Traffic Administration and Street Designations
305.01   Administration.
305.02   Duty to place traffic control signs or signals.
305.03   Stop signs required at intersection.
305.04   Stop sign requirements.
305.05   Obedience to signs exceptions.
305.06   Traffic control responsibility.
305.07   Authority to designate no right turn on red intersections.
305.08   Traffic control map.
305.09   Traffic control file.
305.10   Main thoroughfare stops designated.
305.11   One-way streets designated.
305.12   Stop streets designated.
305.13   Left turns prohibited on certain streets.
Power to enact local traffic regulations - see R.C. § 4511.07
Local traffic control devices - see R.C. § 4511. 11
Alteration of prima-facie speed limits - see R.C. §§ 4511.21, 4511.22(A), 4511.23
Designation of through streets and erection of stop or yield signs - see R.C. § 4511.65; TRAF. 313.02
Traffic control devices - see TRAF. Ch. 313