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No hazardous chemicals, as defined in Section 15-28-020, shall be used for any purpose in any room other than a hazardous chemical room constructed as required.
It shall be unlawful to store in any building more than ten pounds of metallic potassium, metallic sodium, phosphorous or sodium peroxide, or more than 20 pounds of aluminum powder or calcium phosphide, or more than 600 pounds of calcium carbide or more of any other such chemical or material than is determined by the fire commissioner to be a safe limit except in a hazardous chemical storage building or vault constructed as required in Chapter 15-28 of this Code. If stored in a vault, such chemicals shall be stored upon a platform or upon a shelf or shelves not less than one foot, six inches above the floor. No such chemical or material shall be stored or used in any building room or vault now existing or hereafter designed, erected, altered or converted, which is equipped with a sprinkler system or sprinkler heads.
(Prior code § 92-4; Amend Coun. J. 6-14-95, p. 2841; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 152)
Type IA, IB, IC, II, IIIA, IIIB or IIIC construction shall be used for any hazardous chemical storage building. Every such building of Type IIIA construction shall be not more than two stories in height. Every such building of Type IIIB or IIIC construction shall not be more than one story in height and shall have no mezzanine. Every such building of any type of construction shall be without any basement except a basement provided and used solely for the purpose of a heating plant for the building which shall be separated from every other part of the building by a fire wall and shall have no doorway, window or other opening between such space and any other part of the building. Every such building shall be so constructed as to be dry.
(Prior code § 92-5)
Every building hereafter designed, erected, altered or converted for the purpose of storing more of any hazardous chemical than the limited quantity provided for such chemical in Section 15-28-040 shall be isolated by a safety clearance of not less than 100 feet except as otherwise provided by this section.
Class IA, IB or IC Construction. Every such hazardous chemical building of Type IA, IB or IC construction shall be isolated from any other building on the same premises by a safety clearance of not less than ten feet; provided, however, that such safety clearance shall not be required for any such building having no openings within ten feet of any openings in any other wall or building on the same premises, or for any such building which is separated from any adjoining buildings by a fire wall without openings therein.
Types II, IIIA, IIIB or IIIC Construction. Every such hazardous chemical building of Type II, IIIA, IIIB or IIIC construction shall be isolated from any other building on the same premises by a safety clearance of not less than 20 feet; provided, however, that such safety clearance will not be required for any such building having no openings within ten feet of any openings in any other wall or building on the same premises or for any such building which is separated from any adjoining building by a fire wall without openings therein.
(Prior code § 92-6)
Every hazardous chemical room shall have means of natural ventilation or vent flues as required by Section 15-28-260 for material heating rooms; provided, however, that the combined area of ventilating openings which shall have closures arranged to open automatically in case of explosion or fire shall be not less than five percent of the total wall area of the room.
(Prior code § 92-8)