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The name and address of the manufacturer or the nearest producer of the specific corrosive liquid being used and a placard outlining emergency first aid directions shall be posted and remain posted in a conspicuous place at the points of unloading and use and in at least one other approved location.
Oxygen-generating or self-contained air or oxygen masks having a United States Bureau of Mines or National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health approval for a minimum of one-half hour protection shall be maintained in a readily accessible location, outside the areas of probable contamination and sufficient for all personnel associated with the operation.
Additional air or oxygen containers which will provide for a minimum of one-hour use of each mask shall be kept at the location of each gas mask. All personnel that may be required to use gas masks must be required at reasonable intervals to practice their application and use. Gas masks must be kept in condition, ready for immediate use at all times with fully charged containers.
An approved repair kit with all the necessary tools, appurtenances and material required to repair a leak or replace a defective valve or other part, shall be kept in a location accessible to the tank car and outside the probable area of contamination.
Protective clothing suitable for use with the materials stored shall be provided and be kept in good condition where its use will provide effective protection against the corrosive liquid.
Gas masks, repair kit and duplicate wrenches shall be kept in a conspicuous location and shall be conspicuously labeled for immediate identification.
(Prior code § 92-37.5)
The storage and handling of radioactive materials shall comply with the following provisions:
(1) Clearly visible signs warning of radiation dangers shall be placed at all entrances to areas or rooms where radioactive materials are stored, used or transported shall bear a clearly visible, appropriate warning sign. Such signs shall bear the three-bladed radiation symbol in magenta or purple on a yellow background in keeping with the practices of the United States Atomic Energy Commission.
(2) Signs are not required for the storage of manufactured articles other than liquids; such as instruments or clock dials or electronic tubes or apparatus of which radioactive materials are a component part, and luminous compounds, where securely packed in strong containers, provided the gamma radiation at any surface of the package is less than ten milliroentgen in 24 hours.
(3) When not in use, radioactive materials shall be kept in adequately shielded fire-resistive containers of such design that the gamma radiation will not exceed 20 milliroentgen per hour or equivalent to any point of readily accessible surface. Such containers shall be stored in separate rooms having a fire-resistive rating of not less than one hour.
(Prior code § 92-38)
As used in this chapter:
“Highly flammable material storage building” means a building or part of a building designed, intended, or used for the purpose of storing for resale, transfer or for processing at a date beyond reasonable usage requirements hay, straw, broom corn, hemp, jute, sisal, moss, sawdust, or wood dust, shavings, excelsior, hair (except for packing house byproduct type), cotton, henequen, istle (ixtle), tow, cocoa fiber, oakum, baled waste, kapok or moss except in those cases where any of the above mentioned combustible fibers are packed or baled in special containers, or covered with suitable wrappings so as to prevent the ready ignition of loose surface fiber.
“Highly flammable material storage room” means a room designed, intended or used only for the purposes described under the preceding paragraph, which is located in a building other than a highly flammable material storage building.
“Highly hazardous material, product, article or substance” means any material, product, article or substance which is liable to burn with rapidity, or while burning to emit poisonous or noxious fumes or while burning to cause explosions.
“Nitrocellulose” means any substance, material or compound composed in whole or in part of soluble cotton or similar tetranitrate or higher nitrate of cellulose, including pyroxylin, plastic, celluloid, fibroid, viscoloid, pepalin and all similar substances, materials and compounds, including both new and reclaimed substances.
“Nitrocellulose building” means a building, or part of a building, designed, intended or used for no purpose other than the nitration, manufacture or storage of nitrocellulose, or a building in which nitrocellulose is nitrated, or a building in which discarded scraps of nitrocellulose are reclaimed.
“Nitrocellulose product” means any article or product either in the process of manufacture or fabrication or in the finished or completed state, which is composed wholly or in part of nitrocellulose including positive or negative nitrocellulose motion picture film, nitrocellulose, photographic film, nitrocellulose X-ray films, or pens, pencils, toilet articles, novelties or other articles or products composed either wholly or partly of nitrocellulose, excepting flammable liquids otherwise classified.
“Nitrocellulose products building” means a building, or part of a building, designed, intended or used for no purpose other than the manufacture, fabrication, assembly, completion, receiving, shipping, distributing or storing of either finished or unfinished nitrocellulose products or parts of such products.
“Weight (nitrocellulose and nitrocellulose products)” means the weight of the nitrocellulose only, not including the weight of any article or material to which the nitrocellulose is attached or fastened nor the weight of any wrapping or packing material, carton or other shipping container.
(Prior code § 92-39)
Every room used for the picking or shredding of any highly flammable material named under Section 15-28-500 shall meet the requirements for two-hour fire-resistive construction. Any opening for a stock spout through the enclosure for any such room shall be provided with a fire door as required by Chapter 15-12 of this Code for a doorway through a separation of equal fire-resistive value.
(Prior code § 92-41)
Every highly flammable material storage room and every picker or shredder room shall be provided with one or more windows, skylights or other ventilating opening facing a public way, private alley, yard or other open space not less than 15 feet wide, with closures arranged to open for natural ventilation and having a combined area of not less than five percent of the total wall area of the room. The required combined area of openings which are arranged to open for ventilation shall be provided with sashes or dampers, or other closures which shall be hung overbalanced and held in place in such manner that an explosion or fire within the room will cause such sash, damper or closure to open for its full area; provided, however, that in lieu of such requirements it shall be permissible to provide a vent flue or flues extending directly to the outside air, which shall be used solely for the purposes of ventilating such room, which shall have a combined area of not less than five percent of the total wall area of the room, with an inclosure of the same fire-resistive value as is required for the inclosures of the room, and equipped with a normally closed noncombustible trap door arranged to open automatically in case of explosion or fire within the room. No such window, skylight, ventilating opening or vent flue required by this section shall be nearer than four feet, six inches to any other building or structure on the same premises or to any interior lot line.
(Prior code § 92-42)