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None of the following herein described hazardous use units:
Asphalt, tar, pitch, resin or paraffin heating room;
Corrosive liquid storage room;
Dip tanks having a capacity or liquid surface area in excess of the following:
Capacity | Liquid Surface Area | |
Class I | 10 gallons | 4 square feet |
Class II | 60 gallons | 10 square feet |
Class III | 125 gallons | 15 square feet |
Drying room for any article or material which will give off explosive or flammable vapors during the drying process;
Flammable liquids storage (except as provided in Section 15-24-270 of this Code);
Fume or flammable compressed gas;
Grinding or dust producing;
Hazardous chemical;
Highly flammable material storage;
Highly toxic materials;
Japanning or enameling;
Nitrocellulose products;
Paint spraying or mixing except for water base paint;
Picker or shredder;
Standard fireproof vault;
Sulphur storage;
shall be located in any story below grade in any building hereafter designed, erected, altered or converted for any purpose; provided, however, that one or more rooms built for no purpose other than that of the operation of water purification plants or a refrigerating unit may be located in any basement of any building.
(Prior code § 60-14)