(a) No vehicles having a manufacturer's rated seating capacity of ten or more persons, including the driver, shall be licensed as liveries.
(b) No livery vehicle shall be licensed as a public passenger vehicle unless it has two doors on each side and meets applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards for vehicles of its size, type and proposed use.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 2)
It is unlawful for any person to solicit passengers for transportation on any public way or in any city airport except as specifically provided by contract as approved by the City Council of the City of Chicago, pursuant to Section 10-36-270.
It shall be unlawful for any livery vehicle not licensed as such by the City to solicit or accept business within the corporate boundaries of the City of Chicago, except where the passengers are destined to the community in which such livery vehicle is licensed and then only when such transportation has been arranged in advance.
No livery vehicle shall be parked on any public way for a time longer than is reasonably necessary to accept passengers in answer to a call for service and no passenger shall be accepted for any trip in such vehicle without previous engagement for such trip, at a fixed charge or fare, through the station or office from which said vehicle is operated.
Any person who violates this section shall be punished by a fine as provided in Section 9-114-410. Each day that such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. In addition to fines, penalties for any violations of this section may include license suspension or revocation.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-21-17, p. 61755, Art. IX, § 28)
(a) No person shall be licensed as a livery chauffeur unless such person has successfully completed a restricted chauffeur training program in accordance with Chapter 9-104 of this Code and any rules promulgated thereunder. Provided, however, that the requirements of this section and the training requirements of Chapter 9-104 applicable to a livery chauffeur applicant shall be deemed to have been met if the applicant for such license successfully completes a livery chauffeur training program approved by the Commissioner and conducted by the licensee or other authorities approved by the Commissioner. In addition to other applicable requirements, the training program conducted by the licensee or other authorities approved by the Commissioner must cover topics related to providing service to people with disabilities.
(Added Coun. J. 5-28-14, p. 82771, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 11-21-17, p. 61755, Art. IX, § 29)
It is unlawful for any person other than a livery licensee or his agent to represent to the public that he renders livery service.
(a) It is unlawful for any livery vehicle to display any advertising sign or device on or in a licensed livery vehicle before the advertising sign or device is approved by the Commissioner and permitted pursuant to this section.
(b) Livery licensees may apply for permits to display an advertising sign or device on the exterior or the interior of the livery vehicle, or both. A separate permit is required for each exterior and interior advertising display. The Commissioner shall promulgate rules: (1) specifying the locations on the livery vehicle where advertising signs or devices may be displayed; (2) describing the permissible design, construction, and method of affixing the display to the livery vehicle; and (3) specifying insurance requirements for approving a permit to display an advertising sign or device on or in the livery vehicle. The rules also may include additional guidelines for such displays and the permit process. In establishing such criteria, considerations shall include:
(1) visual clutter and aesthetics on the public way;
(2) the safety and comfort of passengers, drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists;
(3) the visibility of all information required by this chapter, Department rules, or any other law to be displayed in the interior or on the exterior of livery vehicles, including but not limited to distinctive signage; and
(c) The fee for the issuance of any advertising display permit shall be $100.00 for each display, due at time of application. This fee shall be in addition to the personal property lease transaction tax that applies to lease or rental payments pursuant to Chapter 3-32. An advertising display permit applicant shall have satisfied all debt, as defined in Section 4-4-150, to the City before the Department may issue the permit.
(d) Where the Commissioner has approved any type of advertising display device that involves the installation of a physical apparatus on or in the livery vehicle, an inspection is required as part of the advertising permitting process. The fee for such inspection shall be an additional $100.00, payable prior to the inspection.
(e) The Department shall inform applicants for an advertising display permit under this section whether the application is approved or disapproved within thirty business days after its receipt of the completed application, unless it gives the applicant written notice that it needs an additional thirty business days and the reasons therefor. If the application is approved and the requirements of subsections (c) and (d) complied with, the Department shall issue the advertising display permit. If the Department denies the permit application, it shall provide written notice of its decision within such time period, stating the specific grounds and rules that form the basis for such denial. If the Department fails to so act within thirty business days after receipt of the application, or sixty business days if it has given notice of the need for an additional review period, the application shall be deemed granted and the permit shall be issued, provided that the permit fee has been paid.
(f) An advertising permit issued under this section shall expire one year after the date of issue, unless it is surrendered, revoked, or terminated prior to that date.
(g) No permit for advertising issued pursuant to this section shall be transferred or assigned.
(h) The denial, rescission, suspension, or revocation of a license issued pursuant to this chapter shall act as the suspension or revocation of any advertising permit issued hereunder to the affected livery vehicle.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-14-18, p. 90376, Art. IV, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 31925, Art. VI, § 7)
Every livery shall be operated regularly to the extent reasonably necessary to meet the public demand for service. If the service of any livery is discontinued for a period of 20 continuous days for any reason except on account of strike, act of God, shortages of gasoline or other necessary materials or cause beyond the control of the individual licensee other than the inability of the licensee to lease his livery, the licensee must notify the commissioner that such livery is out of service. The commissioner may give written notice to the licensee to restore the livery to service, and if it is not restored within five business days after notice, the commissioner may revoke the license.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 2)