Water Regulations and Rates
General Regulations
931.01    Definition.
931.02    Scope of chapter.
931.03    Right of entry of WaterDepartment employees.
931.04    Responsibility for leakage; failure to repair; penalty.
931.05    Shut-off for repairs, extensions, or tests.
931.06    Emergency regulations.
931.07    Regulation of installations and extensions.
931.08    Permit required to turn stopcock, hydrant, or valve.
931.09    Tapping permit.
931.10    Fire protection connections; application; report.
931.11    Cross-connections; approval required.
931.12    Private fire hydrants.
931.13    Protection of public water system from contamination at cross-connections.
Water Meters
931.14   Meter installation; application.
931.15   Certificate of occupancy required.
931.16   Installation or removal by Cityrequired.
931.17   Installation fee; resumed service fee.
931.18   Protection against freezing.
931.19   Accessibility; reading.
Rates and Charges
931.20   Water rates.
931.21   Billing; shut-off for nonpayment; reconnection fee.
931.22   Fire line service charges.
931.23   Charges for damaged, frozen, lost meters.
931.24   Meter test fees.
931.25   Charges for water taken from hydrants.
Compulsory water connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06, 743.23
Tampering with water hydrants, pipes or meters; unauthorized connections - see Ohio R.C. 4933.22
Protection of public water system from cross-connection contamination required - see Ohio R.C. 6109.13