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Standard “No Smoking” signs shall be conspicuously posted in every room, building or premises where smoking is prohibited. A standard “No Smoking” sign shall have a white field with the words “No Smoking” printed in red letters four inches high with one-half-inch face.
(Prior code § 90-92)
Ashes stored inside any nonfireproof building shall be stored only in masonry bins, approved metal ash cans, or steel truck tanks. All ash containers shall be kept at least five feet from combustible material. Ashes shall not be stored inside or outside of any building in wood receptacles, or dumped in contact or in proximity to any combustible material.
(Prior code § 90-93)
Oily rags and waste shall be kept during the day in approved waste cans of heavy galvanized iron with self- closing covers and shall be removed from the building each night. Such waste cans shall be kept at least two feet away from any combustible wall or partition or exterior window opening.
(Prior code § 90-94)
Rubbish shall not be allowed to accumulate in any part of any building, nor outside of and adjacent to any buildings, and special care shall be paid to elevator and air shafts, under benches, in closets, in dark and out-of- the-way places around electric machinery, steam pipes and in premises and buildings in which oils are stored or used. All weeds, grass or other growth, when same constitutes a fire hazard, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property.
(Prior code § 90-95)
Workmen's clothes shall be placed in well ventilated lockers or closets, or shall be hung in the open away from flammable material and where the air will circulate freely about them. Where wooden lockers or closets are permitted, 75 percent of the area of the door on such wooden locker or closet shall be open and covered only with wire mesh to provide ventilation and allow inspection of the contents without opening the door of such locker or closet. In oil or grease risks they shall not be allowed in wooden lockers. No oily waste or oily rags shall be permitted in clothes lockers or closets in locker rooms.
(Prior code § 90-96)