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It shall also be the duty of the promoter, show manager, or person in charge of any activity requiring special fireguards to provide sufficient listed portable watchmen's clocks and keys so that regular hourly rounds shall be made. The location of the keys shall be designated by the fire commissioner.
(Prior code § 90-63; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 91)
It shall be the duty of the fireguard to see that all exit doors are unfastened and unobstructed, that the aisles, corridors, fire escapes and other means of egress are kept clear and free from all obstructions and, in the event of a fire, it shall be his duty to see that the fire department is notified and an orderly evacuation is started. He shall see to it that first aid fire appliances, including standpipe and hose connections, are in place, properly identified, unobstructed, and in working order and that the fire prevention provisions contained within this Code are adhered to.
(Prior code § 90-64)
During the time the event described in Section 15-4-640 is not open to the public, and during the time such event is being set up or dismantled, the fireguard shall make regularly scheduled rounds of his assigned areas on at least an hourly basis. Such areas shall be designated by the fire commissioner. Regularly scheduled rounds shall also be made of any storage area used by or during the event on a 24-hour basis while the storage area is occupied.
(Prior code § 90-65; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 92)