General Provisions
158.001 Title
158.002 Purpose
158.003 Jurisdiction
158.004 Instances when plats will not be required
158.005 Interpretation
158.006 Disclaimer of liability
158.007 Definitions
158.008 Plan requirements
158.009 Inspection, maintenance and acceptance by city
Preliminary Plats
158.020 General procedure
158.021 Filing procedure
158.022 Information required
158.023 Plan Commission action
158.024 Review by City Council; time constraints
158.025 Rights and privileges of subdivider
Improvement Plans
158.040 Submission of plans
158.041 Information required
158.042 Inspections required
158.043 Filing “as-built” records
Assurance for Completion of Required Improvements
158.055 Approval of final plat; improvements
158.056 Forms of assurance
158.057 Amount of bond or deposit
158.058 Eligible sureties
158.059 Term of assurance; extension
158.060 Release of bond/escrow deposit
158.061 Failure to complete improvements
Final Plats
158.075 City Council approval
158.076 Filing, time limits
158.077 Information required
158.078 Certificates required
158.079 Administrative review, advisory report
158.080 Action by City Council
158.081 Changes in approved final plats
158.082 Maintenance of improvements
158.083 Vacation of plats
Administrative Procedures
158.095 Enforcement officer; duties
158.096 Subdivision variances
158.097 Review by Plan Commission
158.098 Action by City Council
158.099 Amendments
158.100 Schedule of fees
158.101 Fees; time of payment
Design and Improvement Standards
158.115 Applicability of subchapter
158.116 Suitability for development generally
158.117 Conformity with zoning
158.118 Access and relationship to street
158.119 Reference monuments
Street Design Standards
158.130 Plan integration
158.131 Right-of-way and pavement widths
158.132 Topographical considerations
158.133 Through traffic discouraged
158.134 Limited access to arterials
158.135 Dead-end streets
158.136 Intersections
158.137 Reverse curves
158.138 Improvements to existing streets
158.139 When excess right-of-way required
Street Improvement Standards
158.150 Developer’s expense
158.151 Curb and gutter
158.152 Maintenance responsibility
158.153 Blocks
158.154 Sidewalks
158.155 Street lights
158.156 Street name signs
158.170 Utility location and easements required
158.171 Utility easements
158.172 Drainage easements
158.173 Maintenance easements
158.174 Potable water required
158.175 Fire hydrants
158.176 Sanitary sewer compliance
158.177 When public system planned
158.178 Alternate methods of disposal
Drainage and Storm Sewers
158.190 Purpose and intent
158.191 Definitions
158.192 Applicability
158.193 Affidavit of disclosure of property interest
158.194 Method of evaluation
158.195 Detention of differential runoff
158.196 Flows from upstream areas
158.197 Facilities in floodplains
158.198 Land credit for detention facilities
Design Criteria
158.210 General requirements
158.211 Other references
158.212 Storm water runoff
158.213 Hydraulic considerations for detention storage
Plan Commission
158.225 Established
158.226 Membership
158.227 Term of office
158.228 Procedure
158.229 Powers and duties
158.230 Land subdivision or resubdivision and the official map
158.231 Improvements
158.232 Further purposes
158.233 Expenditures
158.999 Penalty
(A) In accordance with state law (65 ILCS 5/11-12-5, 5/11-12-8 and 5/11-12-12 and 765 ILCS 205/1 et seq.), this chapter regulates the subdivision and development of land in order to implement the comprehensive plan and Official Map duly adopted by the city.
(B) Thus, this chapter assists in achieving the following specific objectives:
(1) To preserve, protect, and promote the public health, safety and welfare;
(2) To provide a pleasant living environment by furthering the orderly and efficient layout and use of land and by facilitating aesthetic urban design;
(3) To establish accurate legal records, to avoid development in wetland areas and to avoid legal and other problems by requiring that subdivided land be properly monumented and recorded;
(4) To conserve and increase the value of land, improvements and buildings throughout the city;
(5) To preserve the natural beauty and topography of the city to the maximum feasible extent, including preservation of such features as stands of trees, streams, significant archaeological sites and historical landmarks;
(6) To provide adequate light, air and privacy for all residents of new developments by preventing undue concentration of population;
(7) To protect against injury or damage caused by fire, pollution, flooding, storm water runoff or erosion and sedimentation;
(8) To provide safe and convenient access to new developments and to avoid traffic congestion and unnecessary public expenditures by requiring the proper location, design and construction of streets and sidewalks;
(9) To provide an environment whereby the cost of installing and maintaining adequate water mains, sanitary sewers, storm water sewers and other utilities and services can be kept at a minimum; and
(10) To ensure that adequate parks, schools and similar facilities can be made available to serve the residents.
(Prior Code, § 34-1-2)