Decisions by the Committee pursuant to Section 14A-10-1004 are project-specific. A decision does not have any precedential effect, nor does it require the Committee to approve or deny a similar request in the future. The building official, however, may consider actions of the Committee in evaluating requests for alternative code approval under Section 14A-10-1003.
In order to ensure that the spirit of the Chicago Construction Codes pertaining to the issuance of permits is observed, public safety secured, and substantial justice done, the Building Board of Appeals is created to hear appeals from decisions and determinations of the building official relating to the issuance of a permit or work done under a permit.
Decisions of the Building Board of Appeals will apply only to the individual case being reviewed and are not a precedent for similar work or a change in the Chicago Construction Codes. The Building Board of Appeals does not have jurisdiction over matters within the authority of the Committee on Standards and Tests or Zoning Board of Appeals. Further, the Building Board of Appeals does not have jurisdiction over matters pertaining to the Chicago Electrical Code.