3-1-1: License Required
3-1-2: Form Of License
3-1-3: License Fees Payable In Advance
3-1-4: Application For License
3-1-5: Approval Of License
3-1-6: Review Of Application
3-1-7: Additional Application
3-1-8: License Nontransferable, Nonportable
3-1-9: Revocation Of Licenses
3-1-10: Duration Of License
3-1-11: Failure To Procure License
3-1-12: Appeal From Denial Of License
3-1-13: License Appeal Procedure
No person shall operate, conduct or engage in any business within the corporate limits of the city of Burley without first having obtained a license therefor from the city administrator or city clerk. Such license shall be issued upon payment of the fees hereinafter specified and upon the applicant's compliance with the applicable provisions of this chapter. All licenses shall be a personal privilege of the holder thereof and except as expressly provided herein shall become void if the holder shall cease to personally supervise, conduct and operate the trade or business for which such license has been issued. No license fee or any part thereof shall be refunded even though the licensee may fail to operate for the period named therein or any portion of such period. As used in this chapter, the term "business" shall mean any activity conducted for income or profit whether involving the sale of goods or of services. It shall not include employees earning wages or salaries, but shall include independent contractors. It shall not include a "home occupation" as that term is defined in this code, nor shall it include incidental activities by persons under the age of eighteen (18) years. This section shall not require a license for any business that has been established and conducted within the city limits prior to the effective date hereof, so long as said business does not change in its character, scope or location. A license shall be required for any existing business which undertakes a business of a different character, scope, or at a new location. (Ord. 1316, 8-18-2015)