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(a) Cornices, gutters and leaders hereafter erected on all buildings in fire district No. 1 or on buildings exceeding 40 feet in height in any fire district shall be constructed of noncombustible materials.
(b) Cornices of combustible materials, except on buildings of Types IV-A and IV-B construction and on single-family dwellings of any construction type shall be covered with noncombustible materials when located on a wall facing an interior lot line at a distance of less than three feet.
(Prior code § 62-7.2)
(a) A balcony shall be defined as an open unheated floor area cantilevered from or supported by a building, and open to the atmosphere on at least one side.
(1) On a building not exceeding 55 feet in height, a combustible balcony may be constructed not closer than three feet from an interior lot line, provided it is not larger than 100 square feet and is separated from another structure on the same lot by not less than six feet.
(2) A balcony not larger than 100 square feet may be built of unprotected noncombustible construction, regardless of the type of construction required for the building to which it is attached.
(3) The floor, roof and wall construction of all other balconies shall conform to the requirements of the type of construction required for the building to which they are attached.
(b) An outdoor area which is accessible through a single dwelling unit, and on the same story as a habitable space within the dwelling unit shall be classified as a balcony, whether or not it is on top of the roof of a building.
(c) The floor, roof and wall construction of bay windows shall conform to the requirements of the type of construction required for the building to which they are attached.
(Prior code § 62-7.3; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45477, § 5)
A porch shall be defined as in Section 13-4-010 of this Code. Porches constructed of combustible materials shall be permitted when attached to residential units of Types III-B, III-C, IV-A or IV-B construction with the following limitations:
(a) Porches shall not exceed three stories in height.
(b) Porches shall not project more than ten feet from the building nor exceed 150 square feet in area per dwelling unit, exclusive of stairs.
(c) Porches shall not be located less than six feet from an interior lot line, except that porches meeting requirements (a) and (b) of this section may be located as close as three feet from an interior lot line if the porch side walls are fire-rated at one hour or more.
Exceptions: (1) Pre-ordinance porches (erected prior to January 20, 1950) not exceeding four stories in height and erected less than six feet from an interior lot line may be replaced with respect to height, size and location, subject to approval of the building commissioner. (2) New unenclosed front porches on new or existing buildings shall be permitted to be erected not less than three feet from an interior lot line if all of the following requirements are met: (i) the porch does not exceed one story in height; and (ii) the porch fronts entirely on a street; and (iii) the porch does not project more than ten feet from the building nor exceed 200 square feet in floor area, exclusive of stairs.
(Prior code § 62-7.4; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-89, p. 4604; Amend Coun. J. 10-2-95, p. 8040; Amend Coun. J. 3-5-03, p. 104990, § 42; Amend Coun. J. 7-27-05, p. 53348, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1)
(a) A deck shall be defined as an open, unroofed floor structure designed or used for more than incidental occupancy.
(b) A combustible deck shall be located not closer than six feet to an interior lot line and not closer than six feet to any building on the same lot, other than the building to which it is attached, except that:
(1) A combustible deck may be located not closer than three feet from an interior lot line provided the deck does not exceed 400 square feet in area and is separated by not less than six feet from another structure on the same lot.
(2) If the combustible deck is laid directly on the ground without any air spaces under individual boards, it may be carried up to the lot line.
(c) The maximum area and location of a deck of unprotected noncombustible construction, or supported by unprotected noncombustible construction and with a walking surface meeting requirements for Class A roofing, is unlimited.
(d) The maximum area of a deck of combustible construction located not less than six feet from any interior lot line, not less than six feet from any building on the same lot, and not more than six feet above grade is unlimited.
(Added Coun. J. 10-2-95, p. 8040; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45477, § 5)
(a) A rooftop deck is a deck that is erected on top of the roof or on top of any part of a building and shall comply with all the requirements for decks in Section 15-8-321, except as expressly modified in this section.
(b) Rooftop decks are roof structures and shall comply with Section 15-8-510.
(c) A rooftop deck that is protected by a two-hour noncombustible parapet wall at least three feet high, and that does not exceed the greater of 500 square feet or 33 percent of the total roof area of the building on which it is located, may be run to the face of the parapet wall, provided that no more than one such deck shall be allowed per building. A parapet wall shall not be required on any side that is not less than six feet from an interior lot line and not less than six feet from another building.
(d) A rooftop deck must have access to two exits, except only one exit shall be required for a rooftop deck:
(1) not more than 800 square feet in area, not more than 12 feet above grade, and adjoining a public way;
(2) not more than 300 square feet in area and not more than 40 feet above grade; or
(3) on a building of A-1 occupancy.
(e) Exterior stairs, when otherwise permitted, may be used for all required exits from a rooftop deck.
(f) A level containing no habitable space other than a rooftop deck shall not be considered a separate floor or story.
(g) Rooftop decks shall not be erected above any building of type IV-B construction.
(h) The construction of a roof below a rooftop deck shall provide fire resistance of not less than one- half hour from both sides
(Added Coun. J. 10-2-95, p. 8040; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45477, § 5)
A weather-protected entry shall be defined as a covered unheated structure attached to a building at the building entrance to facilitate ingress and egress. A weather-protected entry of combustible construction shall be located at least six feet from an interior lot line, except that if the weather-protected entry is not larger than 50 square feet and is separated from another building on the same lot by not less than six feet, the entry may be located as close as one foot from an interior lot line.
(Added Coun. J. 10-2-95, p. 8040; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45477, § 5)
An open stair, as used in this chapter, shall mean an unheated structure attached to a principal building, intended exclusively for vertical ingress or egress, and containing no additional floor area for miscellaneous purposes. An open stair of combustible construction shall be located not closer than six feet from an interior lot line. An unprotected non-combustible stair may be located on the lot line. Open stairs used as required exits shall be subject to the same height limitations as porch stairs, except that open stairs serving a special rooftop club licensed pursuant to Chapter 4-388 may be used as one of the two required stairs and may extend to the highest allowable deck height, provided such stairs are of noncombustible construction.
(Added Coun. J. 10-2-95, p. 8040; Amend Coun. J. 1-20-99, p. 88461; Amend Coun. J. 1-11-06, p. 68371, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45477, § 5)