General Provisions
91.01 Definitions
91.02 Liability disclaimed
91.10 License required
91.11 Registration/license fees
91.12 Record of licenses
91.13 Issuance of tags
91.14 Collar or harness required; removal of tags
Control and Treatment of Animals
91.20 Running at large; impoundment
91.21 Notice of impoundment
91.22 Unredeemed animals
91.23 Animals exhibiting signs of rabies
91.24 Report of animal bite
91.25 Refusal to report bite
91.26 Prevention of spread of rabies
91.27 Guide, sentry or guard dogs
91.28 Leash requirements
91.29 Humane treatment
91.30 Public nuisance
Dangerous and Vicious Dogs
91.40 Definitions
91.41 Exception
91.42 Keeping of vicious dogs prohibited
91.43 Notice of sale or transfer required
91.44 Dangerous dogs
91.45 Vicious dogs
91.99 Penalty