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Every room used for the examination or repair of motion picture films shall be occupied by not more than eight persons at one time, and the floor area shall exceed 400 square feet, inclusive of a space of not less than four feet, six inches which shall be allowed between tables for aisles leading to exits.
(Prior code § 92-92)
ARTICLE XX. HAZARDOUS DUSTS (15-28-1050 et seq.)
As used in this chapter:
“Grain elevator, malt house and similar building” means a building designed, intended or used for the purpose of receiving, storing, delivering, working with or treating grain in bulk.
“Grinding or dust-producing rooms” means a room containing a machine or device for grinding, pulverizing, buffing, cutting, polishing or any other operation which produces dust, lint, shavings or other fine particles of matter liable to spontaneous ignition or explosion, or a room in which it is proposed to install any such machine or device.
(Prior code § 92-94)