency. A dwelling unit, other than a single-room occupancy unit, that contains no more than 700 square feet of floor area, consisting of one room exclusive of bathroom, kitchen, hallway, closets or dining alcove directly off the principal room, provided that such dining alcove does not exceed 125 square feet in area.
   17-17-0250 Elderly Housing. Dwelling units specially designed and marketed for persons who are 55 years of age or older, but not including buildings containing equipment for surgical care or for the treatment of disease or injury, other than emergency first-aid-care.
   17-17-0251 Electric Sign. Any sign containing electrical wiring, lighting or other electrical components, but not including signs illuminated by a detached exterior light source.
   17-17-0251.5-A Electric Vehicle. Any vehicle that is licensed and registered for operation on public and private highways, roads, and streets; either partially or exclusively, on electrical energy from the grid, or an off-board source, that is stored on-board via a battery to propel the vehicle.
   17-17-0251.5-B Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment or EVSE. The equipment, as defined by the National Electrical Code and adopted in Section 14E-6-625 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, that includes the conductors, including the ungrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductors, and the electric vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets, or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between the premises wiring and an electric vehicle.
   17-17-0251.5-C Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Infrastructure. The electrical infrastructure necessary to support installation of electric vehicle supply equipment, including, but not be limited to, the design load placed on electrical panels and service equipment to support the additional electrical demand, the panel capacity to support additional feeder/branch circuits, raceways, and wiring.
   17-17-0251.5-D EVSE-Ready Space. A parking space having electric vehicle supply equipment infrastructure installed so as to provide conduit and wiring for a 40-ampere, 208- or 240-volt dedicated branch circuit terminating at a receptacle or junction box within 3 feet of the parking space. For two adjacent parking spaces, a single branch circuit is allowed. The electrical panel directory and receptacle or junction box must both be permanently marked "For future electric vehicle supply equipment".
   17-17-0251.5-E EVSE-Installed Space. A parking space having such electric vehicle supply equipment infrastructure installed so as to be an EVSE-ready space and with electric vehicle supply equipment installed within 3 feet of the parking space.
   17-17-0251.5-F EVSE Energy Management System. Equipment that automatically balances the amount of electricity drawn by multiple electric vehicles simultaneously connected to electric vehicle supply equipment in the same parking facility based on the capacity of the electrical infrastructure serving the premises. This may also be referred to as an "automatic load management system".
   17-17-0252 End Wall. An exterior wall that is generally perpendicular to front walls and rear walls.
   17-17-0253 Façade. The exterior plane or "face" of a building.
   17-17-0254 FAR. An abbreviation for "floor area ratio". See "floor area ratio" definition.
   17-17-0255 Flag. A sign made of fabric or other similar non-rigid material supported or anchored along only one edge or supported or anchored at only two corners. If any dimension of a flag is more than 3 times as long as any other dimension, it is classified and regulated as a banner regardless of how it is anchored or supported. See also "banner".
   17-17-0256 Flashing Sign. Any sign or portion of a sign that contains an intermittent or flashing light source or that changes light intensity in sudden transitory bursts. Example of flashing signs include signs that contain or use strobe lights, or rotating lights; signs with blinking or flashing features that are designed to merely to attract attention rather than convey a message; and changing-image signs that do not comply with applicable standards.
   17-17-0257 Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The ratio of the floor area of all principal buildings to the total area of the lot upon which such buildings are located. (See Sec. 17-17-0305 for rules governing measurement of floor area ratio)
   17-17-0258 Freight Container. A non-wheeled, enclosed storage container designed to be integrated into the frame of a train car or truck bed.
   17-17-0259 Freestanding Sign. A sign on a frame, pole, or other support structure that is not attached to any building.
   17-17-0260 Front Property Line. That property line that abuts or is along an existing or dedicated public street, or when no public street exists, is along a public way. On lots with multiple street frontages, the property owner may select either street property line as the front property line.
   17-17-0261 Front Setback. The setback required between a building and the front property line of the lot on which the building is located, extending along the full length of the front property line between the side property lines.
Figure 17-17-0261
   17-17-0262 Front Wall. In buildings that contain more than one dwelling unit on a single floor, front walls and rear walls are those walls that are generally perpendicular to the party walls between dwelling units. In buildings that do not contain more than one dwelling unit on a single floor, the front wall is the wall that is generally parallel and closest to the front property line and the rear wall is the exterior building wall opposite the front wall.
   17-17-0263 Front Yard. The actual area that exists between a building and the front property line of the lot on which the building is located, extending along the full length of the front property line between the side property lines. See also "Setback, Front".
Figure 17-17-0263
   17-17-0264 Government-Subsidized (Dwelling Unit). A dwelling unit that is financed in whole or in part with federal, state or local financial assistance or a dwelling unit otherwise provided in order to satisfy a public benefit obligation.
   17-17-0265 Grade. The curb level adjacent to the front property line or the mean elevation of the finished lot, as measured along exterior building walls of the principal building, whichever is higher.
   17-17-0266 Gross Lot Area. The entire land area within the boundaries of a site.
   17-17-0267 Height, Building. See "building height".
   17-17-0267.1 Heliport. A landing facility for one or more helicopters that may include fueling stations, helicopter storage or other service-related functions, such as, but not limited to, service or maintenance hangers. Heliports may only be located at ground level.
   17-17-0267.2 Helistops. A landing pad for helicopters that does not typically include fueling stations, helicopter storage or other service or maintenance facilities for routine use. Helistops may be located at ground level or be elevated on a building rooftop or other structure.
   17-17-0267.3 Vertiport. A landing facility for one or more tiltrotors or helicopters that may include fueling stations, helicopter or tiltrotor storage or other service-related functions, such as, but not limited to, service or maintenance hangers. Vertiports may only be located at ground level
   17-17-0268 High-Rise Building Sign. An individual letter sign mounted at a height of 150 feet or more that is attached to the exterior wall of a building or to a roof-top mechanical equipment penthouse or other roof-top feature that is integral to the building upon which it is located.
   17-17-0269 Home Occupation. An accessory use of a dwelling unit for business or commercial purposes. Home occupations are subject to the standards of Sec. 17-9-0202.
   17-17-0269.5 Hookah bar. An establishment where patrons share flavored tobacco from a communal hookah or similar type water pipe, smoking device while seated at a table or bar.
   17-17-0270 Household. One or more persons related by blood, marriage, legal adoption or guardianship, plus not more than 3 additional persons, all of whom live together as a single housekeeping unit; or one or more handicapped persons, as defined in the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, plus not more than 3 additional persons, all of whom live together as a single housekeeping unit.
   17-17-0270.5 Hydroponic system. Propagation of plants using a mechanical system designed to circulate a solution of minerals in water with limited use of growing media.
   17-17-0270.6 Aquaponic system. The symbiotic propagation of plants and fish in an indoor, constructed and recirculating environment.
   17-17-0270.7 Apiary. Keeping or propagation of honeybee colonies for collection of honey or other bee products. Up to five (5) colonies may be kept as an accessory use to the primary activity on the site.
   17-17-0270.8 Indoor Special Event. "Indoor special event" means any temporary amusement or planned temporary aggregation of attractions or amusements, including public entertainment, food and beverage facilities, or sales of souvenirs or other merchandise or similar attractions, that is: (1) conducted primarily indoors; and (2) conducted or held pursuant to a valid special events license issued pursuant to Article IV of Chapter 4-156.
   17-17-0271 Incidental Sign. A sign that contains no commercial message and that is exclusively used to convey directions or other information for the convenience of the public. Included are signs designating restrooms, address numbers, hours of operation, entrances to buildings, help wanted, public telephone, etc. Also included are signs on private property designed to guide or direct pedestrians or vehicular traffic, such as "entrance" and "exit" signs.
   17-17-0271.5 Inclusionary Housing Area. Inclusionary housing area has the same meaning ascribed to that term in Section 2-44-085 (B).
   17-17-0272 Indirect Lighting. Illumination from a light source that is not contained within a sign or awning.
   17-17-0273 Individual Letter Sign. A wall sign or high-rise building sign consisting of raised individual letters, script or symbols. The background of an individual letter sign is either the exterior building wall surface or another opaque, non-illuminated surface.
   17-17-0274 Industrial Corridor. Any area that has been designated as a priority area for industrial development and/or retention in a plan approved by the Plan Commission or City Council.
   17-17-0275 Industrial Establishment. A business classified in the industrial use group, the ownership, management and physical location of which are separate and distinct from those of any other place of business located on the same zoning lot, as partly evidenced by maintaining separate and distinct doors and access points.
   17-17-0276 Industrial Park. A planned, unified, campus-like development consisting primarily of manufacturing, industrial and warehousing uses.
   17-17-0276.5 Industrial Private Event Venue. Industrial Private Event Venue means an establishment issued an industrial private event venue license under Article VI of Chapter 4-156 where an industrial venue event, such as fundraising event or a private event, is held in compliance with that Article. For purposes of this definition, the terms "fundraising event", "industrial venue event" and "private event" have the meaning ascribed to those terms in section 4-156-800.
   17-17-0277 Interior Side Property Line. A side property line that does not abut a street or alley.
   17-17-0278 Internal Lighting. Illumination from a light source that is contained within a sign or awning.
   17-17-0278.5 Kennel. The term "kennel" shall mean an animal care facility as that term is defined in Section 4-384-010.
   17-17-0278.7 Landscape waste. Grass or shrubbery cuttings, leaves, tree limbs and other materials accumulated as a result of the care of lawns, shrubbery, vines and trees, and includes any discarded fruits, vegetables and other vegetative material or crop residue generated in the care of a garden. The term "landscape waste" does not include soil other than incidental soil (e.g., soil attached to sod or attached to other materials accumulated as a result of the care of lawns, shrubbery, vines, trees or a garden).
   17-17-0279 Landscaped. Substantially covered with grass, ground cover, shrubs, trees or other living plant material.
   17-17-0280 Legible. Capable of being read or deciphered by a 5-foot to 6-foot tall person whose eyesight meets the minimum requirements necessary for receipt of an Illinois driver's license (wearing any corrective lenses required by such license).
   17-17-0281 Lighting, Direct. Exposed lighting or neon tubes on a sign face. Direct lighting of signs also includes signs whose message or image is created by light projected onto a surface.
   17-17-0282 Lighting, Indirect. A light source that is separate from the sign face and that is directed to shine onto the sign.
   17-17-0283 Lighting, Internal. A light source that is concealed within a sign.
   17-17-0284 Lot. A "zoning lot" unless the context clearly indicates a "lot of record. The term "lot" will be construed to include the terms "site", "parcel" and any other similar undefined term.
   17-17-0285 Lot Area. The total horizontal land area contained within the property lines of a lot.
   17-17-0286 Lot Coverage. The area of a lot covered by principal buildings, as measured along the exterior building wall at ground level, and including all building projections other than those expressly allowed encroaching into required setback areas.
   17-17-0287 Lot Depth. The mean horizontal distance between the front property line and the rear property line of a lot measured within the lot's boundaries.
   17-17-0288 Lot Frontage. The horizontal distance between side property lines on a lot, as measured along the front property line.
   17-17-0289 Lot of Record. An area of land designated as a lot on a plat of subdivision recorded or registered, pursuant to statute, with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County and the Ex-officio Examiner of Subdivisions of the City of Chicago.
   17-17-0290 Lot Width. The mean horizontal distance between the side property lines of a lot measured within the lot's boundaries.
   17-17-0291 Lot, Corner. See "corner lot".
   17-17-0292 Lot, Reversed Corner. See "reversed corner lot".
   17-17-0293 Lot, Through. See "through lot".
   17-17-0294 Lot, Zoning. See "zoning lot".
   17-17-0294.5 Marina. A facility located on a body of water that provides for the storage (wet and dry), launching, and mooring of pleasure boats together with one or more accessory retail and service uses, such as marine equipment sales, showers, private clubs and restaurants.
   17-17-0295 Marquee. A roof-like structure of a permanent nature that projects from the wall of a building and overhangs the public way.
   17-17-0296 Marquee Sign. A sign incorporated into or attached to a marquee or permanent canopy.
   17-17-0297 Mobility Street. Any street officially designated as a mobility street in accordance with Sec. 17-4-0600.
   17-17-0298 Motor Vehicle. Any passenger vehicle, truck, truck-trailer, trailer or semi-trailer propelled or drawn by mechanical power.
   17-17-0299 Multi-Unit Residential. A residential building that contains 3 or more dwelling units that share common walls or common floors/ceilings with one or more dwelling units. The land upon which the building sits is not divided into separate lots.
   17-17-02100   Net Site Area. The entire land area within the boundaries of a site, less the area of all land required or proposed for public use.
   17-17-02101 Non-Accessory Parking. Parking spaces provided in excess of the maximum accessory parking limits established in Sec. 17-10-0208, and parking spaces (and the drive aisles and circulation area associated with such parking spaces) that are provided to serve the general public rather than being reserved exclusively by occupants of and visitors to a particular use (e.g., public parking garages).
   17-17-02102 Nonconforming Building. A building that was lawfully established in accordance with zoning regulations in effect at the time of its establishment but that no longer complies with the bulk standards of the zoning district in which it is now located.
   17-17-02103 Nonconforming Development. Any aspect of a development – other than a nonconforming lot, nonconforming use or nonconforming sign – that was lawfully established, in accordance with zoning regulations in effect at the time of its establishment but that no longer complies with one or more standards of this Zoning Ordinance. Common examples of nonconforming developments are buildings that do not comply with current setback or height standards, off- street parking or loading areas that contain fewer spaces than required by current standards or sites that do not comply with current landscaping standards.
   17-17-02104 Nonconforming Lot. A tract of land lawfully established as a lot on a plat of subdivision recorded or registered, pursuant to statute, with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County and the Ex-officio Examiner of Subdivisions of the City of Chicago that does not comply with the minimum lot area or lot width standards of the zoning district in which it is now located.
   17-17-02105 Nonconforming Sign. A sign that was lawfully established, in accordance with zoning and other sign regulations in effect at the time of its establishment but that is no longer allowed by the regulations of this Zoning Ordinance.
   17-17-02106 Nonconforming Use. A use that was lawfully established in accordance with zoning regulations in effect at the time of its establishment but that is no longer allowed by the use regulations of the zoning district in which it is now located.
   17-17-02107 Nonconformity. Any nonconforming building, nonconforming development, nonconforming lot, nonconforming sign or nonconforming use.
   17-17-02108 Off-premise sign. A sign that directs attention to a business, commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than upon the lot upon which it is located or to which it is affixed.
   17-17-02109 On-premise Sign. A sign that directs attention to a business or profession conducted or to a commodity, service, or entertainment sold or offered upon the premises where the sign is located.
   17-17-02110 Open Space, Public. See "public open space".
   17-17-02110.5 Ornamental Fencing. A decorative metal fence, including wrought-iron or fencing that gives the appearance of wrought-iron fencing, but expressly excluding chain-link, barbed wire and similar non-decorative fences.
   17-17-02111 Overlay District. A zoning district that overlays one or more base zoning districts and imposes requirements in addition to those of the base district or modifies the standards otherwise applicable in the base district.
   17-17-02112 Owner. See "property owner".
   17-17-02113 Painted Wall Sign. A sign applied to a building wall with paint or a thin layer of vinyl, paper or similar material adhered directly to the building surface and that has no sign structure.
   17-17-02114 Parapet. A low wall or railing to protect the edge of a roof.
   17-17-02115 Parkway, Public. See "public parkway".
   17-17-02116 Parkway Tree. Trees planted or required to be planted within the public parkway.
   17-17-02117 Pedestrian Street. Any street officially designated as a pedestrian street in accordance with Sec. 17-3-0500 or Sec. 17-4-0500.
   17-17-02118 Permanent Sign. Any sign not classified as a temporary sign.
   17-17-02119 Permitted Use. A use permitted by- right in the subject zoning district in accordance with the applicable use regulations of this Zoning Ordinance.
   17-17-02120 Planned Development. A development that meets mandatory planned development thresholds of Sec. 17-8-0500 or the elective planned development thresholds of Sec. 17-8-0600.
   17-17-02121 Planned Manufacturing District (PMD). A district of 5 acres or more that is contiguous or would be contiguous except for separation by a public way or a railroad right-of-way and that is designated as a PMD in accordance with the procedures of Sec. 17-13-0700.
   17-17-02122 Portable Sign. Any sign not permanently attached to the ground or other permanent structure or a sign designed to be transported, including, but not limited to, signs designed to be transported by means of wheels and signs made as A-frames or T- frames.
   17-17-02123 Pre-construction Grade. The unfinished mean grade of a lot before commencement of any building or construction activity.
   17-17-02124 Primary Boulevard. The following streets and segments of streets:
31st Boulevard
67th Street
Stony Island
California Boulevard
24th Boulevard
31st Boulevard
Central Park Boulevard
Garfield Park
Franklin Boulevard
Diversey Parkway
Lake Shore Drive
Douglas Boulevard
Douglas Park
Drexel Boulevard
Drexel Square (51st)
Franklin Boulevard
Central Park
Sacramento Square
Garfield Boulevard
Western Boulevard
Martin Luther King Drive
Hamlin Boulevard
Eisenhower Expressway
Lake Street
Humboldt Boulevard
North Avenue
Palmer Square
Independence Boulevard
Douglas Boulevard
Garfield Park
Kedzie Boulevard
Logan Boulevard
Kedzie Boulevard
Diversey Parkway
Marshall Boulevard
24th Boulevard
California Boulevard
Martin Luther King Drive
25th Street
60th Street
Midway Plaisance
59th Street
60th Street
Washington Park
Jackson Park
Oakwood Boulevard
Martin Luther King Drive
Sacramento Boulevard
Sacramento Square
Stony Island
56th Street
67th Street
Western Boulevard
55th Street
31st Street
Yates Boulevard
67th Street
71st Street
   17-17-02125 Principal Building. A building or combination of buildings of chief importance or function on a lot. In general, the principal use is carried out in a principal building. The difference between a principal building and an accessory building or structure is determined by comparing the size, placement, similarity of design, use of common building materials, and the orientation of the structures on the lot.
   17-17-02126 Principal Use. An activity or combination of activities of chief importance on the lot. One of the main purposes for which the land, buildings or structures are intended, designed, or ordinarily used.
   17-17-02127 Processing. A series of operations performed in the making or treatment of a product or to perform operations on data.
   17-17-02128 Product Display Window. An illuminated window display area in which products and goods are displayed to pedestrians but that do not generally allow visibility into the interior of the building.
   17-17-02129 Projecting Sign. A sign attached to and projecting out from a building face or wall, generally at right angles to the building. Projecting signs include signs that are totally in the right-of-way, partially in the right-of-way, or fully on private property.
   17-17-02130 Property Line. The boundary of a lot, as shown on a plat of subdivision recorded or registered pursuant to statute or as designated by the lot's owner or developer as the boundary of a parcel of land to be used, developed, or built upon as a unit, under single ownership or control.
   17-17-02130.1 Property Line, Abutting. See "abutting property line".
   17-17-02131 Property Line, Front. See "front property line".
   17-17-02132 Property Line, Rear. See "rear property line".
   17-17-02133 Property Line, Side. See "side property line".
   17-17-02134 Property Owner. The legal or beneficial owner of an improved or unimproved parcel of real estate.
   17-17-02135 Public Open Space. Any publicly- owned open area, including, but not limited to parks, playgrounds, beaches, waterways, parkways and streets.
   17-17-02136 Public Parkway. That portion of the public way between a street and the nearest parallel property line, including sidewalk areas.
   17-17-02137 Public Way. Any sidewalk, street, alley, highway, or other public thoroughfare.
   17-17-02138 Railroad Right-of-Way. A strip of land with tracks and auxiliary facilities for track operation, but not including freight depots or stations, loading platforms, train sheds, warehouses, car or locomotive shops, or car yards.
   17-17-02139 Rear Property Line. That property line that is most distant from and is most parallel to the front property line.
   17-17-02140 Rear Setback. The setback required between a building and the rear property line of the lot on which the building is located, extending along the full length of the rear property line between the side property lines.
Figure 17-17-02140
   17-17-02141   Rear Wall. In buildings that contain more than one dwelling unit on a single floor, front walls and rear walls are those walls that are generally perpendicular to the party walls between dwelling units. In buildings that do not contain more than one dwelling unit on a single floor, the front wall is the wall that is generally parallel and closest to the front property line and the rear wall is the exterior building wall opposite the front wall.
   17-17-02142   Rear Yard. The actual area that exists between a building and the rear property line of the lot on which the building is located, extending along the full length of the rear property line between the side property lines. See also "Setback, Rear".
Figure 17-17-02142
   17-17-02143 Recyclable Material. Recyclable material shall be categorized as Type A, Type B, Type C or Type D recyclable material and shall have the meaning ascribed to each such type, as follows:
   1.   Type A recyclable material. Any aluminum or ferrous or non-ferrous scrap metal; bi-metal or tin cans; glass products; paper products; rubber; textiles; plastic products, such as polyethelene terephthalate, high density polyethylene, low density polyethylene, polystyrene or polypropolene; and any other material designated as Type A recyclable material by the commissioner of health in duly promulgated rules and regulations.
   2.   Type B recyclable material. Organic waste and any other material designated as Type B recyclable material by the commissioner of health in duly promulgated rules and regulations.
   3.   Type C recyclable material. Used motor vehicles or motor vehicle parts, and any other material designated as Type C recyclable material by the commissioner of health in duly promulgated rules and regulations.
   4.   Type D recyclable material. Construction and demolition debris that does not contain lead, asbestos or any other hazardous material in such a way as to render recycling of such material illegal or impossible and that has been rendered reusable and is reused, or that would otherwise be disposed of or discarded but is collected or separated and returned to the economic mainstream in the form of raw materials or product; and any other material designated as Type D recyclable material by the commissioner of health in duly promulgated rules and regulations.
   17-17-02144 Recycling. The collection, temporary storage, and minimal processing of recyclable materials for the purpose of marketing that material for use as a raw material in a manufacturing process or reuse as consumer products. For the purpose of interpreting this definition only, the term "processing" means manual, mechanical or automated separation of recyclable materials from other materials; separation of recyclable materials from each other; cleaning, bundling, compacting, cutting or packing of recyclable material(s). "Processing" in this context does not include melting, rendering, smelting, vulcanizing or purification by application of heat or chemical process.
   17-17-02145 Reprocessable Construction / Demolition Material. Broken concrete, bricks, rock, stone or paving asphalt generated from construction or demolition activities.
   17-17-02146 Residential Building. A building that is arranged, designed, used or intended to be used:
      17-17-02146-A exclusively for residential occupancy by one or more families; or
      17-17-02146-B for a mixture of nonresidential and residential occupancy and in which the floor area devoted to residential dwelling units makes up 50% or more of the building's total gross floor area.
   17-17-02147 Residential District. Any R or DR zoning district or residential planned development.
   17-17-02148 Reversed Corner Lot. A corner lot, the street side property line of which is substantially a continuation of the front property line of the first lot to its rear.
Figure 17-17-02148
   17-17-02149 Roof Line. The top edge of a roof or parapet, whichever is higher.
   17-17-02150 Roof Sign. A sign or any portion of a sign that is erected upon or projects more than 24 inches above the roofline of any building whether the principal support for the sign is on the roof, wall or any other structural element of the building.
   17-17-02150.1 Rooftop gravity tank. Any wooden or metal container, which was originally designed or converted (i) to hold water to supply a sprinkler system at gravity pressure, or to support a building's manufacturing system at gravity pressure, or to support a building's domestic water system at gravity pressure, regardless of whether the container is holding water; and (ii) is elevated on a rooftop or is free-standing.
   17-17-02150.5 Rooftop gravity tank supporting structure. Any structure used to support a rooftop gravity tank regardless of whether a tank is affixed to such supporting structure. The term "supporting structure" shall be construed broadly to include anchors, guides, tracks, mounting brackets, mounting hardware of any type and all other forms of tank support.
   17-17-02151 Satellite Dish Antenna. A device designed or used for the reception or the transmission of television or other electric communication signal broadcast or, relayed from a satellite. It may be a solid, open mesh, or bar configured structure, in the shape of a shallow dish or parabola.
   17-17-02152 Setback. An open, unobstructed area that is required by this Zoning Ordinance to be provided from the furthermost projection of a structure to the property line of the lot on which the building is located.
   17-17-02153 Setback, Front. See "front setback".
   17-17-02154 Setback, Rear. See "rear setback".
   17-17-02155 Setback, Side. See "side setback".
   17-17-02155.1 Shared kitchen. Any (1) food establishment used as a place of business for the exclusive or primary purpose of utilizing, leasing or renting its kitchen space to individuals or entities for food preparation, temporary extra production capacity, menu planning, training, taste testing, product development, food packaging, food storage or any other food-related purpose; or (2) retail or wholesale food establishment that leases, rents or otherwise makes kitchen space available at such establishment for utilization by individuals or entities for food preparation, temporary extra production capacity, menu planning, training, taste testing, product development, food packaging, food storage or any other food-related purpose that is secondary or incidental to the establishment's primary business activity of retail or wholesale food establishment.
   17-17-02155.5 Shooting range facility. "Shooting range facility" means a public or private shooting range and the premises on which the shooting range is located and includes all the buildings, structures, parking areas, and other associated improvements located on the premises. A "shooting range facility" includes any shooting range facility operated or managed by members of a private club or organization for the benefit of its members. A "shooting range facility" shall not include any shooting range facility operated by any federal, state or local law enforcement agency or by the armed forces of the United States, including the Reserves.
   17-17-02156 Side Property Line. Any property line that is not a front property line or a rear property line.
   17-17-02157 Side Setback. The setback required between a building and the side property line of the lot on which the building is located, extending along a side property line from the point of the minimum front setback to the point of the minimum rear setback.
Figure 17-17-02157
   17-17-02158 Side Yard. The actual area that exists between a building and the side property line of the lot on which the building is located, extending along a side property line from the point of the minimum front setback to the point of the minimum rear setback. See also "Setback, Side".
Figure 17-17-02158
   17-17-02159 Sign. Materials placed or constructed, or light projected, that: (1) conveys a message or image and (2) is used to inform or attract the attention of the public. Some examples of "signs" are materials or lights meeting the definition of the preceding sentence and that are commonly referred to as signs, placards, A- boards, posters, billboards, murals, diagrams, banners, flags, or projected slides, images or holograms. When not qualified with the terms "on-premise" or "off- premise", the term "sign" refers to all signs, whether on- or off-premise in nature.
   17-17-02160 Sign Maintenance. Normal care needed to keep a sign functional, such as cleaning, painting, oiling, and changing of light bulbs.
   17-17-02161 Sign Repair. Fixing or replacement of broken or worn parts. Replacement includes comparable materials only. Repairs may be made with the sign in position or with the sign removed.
   17-17-02162 Sign Structure. A structure specifically intended for supporting or containing a sign.
   17-17-02163 Single-Room Occupancy. A residential building containing 5 or more single-room occupancy units in which at least 90% of the units are single room occupancy units occupied by the same tenants for a continuous period of at least 32 days.
   17-17-02164 Single-Room Occupancy Unit. A dwelling unit within a single-room occupancy (building) that is used or intended to be used as sleeping quarters or living quarters with or without cooking facilities, and that contains not more than one room consisting of not more than 250 square feet of floor area, excluding from the calculation of floor area any kitchen having less than 70 square feet of floor area; provided, however, the size and room limits of this section do not apply to single-room occupancy buildings to the extent necessary for the building to: i) remain in conformance with Chapter 5-15 of the Code (Single-Room Occupancy Preservation Ordinance); or ii) qualify for a government subsidy as determined by the City's Department of Housing.
   17-17-02165 Special Character Overlay District. A zoning district that has been established in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 17-7-0600 and that imposes special, supplemental and zoning regulations for the use and development of land within such district.
   17-17-02166 Special Events Signs. A temporary sign announcing an event at stadium, auditorium or public or civic facility.
   17-17-02167 Special Use. A use allowed in the subject zoning district only if reviewed and approved in accordance with the special use procedures of Sec. 17-13-0900.
   17-17-02168 SRO. See "single-room occupancy".
   17-17-02169 Story. That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above, or if there is no floor above, the space between the floor and the ceiling next above. A basement or below-grade floor will be counted as a story when more than one-half of the floor-to- ceiling height is above grade.
   17-17-02170 Street. A public right-of-way that affords a primary means of access to abutting property.
   17-17-02171 Street Frontage. Any portion of a lot that abuts a street. (See also "lot frontage")
   17-17-02172 Strip Center. A building used for 2 or more commercial establishments (including stores, shops, businesses services and offices), that is typically one story in height and typically separated from the street frontage by parking, and that contains less than 65,000 square feet of floor area. This definition does not include single-use buildings when such buildings include accessory business such as coffee shops, dry cleaners, banks or automated teller machines and when such accessory uses are not separated from the principal use by demising walls.
   17-17-02173 Structural Alteration (to a sign). Modification of a sign, sign structure or awning that affects size, shape, height, or sign location; changes in structural materials; or replacement of electrical components with other than comparable materials. The replacement of wood parts with metal parts, the replacement of incandescent bulbs with light emitting diodes (LED), or the addition of electronic elements to a non-electric sign are all examples of structural alterations. Structural alteration does not include ordinary maintenance or repair, repainting an existing sign surface, including changes of message or image, exchanging painted and pasted or glued materials on painted wall signs, or exchanging display panels of a sign through release and closing of clips or other brackets.
   17-17-02174 Substandard Lot Depth. Lot depth of less than 125 feet.
   17-17-02175 Temporary Overnight Shelter. A building, or portion thereof, in which sleeping accommodations are provided for no more than twelve hours per day, for three or more persons who are not related to the property owner, operator, manager or other occupants thereof by blood or by marriage, as described in Chapter 13-208 of this Code.
   17-17-02176 Temporary Sign. A sign that is designed to be used only temporarily and not permanently mounted to a structure or permanently installed in the ground. These include "for sale", leasing and grand opening signs.
   17-17-02176.5 Temporary Storage Container. A temporary storage container means any portable container, storage unit, shed-like container or other portable receptacle designed and used primarily for the temporary outside storage of building materials, household goods, personal items and other materials; provided that a "temporary storage container" does not include a refuse container or dumpster.
   17-17-02177 Through Lot. A lot having a pair of opposite property lines along two more or less parallel public streets, and that is not a corner lot.
   17-17-02178 Top of the Bank. The slope adjacent to the water's edge and that point at the top of the slope at which the contour of the slope ceases to be 10% or greater.
   17-17-02179 Townhouse. A dwelling unit that shares a common wall with another dwelling unit or that has an exterior wall that abuts the exterior wall of another dwelling unit and that shares a common roof. Such common or exterior walls extend from the ground to the roof or from the roof of the garage to the roof of the dwelling unit.
   17-17-02180 Townhouse Development. Two more townhouse units.
   17-17-02181 Transitional Residence. A temporary residential living arrangement for persons who are receiving therapy or counseling for purposes such as, but not limited to, the following: (a) to help persons recuperate from the effects of drugs or alcohol addiction; (b) to help persons re-enter society while housed under supervision while under the constraints of alternatives to imprisonment including, but not limited to, pre-release, work-release and probationary programs; (c) to help persons with family or school adjustment problems that require specialized attention and care in order to achieve personal independence; or (d) to provide temporary shelter for persons who are victims of domestic abuse.
   17-17-02182 Transitional Shelter. A building, or portion thereof, in which temporary residential accommodations are provided for three or more persons who are not related to the property owner, operator, manager or other occupants thereof by blood or by marriage, as described in Chapter 13-212 of the Municipal Code.
   17-17-02183 Transitional Shelter Room. A room used as sleeping and living quarters, but without cooking facilities or without individual bathrooms, as part of a transitional shelter. In a suite of rooms without cooking facilities, each room that provides sleeping accommodations will be counted as one transitional shelter unit.
   17-17-02184 Two-flat. A residential building that contains 2 dwelling units located on a single lot. The dwelling units must share a common wall or common floor/ceiling.
   17-17-02184.5 Type A Unit. A dwelling unit that complies with the Type A unit requirements of Chapter 14B-11 of the Municipal Code.
   17-17-02185 Use. The purpose or activity for which the land, or building thereon, is designed, arranged or intended, or for which it is occupied or maintained. Unless the otherwise expressly indicated, the term "use" means principal use.
   17-17-02186 Use of Open Land. Storage yards, construction debris sites, used vehicle sales lots, vehicle impound yards, auto wrecking, junkyards, and similar open-air uses when the only buildings on the lot are incidental and accessory to the open-air use of the lot.
   17-17-02187 Use, Principal. See "principal use".
   17-17-02188 Variation. Modification of an otherwise applicable standard, approved in accordance with Sec. 17-13-1100.
   17-17-02189 Vehicular Use Area. Any area of the lot not located within any enclosed or partially enclosed structure and that is devoted to a use by or for motor vehicles including parking (accessory or non- accessory); storage of automobiles, trucks or other vehicles; gasoline stations; car washes; motor vehicle repair shops; loading areas; service areas and drives; and access drives and driveways.
   17-17-02190 Video Display Sign. A video display sign is a type of dynamic image display sign that has text, images or graphics on the face of the sign that: (1) depict motion; (2) change more than once every 10 seconds; or (3) have a twirl time that exceeds 0.25 seconds. For purposes of this section, "motion" and "twirl time" have the meanings ascribed to those terms in Section 13-20-510.
   17-17-02190.5 Vintage Sign. A nonconforming sign, including abandoned nonconforming signs, designated as a vintage sign pursuant to the procedures and criteria established in Section 17-15-0600.
   17-17-02191 Wall Sign. A single-faced sign attached flush to a building or other structure or a sign consisting of light projected onto a building or other structure. Wall signs do not include signs that are attached to sign structures.
   17-17-02192 Yard. The actual (as opposed to "required") open space on a zoning lot that is unoccupied and unobstructed from its lowest level to the sky. See also "Setback".
   17-17-02193 Yard, Front. See "front yard".
   17-17-02194 Yard, Rear. See "rear yard".
   17-17-02195 Yard, Side. See "side yard".
   17-17-02196 Zoning Inspector. A municipal employee supervised to issue citations for code violations and conduct inspections of public or private real property in Chicago to determine if code violations exist.
   17-17-02197 Zoning Lot. A single tract of land located within a single block, that (at the time of filing for a building permit) is designated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used, developed, or built upon as a unit, under single ownership or control.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391; Amend Coun. J. 6-29-05, p. 52355, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 6-28-06, p. 79813, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 7-26-06, p. 81829, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-06, p. 84870, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-07, p. 98109, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 4-11-07, p. 103484, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-12-07, p. 17742, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-19-08, p. 47220, Art. VIII, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 6-9-10, p. 93530, §§ 7, 8; Amend Coun. J. 7-28-10, p. 97810, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-17-10, p. 106597, Art. IX, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 2-9-11, p. 112149, §§ 28 – 31; Amend Coun. J. 5-4-11, p. 117699, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 7-6-11, p. 3073, § 12; Amend Coun. J. 9-8-11, p. 7541, § 10; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. II, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19185, §§ 4 – 6; Amend Coun. J. 6-27-12, p. 30744, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, §§ 284 – 287; Amend Coun. J. 12-12-12, p. 44485, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 11-26-13, p. 67481, Art. I, § 30; Amend Coun. J. 4-30-14, p. 80382, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-14, p. 84153, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-14, p. 83727, § 16; Amend Coun. J. 7-30-14, p. 86194, § 8; Amend Coun. J. 7-30-14, p. 86203, §§ 19, 20; Amend Coun. J. 11-12-14, p. 97375, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 2-10-16, p. 18766, § 16; Amend Coun. J. 11-14-18, p. 90308, Art. I, § 37; Amend Coun. J. 10-16-19, p. 7854, §§ 10, 11; Amend Coun. J. 10-16-19, p. 7867, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. VI, § 27; Amend Coun. J. 4-24-20, p. 16148, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-16-20, p. 26066, § 16; Amend Coun. J. 5-25-22, p. 48413, § 12; Amend Coun. J. 7-20-22, p. 50878, § 8; Amend Coun. J. 7-19-23, p. 1992, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 9-14-23, p. 2842, § 4)
17-17-0300 Measurements.
   17-17-0301 Division of Improved Zoning Lots. No improved zoning lot may be divided into 2 or more zoning lots and no portion of any improved zoning lot may be sold unless all improved zoning lots resulting from the division or sale comply with all the applicable bulk regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located; provided, however, divisions or sales that do not further increase the extent of any existing nonconformity, including a nonconforming setback that is not impacted by the proposed division or sale, shall be allowed.
   17-17-0302 Lot Area. Lot area includes the total land area contained within the property lines of a lot.
   17-17-0303 Lot Frontage. Lot frontage is measured between side property lines along the front property line abutting a public street.
   17-17-0304 Lot Area per Unit. Lot area per unit refers to the amount of lot area required for each dwelling unit on the property. For example, if a minimum lot-area-per-unit standard of 1,000 square feet is applied to 3,125 square foot lot, a maximum of 3 dwelling units would be allowed on the property.
   17-17-0305 Floor Area Ratio. The floor area ratio of a building is the floor area of the building divided by the total gross area of the zoning lot upon which the building is located. In the case of planned developments and townhouse developments, the floor area ratio of a building site is the floor area of all buildings on the site divided by the net site area of the building site.
      17-17-0305-A For the purpose of calculating floor area ratios, the "floor area" of a building is the sum of the gross horizontal area of all floors in the building measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the center line of walls separating two buildings. The "floor area" of a building expressly includes all of the following:
         1.   floor area of any floor located below grade or partially below grade when more than one-half the floor-to-ceiling height of the below-grade (or partially-below-grade) floor is above grade level, provided that below-grade or partially below-grade floors with a clear height of less than 6 feet 9 inches are not counted as floor area;
Figure 17-17-0305-A1
         2.   elevator shafts and stairwells on each floor;
         3.   floor area used for mechanical equipment, except equipment located on the roof and mechanical equipment within the building that occupies a commonly owned contiguous area of 5,000 square feet or more;
         4.   those portions of an attic having clear height (head-room) of 6 feet 9 inches or more;
Figure 17-17-0305-A4
         5.   mezzanines;
         6.   enclosed porches;
         7.   floor area devoted to non-accessory parking;
         8.   parking provided in excess of the maximum accessory parking limits established in Sec. 17-10-0208, provided that each such parking space will be counted as 350 square feet of floor area; and
         9.   floor area within a principal building that is occupied by accessory uses.
      17-17-0305-B For the purpose of calculating floor area ratios, floor area devoted to required loading, accessory parking and the drive aisles and circulation area associated with such loading and parking are not to be counted as "floor area".
      17-17-0305-C Stairway and Elevator Enclosures and Elevator Equipment Penthouses. For the purpose of calculating floor area ratio, the floor area of stairway and elevator enclosures and elevator equipment penthouses shall not be counted as "floor area" in accordance with Section 17-17-0311-C.
   17-17-0306 Front Setbacks.
      17-17-0306-A Measurement. Required front setbacks and existing average front yards are to be measured from the front property line of the lot on which such building is located to the exterior wall of the building.
      17-17-0306-B Permitted Obstructions / Encroachments. Required setbacks must be unobstructed and unoccupied from the ground to the sky except as expressly allowed in Sec. 17-17-0309. All portions of required front setbacks that are not occupied by permitted obstructions (See Sec. 17-17-0309) must be landscaped and preserved as open space.
      17-17-0306-C Patio Pits. No terrace or patio more than 2 feet below grade is permitted within 15 feet of the front property line in any RS1, RS2 or RS3 district or within 12 feet of the front property line in any other R district. This provision is not intended to prohibit the installation of a terrace or patio on a lot that has a pre-construction grade more than 2 feet below the top of the curb of the street upon which the lot fronts. Patios or terraces more than 2 feet below grade may be constructed in the front yard outside of the required setback distance established in this section only if such terrace or patio is visually screened from view with landscaping and decorative fencing.
      17-17-0306-D Negative Grade Elevation Lots and Allowed Uses. When the existing street grade (curb level) has a positive (+) elevation above the established lot grade and there is no requested negative (–) elevation change or lowering of the established lot grade within the front setback; then, a terrace or patio may be allowed provided that the area within the terrace or patio is landscaped and preserved as open space. A decorative fence must be installed at the front property enclosing the front setback.
   17-17-0307 Rear Setbacks.
      17-17-0307-A Measurement. Required rear setbacks are to be measured from the rear property line of the lot on which such structure is located to the furthermost projection of the structure, not including those projections and features allowed within such setback pursuant to Sec. 17-17-0309.
      17-17-0307-B Permitted Obstructions / Encroachments. Required setbacks must be unobstructed and unoccupied from the ground to the sky except as expressly allowed in Sec. 17-2-0306-D Sec. 17-2-0306-E or Sec. 17-17-0309.
   17-17-0308 Side Setbacks.
      17-17-0308-A Measurement. Required side setbacks and existing side yards are to be measured from the side property line of the lot on which such structure is located to the furthermost projection of the structure, not including those projections and features allowed within such setback pursuant to Sec. 17-17-0309.
      17-17-0308-B Permitted Obstructions / Encroachments. Required setbacks must be unobstructed and unoccupied from the ground to the sky except as expressly allowed in Sec. 17-17-0309.
      17-17-0308-C Division of Improved Zoning Lots. When zoning lots in RS3, RT3.5, RT4, R4.5, RM5, and lots in B and C districts are divided and such lots contain existing attached buildings, side setbacks do not apply between the attached buildings.
   17-17-0309 Features Allowed to Encroach in Required Setbacks. Required setbacks in all districts must be unobstructed and unoccupied from the ground to the sky except that features are allowed to encroach into required setbacks to the extent indicated in the following table:
Obstruction/Projection into Required Setback
Obstruction/Projection into Required Setback
Accessory buildings used for domestic storage (e.g., sheds and tool rooms)
Air conditioning units, provided the unit is not more than 4 feet in height
Arbors and trellises
Awnings and canopies
Bay windows that project no more than 3 feet into the setback and are located at least 4 feet above grade at their lowest point
Chimneys that project no more than 18 inches into the setback
Coach houses meeting the requirements of Section 17-2-201-F.* Coach houses that are constructed adjacent to a public alley must be set back at least two feet from the rear property line; provided, however, that this two-foot setback is not required if the coach house is located at least ten feet from the centerline of the alley, as evidenced by a survey or other similar evidence provided by the applicant and deemed acceptable by the Zoning Administrator
* Editor's note – as set forth in Coun. J. 4-21-21, p. 29942, § 3; intended reference is likely Section 17-9-0201-F. Future legislation will correct if needed.
Satellite dish antennas, not exceeding 1 meter in diameter
Yes [1]
Satellite dish antennas, over 1 meter but not exceeding 2.4 meters in diameter
Eaves and gutters projecting 18 inches or less into setback
Eaves and gutters projecting 3 feet or less into setback
Fences and walls (no more than 20% opaque) up to 6 feet in height
Fences and walls (more than 20% opaque or solid) up to 4.5 feet in height
Fences and walls (more than 20% opaque or solid) up to 6 feet in height
Parking spaces, enclosed, provided that (attached or detached) garages that are accessed from alleys must be set back at least two feet from the rear property line (this two-foot setback is not required if the garage is located at least 10 feet from the centerline of the alley, as evidenced by a survey or other similar evidence provided by the applicant and deemed acceptable by the Zoning Administrator) provided further, however, that additions following the rear wall of existing garages shall be permitted regardless of the proximity of the existing garage's rear wall to the rear property line
Parking spaces, unenclosed in RS districts
Yes [2]
Parking spaces, unenclosed in RT and RM districts
Patios that are not over 4 feet above the average level of the adjoining ground (See Sec. 17-17-0306-C)
Porches and balconies and that are open on at least 3 sides
Recreational equipment (e.g., swing sets and basketball hoops)
Roof projecting from garage over open patio not to exceed 8 feet
Stairs (unenclosed), providing access to a rooftop deck on an accessory building, with a staircase width not exceeding 4 feet, so long as the entire staircase abuts and is parallel to the wall of the accessory building
Stairs (unenclosed) providing secondary egress required by the Building Code
Sills, belt courses, cornices, buttresses and other architectural features projecting no more than 3 feet into the setback
Steps no more than 6 feet above Grade that are necessary for access to a permitted building or for access to zoning lot from a street or alley
Wheelchair lifts and ramps that meet federal, state and local accessibility standards
[1]   Subject to the restrictions of Section 17-9-0203-A.
[2]   Permitted only when the parking is accessed from a public street where no alley exists.
[3]   Permitted only for townhouse developments.
   17-17-0310 Building Wall Separation.
      17-17-0310-A Measurement. Required building separations are to be measured between the furthermost projection of the structures, not including those projections and features allowed within such setback pursuant to Sec. 17-17-0309.
      17-17-0310-B Permitted Obstructions / Encroachments. Required separations must be unobstructed and unoccupied from the ground to the sky except as expressly allowed in Sec. 17-17-0309.
   17-17-0311 Building Height.
      17-17-0311-A Measurement. The building height of any principal or accessory building is measured as the vertical distance from grade to the highest point of the underside of the top floor's ceiling joist on a building with a flat roof or to the mean height level between eaves and ridge of a gable, hip, mansard, or gambrel roof. For purposes of this provision, "floor" means any enclosed area with a floor-to-ceiling height of 6 feet 9 inches or more.
Figure 17-17-0311-A
      17-17-0311-B Rooftop Features.
         1.   Stairway and elevator enclosures providing access to occupiable rooftops and elevator equipment penthouses are allowed to exceed the maximum building height in accordance with Section 17-17-0311-C.
         2.   Solar photovoltaic or solar thermal panels in all districts are allowed to exceed the maximum building height on a building with a flat roof, provided that the panels and supporting structures do not extend beyond the edge of the roof and do not exceed 9 feet in overall height or extend more than 5 feet above the parapet, whichever results in a lesser height.
         3.   Solar photovoltaic or solar thermal panels in all districts are not considered when determining building height of a building with a gable, hip, mansard, or gambrel roof, provided that the panels and supporting structures do not extend beyond the edge of the roof, do not extend further than 12 inches vertically above the roof surface at any point, and do not extend vertically above the highest ridgeline of the roof.
         4.   Rooftop wind energy systems shall be considered permitted accessory structures within all districts provided they comply with the height limits and setbacks established in this Section. A rooftop energy conversion system shall consist of a wind turbine(s) and associated equipment for converting wind energy to power. Wind energy conversions systems shall be permitted as rooftop accessory structures provided such structures:
            (a)   are set back at least 20 feet from the front building line, or in the case of corner lots, at least 15 feet from the front and side building line facing a street.
            (b)   are limited to a height of no more than 15 feet above the roof or top of the parapet, whichever is greater.
            (c)   comply with all noise limitations of the Chicago Municipal Code.
         5.   Pergolas, arbors and trellises located on rooftops of principal buildings or private garages are allowed to exceed the maximum building height, provided that:
            (a)   on principal buildings less than 80 feet tall, they are set back at least 20 feet from the front building line, or in the case of comer lots, at least 15 feet from the front building line and side building line facing a street.
            (b)   on principal buildings and private garages, they do not exceed 11 feet in overall height above the rooftop deck or extend more than 8 feet above the parapet, whichever is greater.
      17-17-0311-C Stairway and Elevator Enclosures and Elevator Equipment Penthouses.
         1.   Stairway and elevator enclosures providing access to occupiable rooftops and elevator equipment penthouses in R, B, C and D districts are allowed to exceed the maximum building height or mandatory planned development height threshold and will not be counted as floor area for the purpose of calculating floor area ratio to the extent indicated in the following table:
Enclosure contains
Setback 1
Maximum Floor Area per enclosure exceeding building height 2
Maximum Height 3
Enclosure contains
Setback 1
Maximum Floor Area per enclosure exceeding building height 2
Maximum Height 3
Stairway only
200 square feet
Elevator only
275 square feet
Elevator and Stairway
500 square feet
Elevator Equipment Penthouse
200 square feet
B, C or D
Stairway only
300 square feet
Elevator only
275 square feet + 175 square feet per elevator car exceeding 1
Elevator and Stairway
575 square feet + 175 square feet per elevator car exceeding 1
Elevator Equipment Penthouse
200 square feet + 175 square feet per elevator car exceeding 1
[1]   Measured from the front building line to the nearest outside face of the enclosure.
[2]   Measured in accordance with Section 17-17-0305-A.
[3]   Measured from the underside of the top floor's ceiling joist to the highest point of the enclosure structure.
         2.   Stairway and elevator enclosures allowed by this section may only contain stairways, elevator shafts, elevator vestibules, landings, and elevator, mechanical, or fire protection equipment. Enclosures for any other purpose may not exceed the maximum building height for the district and must be included in floor area for the purpose of calculating floor area ratio.
         3.   In the case of corner lots, in addition to the setback required from the front building line a setback equal to one half the distance between side building lines is required from the side building line facing a street to the nearest outside face of the enclosure.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-06, p. 73934, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-06, p. 84870, §§ 2, 3; Amend Coun. J. 10-31-07, p. 12065, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-8-08, p. 40951, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-12-10, p. 92103, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 4-13-11, p. 115858, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-2-11, p. 12143, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 3-14-12, p. 23152, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45477, §§ 7, 8; Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. VI, § 28; Amend Coun. J. 4-21-21, p. 29942, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 7-20-22, p. 50878, § 8; Amend Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. V, § 2)
17-17-0400 Public transit tables.
Table 17-17-0400-A - CTA and Pace Bus Routes Included
(Bus route names are included only for reference purposes and are subject to change.)
Route Name
Route Name
Hyde Park Express / 2
South DuSable Lake Shore Drive
King Drive / 3
King Drive
Cottage Grove / 4
Cottage Grove
Jackson Park Express / 6
South DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Harrison / 7
Halsted / 8
Ashland / 9
Lincoln / 11
Roosevelt / 12
Jeffery Local / 15
Madison / 20
Cermak / 21
Clark / 22
South Shore Express / 26
South DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Stony Island / 28
South DuSable Lake Shore Drive
State / 29
South Michigan / 34
South Michigan
Broadway / 36
Pershing / 39
43rd / 43
47th / 47
Western / 49
Pulaski / 53
Pulaski / 53A
South Pulaski
Cicero / 54
Garfield / 55
Milwaukee / 56
Blue Island/26th / 60
Blue Island
Archer / 62
63rd / 63
Chicago / 66
Chicago Ave.
67th-69th-71st / 67
67th / 69th / 71st
Northwest Highway / 68
North Milwaukee
Division / 70
71st/South Shore / 71
71st / South Shore
North / 72
Armitage / 73
Fullerton / 74
74th-75th / 75
74th / 75th
Diversey / 76
Belmont / 77
Montrose / 78
79th / 79
79th Street
Irving Park / 80
Irving Park
Lawrence / 81
Kimball-Homan / 82
Peterson / 84
Bryn Mawr
Central / 85
87th / 87
Higgins / 88
North Milwaukee
Austin / 91
North Milwaukee
Foster / 92
95th / 95
Pulse Milwaukee Line / Pace
Milwaukee Ave
East 103rd / 106
Halsted/95th / 108
South Halsted
111th/King Drive / 111
111th / King
Pullman/115th / 115
115th / Cottage Grove
Michigan/119th / 119
119th / Michigan
Stockton/LaSalle Express / 134
North DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Clarendon/LaSalle Express / 135
North DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Sheridan/LaSalle Express / 136
North DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Stockton/Michigan Express / 143
North DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Inner Drive/Michigan Express / 146
North DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Outer Drive Express / 147
North DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Clarendon/Michigan Express / 148
North DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Sheridan / 151
Devon / 155
Streeterville/Taylor / 157
Ogden Ave
U. of Chicago/Kenwood / 172
Hyde Park
North Western / 49B
North Western
South Cicero / 54B
South Cicero
North Central / 85A
North Milwaukee
South Halsted / 8A
South Halsted
Jeffery Jump / J14
Jeffery / South DuSable Lake Shore Drive
Western Express / X49
Ashland Express / X9
Table 17-17-0400-B - Bus Line Corridor Roadway Segments
Street Name
Served by CTA or
Pace Route(s)
Street Name
Served by CTA or
Pace Route(s)
100th St
Torrence Ave
Van Vlissingen Rd
15, J14
103rd St
Michigan Ave
Torrence Ave
15, J14, 106
104th St
Torrence Ave
Commercial Ave
111th St
Vincennes Ave
Cottage Grove Ave
111, 115
115th St
Vincennes Ave
King Dr
111, 115
119th St
Western Ave
Michigan Ave
111, 115, 119
127th St
Indiana Ave
Michigan Ave
130th St
Eberhart Ave
Indiana Ave
131st St
Ellis Ave
Eberhart Ave
133rd St
Langley Ave
Ellis Ave
16th St
Indiana Ave
Michigan Ave
25th St
Michigan Ave
King Dr
25th St
Lawndale Ave
Central Park Ave
26th St
King Dr
Michigan Ave
26th St
Ogden Ave
Blue Island Ave
31st St
Komensky Ave
Pulaski Rd
31st St
Central Park Ave
Lawndale Ave
32nd St
Lawndale Ave
Central Park Ave
35th St
Cottage Grove Ave
Michigan Ave
41st Street
Prairie Ave
Michigan Ave
43rd St
Cottage Grove Ave
Prairie Ave
43rd St
LaSalle St
State St
47th St
Kedzie Ave
S DuSable Lake Shore Dr
6, 15, 43, 47
50th St
S Lake Shore Dr
Cornell Ave
51st St
Wells St
Cottage Grove Ave
53rd St
Woodlawn Ave
Ellis Ave
55th St
Morgan St
55th St
Rainey Dr
S Hyde Park Blvd
56th St
Stony Island Ave
S Lake Park Ave
57th Dr
57th St
S Everett Ave
6, 55
57th St
Stony Island Ave
57th Dr
59th St
Dorchester Ave
Woodlawn Ave
60th St
Stony Island Ave
Cottage Grove Ave
2, 172
63rd St
Cicero Ave
Stony Island Ave
64th St
Stony Island Ave
Blackstone Ave
67th St
S South Shore Dr
Rhodes Ave
6, 15, 26, 67
69th St
Western Ave
Keefe Ave
67, 71
71st St
Western Ave
Kedzie Ave
71st St
S South Shore Dr
Vincennes Ave
6, 26, 71
73rd St
Exchange Ave
Yates Blvd
74th St
Damen Ave
Loomis Blvd
74th St
Racine Ave
Eggleston Ave
75th St
S South Shore Dr
Eggleston Ave
71, 75
76th St
Loomis Blvd
Racine Ave
76th St
Kostner Ave
Cicero Ave
79th St
Cicero Ave
S South Shore Dr
83rd St
Exchange Ave
S South Shore Dr
26, 71
87th St
Western Ave
Buffalo Ave
87, 95
91st St
Mackinaw Ave
Commercial Ave
26, 87, 95
92nd St
Commerical Ave
Buffalo Ave
93rd St
Stony Island Ave
Exchange Ave
93rd St
Cottage Grove Ave
Woodlawn Ave
95th St
Woodlawn Ave
Stony Island Ave
95th St
Western Ave
Cottage Grove Ave
3, 4, 95, 106, 111, 115, 119
Adams St
Michigan Ave
Clinton St
7, 151
Archer Ave
Harlem Ave
State St
Armitage Ave
Pulaski Rd
Kostner Ave
Ashland Ave
95th St
Irving Park Rd
9, X9, 63
Ashland Ave
119th St
115th St
111, 115
Ashland Blvd
Pratt Blvd
Morse Ave
Balbo Dr
Columbus Dr
Michigan Ave
6,26, J14
Belmont Ave
Cumberland Ave
N Lake Shore Dr W
Blackstone Ave
64th St
63rd St
Blue Island Ave
26th St
Cermak Rd
Blue Island Ave
Loomis St
Racine Ave
Bradley Pl
Halsted St
Clark St
Devon Ave
8, 36, 80, 90
Bryn Mawr Ave
Lake Shore Dr
92, 84
Bryn Mawr Ave
Central Ave
Elston Ave
Buffalo Ave
87th St
92nd St
87, 95
Burley Ave
92nd St
91st St
Canal St
Harrison St
Washington St
7, 60
Cannon Dr
Stockton Dr
Sheridan Rd
Central ave
Milwaukee Ave
Elston Ave
Central Ave
Harrison St
Higgins Ave
12, 85
Central Park Ave
25th St
Douglas Blvd
Central Park Ave
32nd St
31st St
Cermak Rd
Cicero Ave
Michigan Ave
3, 21, 60
Chicago Ave
Austin Blvd
Fairbanks Ct
3, 26, 66
Cicero Ave
79th St
54B, 55, 63, 79
Cicero Ave
Montrose Ave
Roosevelt Rd
54, 60
Clarendon Ave
Lawrence Ave
Irving Park Ave
135, 148
Clark St
Polk St
Howard St
22, 36, 70
Clinton St
Madison St
Harrison St
7, 60, 151
Columbus Dr
S DuSable Lake Shore Dr
Balbo Dr
6, 26, J14, 146
Columbus Dr
Randolph St
South Water
Commercial Ave
104th St
Exchange Ave
26, 71, 87
Congress Plaza Dr
Michigan Ave
Ida B Wells Dr
Cornell Ave
50th St
E Hyde Park Blvd
Cottage Grove Ave
111th St
35th St
4, 95, 115
Damen Ave
Taylor St
Roosevelt Rd
Dearborn St
Polk St
Division St
22, 36, 62, 70, 151
Devon Ave
Kedzie Ave
36, 155
Diversey Ave
Kedzie Ave
N Lake Shore Dr W
76, 77
Diversey Ave
Natchez Ave
Milwaukee Ave
Division St
Austin Blvd
State St
36, 70
Dorchester Ave
60th St
59th St
Douglas Blvd
Central Park Ave
Homan Ave
E Hyde Park Blvd
S Lake Shore Dr
Cottage Grove Ave
2, 6, 15, 28, 172
Eberhart Ave
131st St
130th St
Ellis Ave
133rd St
131st St
Ellis Ave
53rd St
60th St
Elston Ave
Byrn Mawr Ave
Central Ave
Ewing Ave
91st St
106th St
Exchange Ave
Commercial Ave
83rd St
26, 71
Exchange Ave
93rd St
92nd St
Exchange Ave
75th St
73rd St
Fairbanks Ct
Chicago Ave
Illinois St
Fifth Ave
Kostner Ave
Harrison St
Foster Ave
Lake Shore Dr
Milwaukee Ave
92, 147
Fullerton Ave
Grand Ave
Halsted St
Gale St
Higgins Ave
Milwaukee Ave
Grand Ave
Streeter Dr
State St
29, 66
Grand Ave
Nordica Ave
Fullerton Ave
Halsted St
79th St
Waveland Ave
8, 20, 74
Halsted St
127th St
95th St
8A, 108
Harrison St
Paulina St
Canal St
7, 60
Harrison St
Central Ave
Kostner Ave
Harrison St
Fifth Ave
Wood St
Harrison St
Wells St
Financial Pl
Higgins Ave
Central Ave
Gale St
Homan Ave
Douglas Blvd
North Ave
Howard St
Paulina St
Clark St
Ida B Wells Dr
Financial Pl
Dearborn St
Ida B Wells Dr
Congress Plaza Dr
State St
7, 147
Illinois St
Dearborn St
Streeter Dr
29, 36, 66
Indiana Ave
41st St
Pershing Rd
Indiana Ave
35th St
Michigan Ave
Indiana Ave
Roosevelt Rd
16th St
Indiana Ave
130th St
127th St
Inner Lake Shore Dr
Belmont Ave
W Sheridan Rd
135, 146
Irving Park Rd
Cumberland Ave
Lake Shore Dr (local)
9, 80, 135, 148
Jackson Blvd
Clinton St
Michigan Ave
7, 151
Jeffery Blvd
Van Vlissingen Rd
67th St
15, J14
Justine St
63rd St
Ashland/63rd CTA Station
Kedzie Ave
48th Pl
47th St
Kedzie Ave
Milwaukee Ave
Diversey Ave
Keefe Ave
69th St
Rhodes Ave
Kimball Ave
North Ave
Lincoln Ave
King Dr
115th St
26th St
3, 21, 111, 115
Kinzie St
Dearborn St
State St
Kostner Ave
Harrison St
Fifth Ave
Lafayette Ave
69th St
95th St
29, 75
Lake St
State St
Michigan Ave
LaSalle Dr
Lake Shore Dr
Stockton Dr
LaSalle St
Pershing Road
35th Street
LaSalle St
47th St
43rd St
Lawndale Ave
32nd Ave
25th St
Lawrence Ave
Milwaukee Ave
N Lake Shore Dr W
Lincoln Ave
Bryn Mawr Ave
Leland Ave
Lincoln Ave
Webster Ave
Fullerton Ave
37, 74
Lipps Ave
Jefferson Park Blue Line Station
Lawrence Ave
Loomis Blvd
74th St
76th St
Loomis St
Cermak Rd
Blue Island Ave
Madison St
Austin Blvd
Michigan Ave
20, 60, J14
Marine Dr
Foster Ave
Irving Park Rd
81, 136, 146, 148
Marquette Rd
67th St
Promontory Dr
Marshfield Ave
117th St
119th St
111, 115
McCormack Blvd
Lincoln Ave
Devon Ave
McFetridge Dr
Museum Campus Dr
Columbus Dr
Michigan Ave
127th St
95th St
34, 39, 106, 119
Michigan Ave
35th St
Lake Shore Dr
3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 20, 21, 26, 60, J14, 146, 147, 151
Milwaukee Ave
Division St
Foster Ave
56, 68, 76, 85/85A, 81, 88, 91, 92
Milwaukee Ave
W Veterans Place
Albion Ave
Pulse Milwaukee
Montrose Ave
Kimball Ave
California Ave
Morgan St
Garfield Blvd
Rainey Dr
Morse Ave
Ashland Blvd
Sheridan Rd
N Lake Shore Dr W
Belmont Ave
Diversey Pkwy
North Ave
Harlem Ave
Clark St
Ogden Ave
Pulaski Rd
Western Ave
Ogden Ave
Roosevelt Rd
Polk St
12, 157
Museum Campus Dr
Solidarity Dr
McFetridge Dr
Paulina St
Rogers Ave
Howard St
Paulina St
Polk St
Harrison St
Pershing Rd
Cottage Grove Ave
LaSalle St
Polk St
Wood St
Paulina St
Polk St
Clark St
State St
22, 62
Prairie Ave
Pershing Road
41st Street
Pratt Blvd
Sheridan Rd
Ashland Blvd
Pulaski Rd
31st St
Peterson Ave
Pulaski Rd
36th St
87th St.
Pulaski Rd
99th St
115th St
Racine Ave
Blue Island Ave
Harrison St
Racine Ave
76th St
74th St
Rainey Dr
Morgan St
55th St
Randolph St
Michigan Ave
Harbor Dr
4, 6, 60
Rhodes Ave
Keefe Ave
67th St
Rogers Ave
Clark St
Paulina St
Roosevelt Rd
Central Ave
Ogden Ave
Roosevelt Rd
Damen Ave
Columbus Dr
12, 146
S Hyde Park Blvd
57th Dr
E Hyde Park Blvd
6, 28, 55
S Lake Park Ave
56th St
47th St
2, 6, 15, 28
S Lake Shore Dr (local)
E Hyde Park Blvd
50th St
S South Shore Dr
83rd St
67th St
6, 26, 71
Sheridan Rd
Foster Ave
Howard St
92, 136, 147, 155
Sheridan Rd
Diversey Pkwy
Melrose St
77, 134, 143, 151
Solidarity Dr
Museum Campus Dr
South Water
Columbus Dr
Michigan Ave
Southport Ave
Clark St
Irving Park Rd
State St
95th St
Division St
6, 29, 36, 62, 71, 75, 142, 147
Stetson Ave
Randolph St
Wacker Dr
Stockton Dr
LaSalle Dr
Cannon Dr
Stony Island Ave
56th St
95th St
2, 6, 15, 26, 28, 63, 95
Streeter Dr
Illinois St
Grand Ave
Taylor St
Ogden Ave
Damen Ave
Trumbull Ave
Cermak Rd
Cermak Rd
Torrence Ave
112th St
100th St
71, J14
Van Vlissingen Rd
100th St
Jeffery Blvd
15, J14
Vincennes Ave
69th Red Line Station
71st St
Vincennes Ave
115th St
111th St
W Sheridan Rd
Lake Shore Dr
N Sheridan Rd
80, 151
Wacker Dr
State St
Columbus Dr
Walton St
Dearborn St
Clark St
22, 70
Washington St
Halsted St
Michigan Ave
20, 60, J14, 147, 151
Waveland Ave
Halsted St
Webster Ave
Halsted St
Lincoln Ave
Wells St
47th St
51st St
Wentworth Ave
51st St
47th St
Western Ave
79th St
Howard St
49, X49, 49B
Western Ave
95th St
87th St
Wood St
Harrison St
Polk St
Woodlawn Ave
93rd St
95th St
Woodlawn Ave
59th St
E Hyde Park Blvd
Yates Ave
103rd St
100th St
Yates Ave
73rd St
71st St
(Added Coun. J. 7-20-22, p. 50878, § 8)