General Provisions
151.01 Definitions
151.02 State requirements adopted by reference
151.03 Manufactured Housing Act adopted
151.04 State Department of Public Health regulations adopted
151.05 National safety standards
151.06 Skirting
151.07 Fire extinguishers
151.08 Inspection
151.09 Off-street parking
151.10 Prohibited residential uses
Immobilized Manufactured Homes
151.25 General
151.26 Permit; fee
151.27 Lot size
151.28 Concrete pads
151.29 Limit of units
Manufactured Home Park Administration
151.40 Compliance with statutes; applicability
151.41 Permitting and planning a park
151.42 Local government requirements
151.43 Permits
151.44 Inspection
151.45 Violation proceedings
151.46 Initial permit required
151.47 Lot size
151.48 Restrictions
151.49 License fee
Manufactured Home Park Design and Construction Requirements
151.60 Plan document
151.61 Application
151.62 Location
151.63 Roadways and parking