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Two thousand five hundred cubic feet of loose highly flammable material may be stored in an entirely detached “loose” house. Such “loose” house shall be not nearer than 100 feet to any adjoining lot line except the minimum distance to any lot line on which is situated an institution, assembly school or open air assembly building shall be 200 feet. Such “loose” house shall be constructed of any suitable noncombustible materials with all openings properly protected against the entrance of sparks, flying brands or other fire hazard. Such “loose” house shall be used for no other purpose.
(Prior code § 92-48)
It shall be unlawful to store in a loose condition, not in suitable bales or packages, any highly flammable materials, as defined in Section 15-28-500, whether housed or in the open within 100 feet of any adjoining lot line except as hereinafter specified. No such material shall be stored within 200 feet to any lot line on which an institution, school, assembly or open assembly building is situated. It shall be unlawful to store any highly flammable material in any basement of any building.
Quantities of loose highly flammable materials up to and including 100 cubic feet shall be permitted to be stored in any building provided it shall be kept in bins constructed of wood plank lumber, not less than two- inch nominal thickness, lined with sheet metal of not less than No. 26 gauge and be equipped with a self- closing, hinged cover and equipped with a fusible link so arranged to close the cover automatically in the event of a fire. A bin constructed of sheet metal not less than No. 26 gauge with a hinged self-closing cover and equipped with a fusible link so arranged to close the cover automatically in the event of a fire. Each such bin shall have a capacity not exceeding 50 cubic feet. Quantities stored in excess of 100 cubic feet shall be in rooms or buildings complying with the applicable sections below.
No person shall keep, pile, store or accumulate within the city, shavings, sawdust or excelsior in any quantity exceeding 20,000 pounds, unless such person shall first submit to the fire commissioner the written consents of the property owners representing the majority of the total frontage in feet of any lot or plot of ground lying wholly or in part within the lines 150 feet distant from and parallel to the boundaries of the lot or plot of ground upon which said storage is to be installed; provided, however, that for the purpose of this section only the frontage of any such lot or plot of ground, or that part of the frontage of any part of such lot or plot of ground, or that part of the frontage of any part of such lot or plot of ground as comes within the 150 feet limit herein prescribed shall be considered; and provided further, that all petitions containing such consents of property owners shall be based on and contain the legal descriptions of the property affected. Whenever the lot or plot of ground in which said storage is to be installed is in any other shape than rectangle, the 150 feet limiting line aforementioned shall not exceed in distance 150 feet from any point in the boundaries of such lot or plot of ground. No such storage yard shall be installed in any lot or plot of ground where any of the boundaries of such lot or plot of ground are within 200 feet of the nearest boundary of any lot or plot of ground used for a church, school or hospital.
(Prior code § 92-49; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 157)
(a) No single block or pile shall contain more than 25,000 cubic feet of highly flammable material exclusive of aisles or clearances. Blocks or piles of baled highly flammable materials shall be separated from adjacent storage by aisles not less than five feet wide; or barriers consisting of continuous sheets of noncombustible material extending from the floor to height of at least one foot above the highest point of the piles and shall project at least one foot beyond the sides of the piles.
(b) Sisal and other highly flammable materials in bales bound with combustible tie ropes, also jute and other baled highly flammable materials that are liable to swell when wet, shall be stored to allow for the expansion in any direction without endangering the building walls, ceilings or columns.
(c) Not less than 18 inches clearance shall be provided between the sprinkler pipes and the tops of the piles.
(Prior code § 92-50)
When the quantity of loose highly flammable materials stored exceeds 100 cubic feet, rooms separating such area from every other part of the building shall be required. Such rooms shall have separations providing the following fire-resistive ratings:
Quantity of Highly Flammable Materials | Fire-resistive Rating |
100.1 to 500 cubic feet | 1-hour |
500.1 to 2,500 cubic feet | 2-hour |
Exceeding 2,500 cubic feet | 4-hour |
Baled storage rooms shall comply with the following:
Quantity of Highly Flammable Materials | Fire-resistive Rating |
500 to 2,500 cubic feet | 1-hour |
2,500.1 to 5,000 cubic feet | 2-hour |
Exceeding 5,000 cubic feet | 4-hour |
(Prior code § 92-51)
Every such room as required by Section 15-28-620 shall have at least one exterior wall open to a clear space of at least 15 feet.
(Prior code § 92-53)