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15-4-360  Sales to other than licensees.
   It shall be unlawful for any person, or his agent or employee, to sell, offer for sale, or give to any person for purposes of sale any of the substances or explosives mentioned in Section 15-4-300 unless such person receiving such substances shall have procured and be in possession of a license as required by this chapter; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to flashlight powder or black powder where the amount involved is less than five pounds.
(Prior code §  90-34)
15-4-370  Weekly report of sales.
   Any person selling, offering for sale, or giving away any of the aforementioned substances or explosives to any person within the city shall file a weekly statement of such sales or deliveries with the fire commissioner. Such statement shall be verified as to its correctness by an affidavit and shall specify the deliveries for the preceding week for use within the city and in detail as follows:
   (a)   Date of delivery;
   (b)   Name of buyer;
   (c)   Point of delivery;
   (d)   Number of pounds, name, character, kind and strength of explosives.
   Such statements shall be on forms provided by the fire commissioner, and shall be delivered by mail or messenger not later than the second business day in each week.
(Prior code § 90-35; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 73)
15-4-380  Reserved.
Editor's note – Coun. J. 5-24-06, p. 76974, § 6, repealed § 15-4-380, which pertained to analysis of explosives.
15-4-390  Submission of samples.
   No license shall be granted to any person engaged in the use or sale of dynamite or other explosive until such dealer, contractor or other person heretofore referred to, shall first submit to the chemist for analysis a sample of such dynamite or any other explosive sought to be used or sold, and whenever such chemist shall certify that such sample is of standard purity and quality, a license shall be issued, if all other requirements heretofore prescribed are complied with.
   It shall be the duty of the inspector from time to time to bring a sample of dynamite or other explosives sold or used by licensees, and to submit such sample to the chemist, who shall analyze and test same, and if it shall be found that such sample is not of standard purity and quality, the license of such licensee shall be revoked by the mayor.
(Prior code §  90-37)
15-4-400  Permit for blasting.
   Every person engaged in, as principal, or connected with, any activity involving explosives or blasting operations, shall make an application to the fire commissioner for a permit to keep and use explosives, giving at the time, in writing, the name of the licensee, location of the office or place of business, occupation, proposed location of the magazine, together with plans and descriptions of the construction of such magazine, the quantity and kind of explosives proposed to be kept therein, and the names of the employees required to have certificates of fitness.
   If the proposed location of the magazine shall be satisfactory to the fire commissioner, the fire commissioner shall approve such application and transmit the same with his approval thereon to the city clerk, who shall, upon payment by such applicant to the comptroller of a permit fee of $5.00, issue to such applicant a permit to locate the magazine at the location given in such application.
   It shall be unlawful for any licensee to move or cause to be moved any magazine, after having received a permit for the use of same, until such licensee shall make a new application to the fire commissioner for permission so to do and shall have secured a permit for such purpose, and every application for such permit shall specify the place at which it is desired to locate the magazine proposed to be moved.
   The fire commissioner shall recommend the revocation of any permit issued to blast rock or any other substance for noncompliance with any of the provisions of this section.
(Prior code § 90-38; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. I, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 74)