It is hereby made the duty of the owner of every bicycle, before operating or permitting the operation of the same upon any public way within the city, to register said vehicle with the commissioner of police on a form provided for such purpose.
Registration may be accomplished by filing the registration record or form, duly filled out, in the office of the commander of the police district in which the bicycle owner resides, or by mailing said form, duly filled out, postage prepaid, to the commissioner of police.
(Prior code § 29.1-2; Amend Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634)
The registration record shall be in size and style as prescribed by the commissioner of police and shall contain the date of registration, the make, serial number, model and description of the bicycle registered, the name and residence address of the owner, the signature of the owner, the owner's age, and if such owner is under 21 years of age, the name and address of his or her parent or guardian, the name and address of the person from whom purchased, the date of purchase, and such additional information as the commissioner of police may require.
(Prior code § 29.1-3; Amend Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634)
Upon the sale or transfer of any bicycle registered hereunder, it shall be the duty of the purchaser, within ten days of the date of such sale or transfer, to register such bicycle in his name in manner provided for in the case of an original registrant.
(Prior code § 29.1-4; Amend Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634)
It shall be unlawful to destroy, remove, alter, cover or deface the manufacturer's serial number on any bicycle. It shall be unlawful for any person to own or have custody of a bicycle, the original manufacturer's serial number of which has been destroyed, removed, altered, covered or defaced. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than $200.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 29.1-5; Amend Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634)
No person shall operate any bicycle upon the public ways or other places in this city in violation of any of the applicable provisions of Title 9 of this Code.
(Prior code § 29.1-6; Amend Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634)
Every person engaged in the business of buying or selling new or second hand bicycles shall make a report to the commissioner of police of every bicycle purchased or sold by such dealer, giving the name and address of the person from whom purchased or to whom sold, a description of such bicycle by name or make, the frame number thereof, and the registration number, if any, found thereon.
(Prior code § 29.1-8; Amend Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634)