Upon adoption by the City Council, this Code is hereby declared to be and shall hereafter constitute the official Code of the City of Burley. This Code of ordinances shall be known and cited as the BURLEY CODE, and it is hereby published by authority of the City Council and shall be kept up to date as provided in Section 1-1-3 of this Chapter. Any reference to the number of any section contained herein shall be understood to refer to the position of the same number, its appropriate chapter and title heading, and to the general penalty clause, relating thereto, as well as to the section itself, when reference is made to this Code by title in any legal documents. (1981 Code)
This Code, as hereby presented in printed form, shall hereafter be received without further proof in all courts and in all administrative tribunals of this State as the ordinances of the City of general and permanent effect, except the excluded ordinances enumerated in Section 1-2-1 of this Title. (1981 Code)