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Article I. Fire Prevention
15-4-005 Definitions.
15-4-010 Fire regulations.
15-4-020 Department powers, duties and responsibilities – Permit fees.
15-4-030 Annual inspections.
15-4-035 Authority of fire commissioner.
15-4-040 Notice of noncompliance.
15-4-050 Interpretation of terms.
Article II. General Provisions
15-4-060 Transportation exemption.
15-4-070 Classification of buildings.
15-4-080 Use or habitation of fire hazards.
15-4-090 Dangerous buildings a nuisance.
15-4-100 Right to survey.
15-4-101 Fire emergency plan required when.
15-4-102 Safety warden.
Article III. Licenses
15-4-110 Hazardous use units.
15-4-130 Amounts of hazardous material.
15-4-160 Amounts of acetylene gas and calcium carbide.
15-4-210 Flammable liquids.
15-4-230 Liquefied fume hazard gases.
15-4-240 Oxygen and hydrogen.
15-4-250 Nitrocellulose products.
15-4-252 Lumberyards and lumber storehouses.
15-4-254 Sawdust, shavings and excelsior.
15-4-256 Sale of solid fuel and firewood.
15-4-257 Storage of solid fuel not for retail.
15-4-258 Fuel oil dealers.
15-4-259 Fuel oil storers.
Article IV. Certificates of Fitness
15-4-260 General requirements.
15-4-270 Acetylene gas.
15-4-280 Liquefied fume hazard gases.
15-4-290 Flammable liquid tank truck drivers.
Article V. Blasting and Explosives
15-4-300 General requirements.
15-4-310 License application and certificate of fitness.
15-4-320 License fee.
15-4-330 Bonds.
15-4-340 Reserved.
15-4-350 Inspection.
15-4-360 Sales to other than licensees.
15-4-370 Weekly report of sales.
15-4-380 Reserved.
15-4-390 Submission of samples.
15-4-400 Permit for blasting.
Article VI. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tanks
15-4-410 Application and permit.
15-4-420 Temporary portable and fixed installations.
Article VII. Fire Extinguisher Servicemen
15-4-430 Board of examiners.
15-4-440 Duties and powers.
15-4-450 License required.
15-4-460 License application.
15-4-470 Issuance of license.
15-4-480 License fee.
15-4-490 License renewal.
15-4-500 Violation – Penalty.
15-4-510 Rules and regulations.
Article VIII. Other License Requirements
15-4-520 Other licenses and permits required.
Article IX. Permits.
15-4-530 Matches.
15-4-540 Application.
15-4-550 Fireworks.
15-4-560 Certificate of fitness.
15-4-570 Permit fee.
Article X. Scenery and Decorations
15-4-580 Definitions.
15-4-590 Combustible scenery and decorations.
15-4-600 Test standard.
15-4-610 Wall area and school stages.
15-4-620 Institutional public assembly, church, school and theater.
15-4-630 Open flame devices.
Article XI. Exhibitions and Shows
15-4-640 Fireguard requirements.
15-4-650 Watchman clocks and keys.
15-4-660 Fireguard duties.
15-4-670 Watchman tours.
15-4-680 Fireguard license.
15-4-690 Submission of floor plan.
15-4-700 Submission of show description.
15-4-710 Storage of combustibles.
Article XII. Stage Firemen and Fireguards
15-4-720 Requirements.
15-4-730 Duties of stage firemen.
15-4-740 Duties of fireguard.
15-4-750 Monthly reports.
15-4-760 Other duties.
15-4-770 License required.
Article XIII. Desk Clerks
15-4-780 Where required.
15-4-790 Certification.
15-4-800 Suspension.
15-4-810 Certification requirements.
15-4-820 Monthly reports.
15-4-830 Duties.
15-4-840 Violation – Penalty.
Article XIV. Theater Seating
15-4-850 Diagram of theater exits and seats.
15-4-860 Aisles for seats not permanently fastened.
Article XV. Obstructing Exits or Open Areas
15-4-870 Locking doors.
15-4-880 Obstruction of exits.
15-4-881 Hotels and single-room occupancy units – Exit diagram.
15-4-890 Obstructing safety clearances.
15-4-900 Arrangement of stocks and stores.
Article XVI. Fire Drills
15-4-910 Institutional buildings.
15-4-920 Schools.
Article XVII. Smoking Restrictions
15-4-930 Where restricted.
15-4-940 “No Smoking” signs.
Article XVIII. Miscellaneous Hazards
15-4-950 Storage of ashes.
15-4-960 Oily rags and waste.
15-4-970 Rubbish.
15-4-980 Workmen's clothes lockers.
15-4-985 Storage of ammunition at firearms dealers and shooting range facility licensed premises.
Article XIX. Sale of Dangerous Articles
15-4-990 Restrictions.
15-4-995 Sale and use of aerial luminaries – Prohibited.
ARTICLE I. FIRE PREVENTION* (15-4-010 et seq.)
* Editor's note – Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 55, amended the title of Article 1, which formerly read “Bureau of Fire Prevention”.
As used in this Title 15 :
“Fire commissioner” shall mean the commissioner of the fire department of the City of Chicago or the commissioner's departmental designee.
(Added Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 56)
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