General Provisions
51.01   Town to supply water; exceptions
51.02   Installation and protection of meter
51.03   Right of entry for inspections and reading meters
51.04   Repair of water lines
51.05   Cut-offs made at meter
51.06   Liability for cut-offs
51.07   Meters on vacated houses
51.08   Permit required for excavations; damage to water and sewer lines
51.09   Mobile home parks
51.10   Check valve or back flow preventor required
Rates and Charges
51.25   General; combined rates
51.26   Meter charges; minimum fee
51.27   Sprinklers
51.28   Service charge
51.29   Water tap charge
51.30   Rates for defective meters
51.31   Bills; application of deposit to arrears
51.32   Penalty for late payment; termination of service; reconnection
51.33   Mobile home parks
Unlawful Acts
51.45   Obstructions and interference prohibited
51.46   Use of water without a contract
51.47   Tapping water main without permit
51.48   Pollution of water
51.49   Unauthorized use of water