General Provisions
52.01   Definitions
52.02   Duty to connect to public sewer
52.03   Duty to connect to public sewer; exception
52.04   Septic tanks
52.05   Fixtures required
52.06   Notice to comply
52.07   Compliance prerequisite to occupation or use of premises
52.08   Application of chapter; exception
52.09   Disposal of human waste
52.10   Building sewer requirements
Connection to and Use of Sewer System
52.25   Procedure for connecting to sewer
52.26   Persons authorized to tap into public sewer
52.27   Separate connections
52.28   Expense of making connections
52.29   Connection of air-conditioning
52.30   Installation, inspection and approval
52.31   Maintenance
52.32   Compliance; removal and replacement
52.33   Injury, obstruction prohibited
52.34   Unaccepted waste
52.35   Deposit in manholes prohibited
52.36   Exhaust prohibited
52.37   Open gutters, cesspools and the like
52.38   Responsibility of occupants and owners of premises
52.39   Discontinuance of service
Building Inspector
52.50   Duties generally
52.51   Condemnation of unsanitary work
52.52   Right of entry; excavations
52.53   Fees
52.54   Interference with Building Inspector prohibited
52.55   Location of “Y”s used in connection with main
52.56   Discretion
Collection and Treatment of Domestic and Industrial Wastewater
52.70   Prohibited use of public sewers
52.71   Control of prohibited wastes
52.72   Permissive use of public sewers for industrial waste
52.73   Industrial discharge permit system
52.74   Maximum restrictions
52.75   Smoke testing
52.76   Private line abandonment
52.77   Private line repair
52.78   Grease control
52.99   Penalty