(A)   Every preliminary plat shall be prepared by a state registered land surveyor at any scale from one inch equals 20 feet through one inch equals 100 feet; provided, the resultant drawing does not exceed 36 square inches.
   (B)   Each preliminary plat shall indicate on its face the following information:
      (1)   Small key map showing the relation of the proposed subdivision to section or U.S. survey lines and to platted subdivisions and dedicated roads within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision;
      (2)   Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider (if not the owner) and registered professional engineer;
      (3)   Proposed name of the subdivision;
      (4)   Zoning district classification of the tract to be subdivided and of the adjacent land;
      (5)   North arrow, graphic scale and date of map;
      (6)   The gross and net acreage area of the proposed subdivision, the acreage of streets and of any areas reserved for the common use of the property owners within the subdivision and/or for public use;
      (7)   All lot lines adjacent to and abutting the subdivision;
      (8)   Tract boundary lines showing dimensions, bearings, angles and references to known land lines;
      (9)   Topography of the tract to be subdivided as indicated by two-foot contour data for land having slopes of 0% and 4%, five-foot contour data for land having slopes between 4% to 12% and ten-foot contour data for land having slopes of 12% or more;
      (10)   Any proposed alteration, adjustment or change in the elevation or topography of any area;
      (11)   Locations of such features as bodies of water, ponding areas, natural drainageways, railroads, cemeteries, bridges, parks, schools and the like;
      (12)   Streets and rights-of-way on and adjoining the site of the proposed subdivision; showing the names and including street right-of-way and paving widths; approximate gradients; types and widths of pavement, curbs, sidewalks, crosswalks, planting strips and other pertinent data, including classification of all existing or proposed streets as to function as collector, major, minor or county road;
      (13)   A copy of the results of any tests made to ascertain subsurface rock and soil conditions and the water table;
      (14)   Locations, widths and purposes of all existing and proposed easements;
      (15)   A copy of the description of all proposed deed restrictions and covenants;
      (16)   Location and size of existing and proposed sanitary and storm sewers;
      (17)   Locations, types and approximate sizes of all other existing and proposed utilities;
      (18)   Building setback or front yard lines and dimensions;
      (19)   Locations, dimensions and areas of all parcels to be reserved or dedicated for schools, parks/playgrounds and other public purposes;
      (20)   Locations, dimensions and areas of all proposed or existing lots within the subdivision; and
      (21)   Information, as defined in § 158.023(A) of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 34-3-3)