One of the members must be an architect registered with the State of Illinois; one member must be an engineer licensed by or registered with the State of Illinois; one member must be a building contractor; one member must be a labor representative representing the Chicago building trades unions; three members must be residents of Chicago who will represent the public interest; one member must be an architect or engineer registered with the State of Illinois who has architectural experience in accessibility design; and one member must be an individual who is a member of, or who is authorized to represent, a group or organization that represents the interests of people with disabilities. All members will be appointed for a term of two years and will hold office until a successor has been appointed. Any vacancy in the membership on the Building Board of Appeals must be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the unexpired term.
The building official, fire code official, and Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities must each designate one representative of their respective departments to serve as non-voting advisors to the Building Board of Appeals. Designated advisors must attend meetings of the Building Board of Appeals.
Any person who is desiring review of a decision or determination of the building official pertaining to a permit or permit application must file a written appeal petition, on a form to be provided, with the chair of the Building Board of Appeals, within 21 days after the decision or determination to be reviewed has been issued by the building official. The appeal petition must be accompanied by all supporting information the petitioner wishes to be considered by the Building Board of Appeals. The petitioner must also deliver a copy of the appeal petition and supporting information to the building official and, if the petitioner is not the permit applicant, to the permit applicant. Petitions must be delivered in person or by U.S. mail with delivery confirmation.
The appeal petition must be accompanied by proof that the required filing fee has been paid to the City in accordance with Section 14A-12-1210.