The floodplain administrator shall take actions on violations of this chapter. If standard enforcement methods, or other attempts to remedy a violation, do not result in abatement of the violation, the floodplain administrator shall submit a report to the floodplain board, which shall include all information available to the floodplain administrator which is pertinent to the violation. Within thirty days of receipt, the floodplain board shall either:
A. Take any necessary action to effect the abatement of such violation;
B. Submit the matter to the floodplain review board to determine whether the issuance of a variance would be warranted in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of this chapter;
C. Order the owner of the property upon which the violation exists to provide whatever additional information as may be required for the board’s determination to the floodplain administrator within thirty days of such order. The floodplain administrator shall submit an amended report to the floodplain board within twenty days. At their next regularly scheduled public meeting (with due consideration for proper notice and ability to agendize the matter for consideration), the floodplain board shall either order the abatement of the violation, or submit the matter to the floodplain review board to determine whether the issuance of a variance would be warranted in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of this chapter;
D. If applicable, submit to the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency or the Federal Insurance Administration a decision for denial of insurance, stating that the property is in violation of a cited state or local law, regulation or ordinance, pursuant to Section 1316 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended.
(Ord. 1397.15.22 § 1 (part), 2019; prior code § 17-4-2.7)