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It shall also be the duty of the promoter, show manager, or person in charge of any activity requiring special fireguards to provide sufficient listed portable watchmen's clocks and keys so that regular hourly rounds shall be made. The location of the keys shall be designated by the fire commissioner.
(Prior code § 90-63; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 91)
It shall be the duty of the fireguard to see that all exit doors are unfastened and unobstructed, that the aisles, corridors, fire escapes and other means of egress are kept clear and free from all obstructions and, in the event of a fire, it shall be his duty to see that the fire department is notified and an orderly evacuation is started. He shall see to it that first aid fire appliances, including standpipe and hose connections, are in place, properly identified, unobstructed, and in working order and that the fire prevention provisions contained within this Code are adhered to.
(Prior code § 90-64)
During the time the event described in Section 15-4-640 is not open to the public, and during the time such event is being set up or dismantled, the fireguard shall make regularly scheduled rounds of his assigned areas on at least an hourly basis. Such areas shall be designated by the fire commissioner. Regularly scheduled rounds shall also be made of any storage area used by or during the event on a 24-hour basis while the storage area is occupied.
(Prior code § 90-65; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 92)
Any person who desires employment as a special fireguard shall make application for a license to the fire commissioner.
To receive such license the applicant must:
(a) Be of legal age, have temperate habits and be mentally competent;
(b) Not have any record of conviction for a felony charge;
(c) Be able to speak and understand the English language;
(d) Produce evidence of his employment or occupation and residence for the previous two years;
(e) Pass a written examination conducted by the issuing officer upon the laws and ordinances governing fire protection, operation of first aid fire equipment, upon the hazards and duties incident to the supervision of the safety of the persons and property to be accommodated, and any other related fire prevention items;
(f) Not have had any such certificate revoked;
(g) Furnish with the application for license two unmounted photographs of the applicant, no less than two inches by three inches, one of which shall be attached to the application, the other to the license when issued.
The fire commissioner shall examine all persons who seek employment as special fireguards; as to their qualifications and fitness for the duties for which they seek to be employed; and whenever the fire commissioner finds any such applicant to be competent, the fire commissioner shall, upon payment of $20.00 by the applicant to the comptroller, issue a license to such applicant. The fire commissioner may suspend for a period not to exceed 30 days or revoke any license at any time when the fire commissioner finds any special fireguard to be incompetent, inefficient or neglectful of the duties required of such special fireguard by the provisions of this Code. If such a license is revoked, the holder thereof, upon written request made to the fire commissioner, shall be given a hearing before said fire commissioner within 30 days after such revocation. No person shall employ anyone as a special fireguard whose license has been revoked or suspended.
(Prior code § 90-66; Amend Coun. J. 12-15-92, p. 27387; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. I, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 93)