The building official may adopt formal written interpretations of the Chicago Construction Codes, not inconsistent with the provisions of the Chicago Construction Codes, and which, upon adoption, will have the same legal effect as the provisions of the Chicago Construction Codes. Each interpretation must be dated, sequentially numbered, posted on a public website, and kept on file in the office of the building official. Interpretations issued by the building official under earlier provisions of the Municipal Code will remain in effect until amended or revoked by the building official. The building official may amend or revoke a formal written interpretation at any time.
Upon application of an owner or registered design professional, the building official is authorized to approve alternative methods for complying with any provision of the Chicago Construction Codes for individual cases under any of the following conditions:
1. Approval of an alternative method of compliance is specifically authorized or required by a provision of the Chicago Construction Codes.
2. There are practical difficulties in carrying out the strict requirements of the Chicago Construction Codes and all of the following are established:
2.1. Specific individual reasons, other than solely cost, make the strict application of the applicable provisions of the Chicago Construction Codes impractical.
2.2. The alternative to be approved will comply with the intent and purpose of the Chicago Construction Codes.
2.3. The alternative to be approved will provide equivalent or greater health protection, accessibility, life and fire safety, and structural performance.
3. A material, design, or method of construction not specifically allowed or prohibited by the Chicago Construction Codes complies with the intent of the Chicago Construction Codes and will, in the specific application, result in a structure providing equal or greater quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, and safety as one meeting the strict requirements of the Chicago Construction Codes.
Where the Chicago Construction Codes provide that a condition must be approved by the fire code official, the building official must refer the request to the fire code official, provided that the building official is responsible for receiving and maintaining records related to all applications under Section 14A-10-1003.