Chapter 15.40
Article I. Definitions
15.40.010   Rules of construction and interpretation.
15.40.020   Accessory structure, low-cost and small.
15.40.025   Accessory building or use.
15.40.030   Appeal.
15.40.035   Applicant.
15.40.040   Area of shallow flooding.
15.40.050   Base flood.
15.40.060   Base flood elevation (BFE).
15.40.070   Basement.
15.40.080   Reserved
15.40.090   Building.
15.40.100   Reserved
15.40.110   Community.
15.40.115   Council.
15.40.117   Reserved
15.40.120   Development.
15.40.121   Dwelling.
15.40.122   Dwelling unit.
15.40.123   Easement.
15.40.124   Elevation certificate.
15.40.125   Encroachment.
15.40.126   Engineer, city.
15.40.127   Reserved
15.40.128   Erosion.
15.40.130   Existing manufactured home park or subdivision.
15.40.140   Expansion to an existing manufactured home park or manufactured home subdivision.
15.40.150   Reserved
15.40.160   Flood or flooding.
15.40.170   Flood hazard zones A, AE, AO.
15.40.180   Flood hazard zone X shaded.
15.40.190   Flood hazard zone X unshaded.
15.40.200   Flood insurance rate map (FIRM).
15.40.210   Flood insurance study.
15.40.220   Floodplain or flood-prone area.
15.40.230   Floodplain administrator.
15.40.240   Floodplain board.
15.40.250   Floodplain management.
15.40.260   Floodplain management regulations.
15.40.270   Reserved
15.40.280   Floodproofing.
15.40.290   Flood-related erosion.
15.40.300   Floodway.
15.40.310   Functionally dependent use.
15.40.320   Governing body.
15.40.325   Hardship.
15.40.330   Highest adjacent grade.
15.40.335   Historic structure.
15.40.340   Levee.
15.40.350   Reserved
15.40.360   Lowest floor.
15.40.370   Manufactured home.
15.40.380   Manufactured home park or subdivision.
15.40.385   Market value.
15.40.390   Mean sea level.
15.40.395   Reserved
15.40.400   National flood insurance program regulations.
15.40.410   New construction.
15.40.420   Reserved
15.40.425   Obstruction.
15.40.430   Reserved
15.40.440   Person.
15.40.445   One hundred-year flood or 100-year flood.
15.40.448   Owner.
15.40.450   Recreational vehicle.
15.40.460   Regulatory flood elevation (RFE).
15.40.470   Remedy a violation.
15.40.475   Reserved
15.40.480   Riverine.
15.40.485   Slope.
15.40.490   Special flood hazard area.
15.40.500   Start of construction.
15.40.510   Structure.
15.40.515   Substantial damage.
15.40.520   Substantial improvement.
15.40.525   Utilities.
15.40.530   Variance.
15.40.535   Violation.
15.40.540   Water surface elevation.
15.40.545   Watercourse.
Article II. Applicability, General Provisions and Requirements
15.40.550   Authority.
15.40.560   Applicability.
15.40.570   Purpose.
15.40.580   Basis for designating special flood hazard areas.
15.40.590   Interpretation and application of provisions.
15.40.600   City held harmless.
15.40.610   Statutory exceptions.
15.40.620   Floodplain administrator authority.
15.40.630   Review of base flood data.
15.40.640   Duty to maintain and obtain information.
15.40.650   Notification prior to alteration of watercourses.
15.40.660   New delineation of all floodplains and elevations when.
15.40.670   Interpretation of FIRM boundaries.
15.40.680   Notice to county flood control district when.
15.40.690   Other notices required.
15.40.700   Structure declared public nuisance when.
15.40.705   Unlawful acts and penalties.
15.40.710   Action on violations.
15.40.720   Severability.
Article III. Permits, Reports and Procedural Requirements
15.40.730   Special flood hazard area development (SFHA) permit required prior to construction or development.
15.40.740   Lowest permissible floor elevations in nonresidential structures.
15.40.750   Elevation and wet floodproofing requirements.
15.40.760   Manufactured homes and home parks.
15.40.770   Minimizing the potential for flood damage.
Article IV. Materials and Equipment Storage Standards
15.40.780   Prohibited storage.
15.40.790   Allowable storage.
15.40.800   Standards for recreational vehicles.
Article V. Floodways
15.40.810   Provisions specific to.
15.40.820   Encroachments prohibited with certain exception.
15.40.830   Placement in prohibited.
15.40.840   Compliance with flood hazard reduction provisions required.
Article VI. Standards for Subdivision
15.40.850   Preliminary subdivision proposals.
15.40.860   Final subdivision plans.
15.40.870   Subdivision proposals in general.
15.40.880   Adequate drainage required.
Article VII. Variances and Appeals
15.40.890   Appeals and requests for variances.
15.40.900   Administrative error cause for hearing.
15.40.910   Appeal to superior court when.
15.40.920   Variance criteria.
15.40.930   Granting of variance when.
15.40.940   Reserved
15.40.950   Records to be maintained.
15.40.960   Exceptions.
15.40.970   Variances denied when.
15.40.980   Variances issued when.
15.40.990   Conditions for issuance of variance.
15.40.1000   Written notice of variance issuance required.