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No liquefied fume hazard gas in single-unit tank cars shall be used, stored or handled unless in the direct charge of a person possessing a certificate of fitness. The annual fee for such certificate shall be $15.00.
The licensee shall also certify that the person or persons are:
1. Familiar with and capable of applying and using emergency repair devices to control any leakage which may develop;
2. Familiar with and capable of applying and using gas masks and air or oxygen containers necessary to operate said masks.
(Prior code § 90-26)
Every driver of a motor tank vehicle conveying Class I flammable liquids, as defined in Section 15-24-020 of this Code, including those drivers of vehicles with loads originating outside the City limits for deliveries in the City, but not drivers of carriers holding certificates of public convenience and necessity, or permits as a contract carrier, issued by the Department of Transportation under federal Motor Carrier Act of 1935 as amended, shall be required to receive a certificate of fitness from the Fire Commissioner. The annual fee for such certificate of fitness shall be: originals – $5.00; renewals – $2.00, to be paid to the Comptroller.
In addition to the requirements outlined in Section 15-4-260 the applicant shall pass an examination conducted by the issuing officer upon the law and ordinance regulations governing the transportation, storage, and use of the flammable liquid to which his employment and services relates.
(Prior code § 90-27; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. I, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 68; Amend Coun. J. 11-7-18, p. 88803, § 35)
No person shall engage in blasting operations or in any other activity using explosives, or shall have, keep, sell, use, give away, or handle in transit any black powder in excess of five pounds, guncotton, blasting powder, giant powder, dynamite, nitroglycerine, fulminate of mercury or any other explosives, or any substances, compound, mixture or article having properties of such a character that alone, or in combination or contiguity with other substances or compounds, may decompose suddenly and generate sufficient heat, gas or pressure, or all of them, to produce rapid flaming combustion or administer a destructive blow to persons or property; nor shall any person keep, sell, give away, offer for sale or transport, any loaded paper shells, metallic shot, loaded cartridges, blank cartridges, percussion caps, primers, or detonators, nor keep or store flashlight powder in excess of five pounds within the corporate limits of the city or on or in the waters of Lake Michigan, including all breakwaters, piers and permanent and temporary structures therein for a distance of four miles from the shore between the north and south lines of the city extended except in the manner and upon the conditions hereinafter provided in Chapter 15-20 and without first obtaining a license therefor.
(Prior code § 90-28)
(a) License application. A written application for a license under this chapter shall be made to the commissioner of business affairs and consumer protection in conformity with the general requirements of this Code relating to applications for licenses. In addition, the applicant shall set forth the location at which it is desired or intended to keep such explosives, or any other substance mentioned in the preceding section, the maximum amount of such explosives, or any of them intended to be kept on hand at any one time at such place, and shall state whether such explosives are to be kept in bulk or in barrels, canisters, or other containers, and the number of loaded shells, loaded cartridges, blank cartridges, percussion caps, primers or detonators, or the number of pounds of flashlight powder, intended to be kept on hand at any one time in such place. Any applicant engaging in blasting operations or in any other activity using explosives shall further state in his application the nature of the work to be performed, the site of the proposed work, the location of the magazine in which it is intended to keep such explosives, and the quantity and kind of explosives to be kept therein.
Upon request from the commissioner of business affairs and consumer protection, the fire commissioner shall make, or cause to be made, an investigation for the purpose of ascertaining whether the place at which it is desired or intended to keep, sell, offer for sale, use or give away such explosives or other aforementioned substances is so situated that a license to keep such loaded paper shells, metallic shot, loaded cartridges, blank cartridges, percussion caps, primers, detonators or flashlight powder in the quantity desired would not be so dangerous as to constitute a nuisance or be a menace to the safety of the public or of adjoining property, and also whether the conditions under which such explosives, cartridges, percussion caps, flashlight powder, or any of them, are to be kept or handled shall be such as to provide the maximum of safety.
Licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall have a term of two years.
(b) Certificate of fitness. Before any operation shall begin under a license for the transportation of any explosives, or for the use of explosives in any manner, or for blasting, the licensee shall file with the fire commissioner, in writing, the name or names of the person or persons designated by the fire commissioner to handle said explosives or to load holes or discharge explosives, to prepare charges and load the holes, to transport by vehicle or otherwise, or to have the care of magazines.
Any such person, before being permitted to exercise any of such functions, shall file a written application with the fire commissioner for a “certificate of fitness”, and before the issuance of any such certificate the fire commissioner shall examine such applicant as to his qualifications to fill such position or positions, under the conditions herein described. No person shall be permitted to have the actual care and handling of such explosives without first having obtained a certificate of fitness as herein provided. Such certificate of fitness shall be subject to inspection by any member of the fire and police departments at all times.
To receive a certificate of fitness the person must:
(1) Be at least 21 years of age;
(2) Be able to understand and speak the English language;
(3) Have letters of recommendation from his last two employers (if any), and, if he has not been in the service of his last employer for at least three years, a letter testifying to his good character and capacity from his last employer;
(4) Be familiar with the laws and the provisions of this Code governing the transportation, storage and use of explosives, particularly the part relating to the service to be performed by the applicant; and
(5) Be familiar with the risks incident to the service to be performed by him, and capable of taking all necessary precautions.
Nothing herein contained shall prevent a licensee from applying for and obtaining a certificate of fitness if entitled to the same under the provisions of this section. The actual work done must at all times be conducted by a person holding a certificate of fitness.
(Prior code § 90-29; Amend Coun. J. 7-27-05, p. 53211, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-19-08, p. 47220, Art. V, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 69; Amend Coun. J. 2-22-17, p. 43916, Art. IV, § 1)
The fee for each license and certificate of fitness issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be as set forth in Section 4-5-010 .
(Prior code § 90-30; Amend Coun. J. 2-22-17, p. 43916, Art. IV, § 2)
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