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Monthly reports concerning the premises and fire equipment shall be made and certified to by a certified desk clerk, in such manner and form as the fire commissioner shall prescribe, which report shall be countersigned by the desk clerk's immediate superior. The original of said report shall be forwarded before the fifth day of each month to the fire commissioner, and the duplicate thereof shall be delivered to the owner of the public sleeping accommodations where such desk clerk is employed, or to the manager of such accommodations or to the person exercising control thereof.
(Prior code § 90-80; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 105)
It shall be the duty of the desk clerk daily to see that all exit doors are unfastened and unobstructed and that the corridors and fire escapes are kept clear and free of all obstructions; that all fire appliances in the rooms and throughout the premises are in proper place and in good working order. In the event of a fire, it shall be the desk clerk's duty to first notify the Chicago Fire Department of said fire immediately, and, thereafter, to spread the alarm to all occupants of the premises. The desk clerk shall obey and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by rules and regulations adopted, from time to time, by the fire commissioner.
Such desk clerk may, at the discretion of the owner or manager of the premises wherein he is employed, perform other duties during his hours of employment, provided the additional duties are not inconsistent with the duties herein set forth.
(Prior code § 90-81; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 106)
Any person violating any of the provisions of Sections 15-4-780 to 15-4-830 shall be fined not more than $200.00 for each offense, and each day such violation shall continue shall be regarded as a separate offense. In addition, such violation shall be cause for suspension or revocation of the certificate of the desk clerk.
(Prior code § 90-82)
The owner, lessee or manager of any theater having a seating capacity of 300 persons or more shall cause to be printed on all programs furnished for any performance, on a page opposite to that on which the cast is printed, a diagram showing conspicuously the place of every exit from such building. This diagram shall be drawn to such a scale that the diagram shall cover the entire page on which it is printed. A diagram of the floor plans, showing the location of every seat on each floor and also the exits leading from each floor drawn to a scale on one-eighth inch to the foot, shall be posted in a conspicuous place outside the box office of such theater so as to be easily seen by the public.
(Prior code § 90-83)
Whenever seats, chairs, camp stools or benches are used in theater buildings or public assembly units and said seats, chairs, camp stools or benches are not permanently fastened or attached to the floor, all aisles, side aisles, front aisles and cross aisles shall be plainly marked out with white paint, whitewash or white tape or other suitable and distinguishing marks or markers, the width of the mark used to identify the aisles being not less than three inches.
(Prior code § 90-84)