Title 17
*Editor's Note: Title 17 consists of Ordinance 1178 as revised on March 24, 1989; October 23, 1989; and February 6, 1990.
17.04 General Provisions
17.08 Administration
17.12 Definitions
17.14 Fees
17.16 Establishment of Zones
17.20 Residential Zones
17.24 Business Zones
17.28 Community Services Zone
17.30 Commercial Office Zone
17.32 Garden and Light Industrial Zone
17.36 General Industrial Zone
17.40 Planned Area Development Zone
17.44 Neighborhood Conservation District
17.48 Planned Area Development (P.A.D.)— Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park Overlay Zoning District
17.56 Parking and Access
17.58 Miscellaneous Storage Standards and Handling of Hazardous Waste
17.60 Home Occupations
17.62 Historic Preservation
17.64 Nonconforming Uses
17.68 Administrative Procedures
17.72 Enforcement