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(a) Where an exterior wall is required to have a fire resistance rating and an EIFS is installed, test data shall be provided on the permit plans to substantiate that the code-required fire resistance rating will be achieved. The inclusion of an EIFS over a listed fire-rated assembly shall not be deemed to reduce the tested or listed rating.
(b) Where the EIFS plane faces another building or an interior lot line at a distance of less than 30 feet, test data shall demonstrate that the exterior insulation finish system will not ignite upon exposure to a minimum radiant heat energy of 12.5 kw/m
, when tested in accordance with NFPA 268-96, Standard Test Method for Determining Ignitability of Exterior Wall Assemblies Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source. Where a material is intended to be installed in more than one thickness, tests shall be performed on the intended maximum and minimum thickness.
(Added Coun. J. 5-17-00, p. 32653, § 3)
EIFS installed on multi-story buildings shall comply with NFPA 285-98, Evaluation of Flammability Characteristics of Exterior Non-load Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Components Using the Intermediate Scale Multi-Story Test Apparatus.
(Added Coun. J. 5-17-00, p. 32653, § 3)
Facing, coating and core materials shall be fastened to each other, and the overall assembly shall be attached to the building frame so as to prevent failure due to elevated temperatures that occur in a building fire, wind loads, wetting or other environmental conditions. Installations over two stories shall be secured with non- corrosive mechanical fasteners.
(Added Coun. J. 5-17-00, p. 32653, § 3)
The foam insulation shall be listed by an approved testing laboratory and shall be labeled with the following information: (a) inspection agency name; (b) specific manufacturer's product for which the insulation is listed; (c) identification of the insulation manufacturer; (d) flame-spread and smoke-developed classifications.
(Added Coun. J. 5-17-00, p. 32653, § 3)
Barrier-type EIFS without drainage systems shall not be permitted. The exterior wall finish assembly shall be designed and installed to prevent the accumulation of moisture through condensation or by leakage through the exterior wall construction. Details of the required moisture control mechanisms shall be provided on plans submitted for permit.
(Added Coun. J. 5-17-00, p. 32653, § 3)