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Every building hereafter designed, erected, altered or converted for the purpose of storing more of any hazardous chemical than the limited quantity provided for such chemical in Section 15-28-040 shall be isolated by a safety clearance of not less than 100 feet except as otherwise provided by this section.
Class IA, IB or IC Construction. Every such hazardous chemical building of Type IA, IB or IC construction shall be isolated from any other building on the same premises by a safety clearance of not less than ten feet; provided, however, that such safety clearance shall not be required for any such building having no openings within ten feet of any openings in any other wall or building on the same premises, or for any such building which is separated from any adjoining buildings by a fire wall without openings therein.
Types II, IIIA, IIIB or IIIC Construction. Every such hazardous chemical building of Type II, IIIA, IIIB or IIIC construction shall be isolated from any other building on the same premises by a safety clearance of not less than 20 feet; provided, however, that such safety clearance will not be required for any such building having no openings within ten feet of any openings in any other wall or building on the same premises or for any such building which is separated from any adjoining building by a fire wall without openings therein.
(Prior code § 92-6)
Every hazardous chemical room shall have means of natural ventilation or vent flues as required by Section 15-28-260 for material heating rooms; provided, however, that the combined area of ventilating openings which shall have closures arranged to open automatically in case of explosion or fire shall be not less than five percent of the total wall area of the room.
(Prior code § 92-8)
No sprinkler system shall be permitted in any hazardous chemical room or in any hazardous chemical storage building, where the chemical has the ability to react with water to produce substances or violent chemical reactions which increase the hazard. When the presence of water will not add to the hazard, a standard sprinkler system shall be required in such hazardous chemical room or building as directed in Chapter 15-16 of this Code.
(Prior code § 92-9)
Every hazardous chemical room and every hazardous chemical storage building shall have the words “Hazardous Chemical – Use No Water” painted in a conspicuous position on the outside of every entrance door thereto. Such wording shall be in plainly legible bright red letters on a white background with letters not less than six inches high and with the principal strokes thereof not less than three-fourths inch in width.
(Prior code § 92-10)
The storage and handling of hazardous chemicals shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) Quantities in excess of the limits specified in Section 15-28-040 or in excess of one day's supply shall be stored or used in rooms or buildings complying with the requirements herein. Whenever one day's supply exceeds the amount specified in Section 15-28-040, a notarized letter from the user stating the amount used in one day shall be filed with the fire commissioner. Upon any change in that amount, the fire commissioner shall be notified within 24 hours.
(2) All shelving used in connection with the storage of such hazardous chemicals shall be of substantial noncombustible construction.
(3) No other combustible material or flammable liquids shall be permitted in any such room.
(4) Defective containers which permit leakage or spillage shall be disposed of or repaired in an approved manner. No spilled materials shall be allowed to accumulate on floors or shelves.
(5) Signs having a white field with red letters four inches high and a one-half-inch stroke shall be conspicuously posted. Such sign shall read “Hazardous Chemicals – Keep Fire Away”.
(Prior code § 92-12; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 153)
Every hazardous chemical room, other than a vault for the storage of a hazardous chemical shall be separated from all other parts of the building by a four- hour fire separation, with no window or other opening, except a doorway or doorways between such vault and any other part of a building protected with a single Class A fire door installed in accordance with Chapter 15-12.
(Prior code § 92-13)
Every vault for the storage of hazardous chemicals shall be a dry, waterproof, standard fireproof vault. No such vault shall be located in any floor or building in which it is prohibited under Section 13-112-140.
(Prior code § 92-14; Amend Coun. J. 6-14-95, p. 2841)